When queried about my belief, I responded that it was architecture. Architecture stands as the mother of arts, bridging the gap between the present and the past, the tangible and the intangible.环山抱海的“有福之州”,闽江穿城而过,既而承揽了一江两岸的繁华。坐落于城市中轴线上的青年广场,位置格外不同,隔江与万国建筑博物馆烟台山相望,背倚闽商精神发祥地上下杭,又与现代化的繁华都市相连;一面是世界,一面是历史,一面是当代。在此的释外就如同一艘停泊在历史时间河流里的乌榜,在新与旧、内与外之间遗世独立。Nestled between mountains and sea, the "blessed city" thrives along the bustling banks of the Minjiang River. Youth Square, situated prominently on the city's central axis, stands as a unique focal point. Across the river, it faces the Museum of International Architecture on Yantai Mountain, with Shangxiahang, the birthplace of Fujian merchants' spirit, at its back. Seamlessly integrated with the modern cityscape, it harmoniously blends the world, history, and the contemporary era. "Release the Exterior," a Wubang boat-inspired structure, proudly stands here, docked in the river of historical time. It bridges the gap between the new and the old, the interior and the exterior, standing apart yet connected.“百货随潮船入市,万家沽酒户垂帘,
“ Boats laden with goods flood the market,
wine flows in curtained homes.
Mist-wrapped alleys are adorned with ancient banyans,
while gardens breathe sweet scents of purple sugarcane in the dew.”
慢调城市的妙处总是要细细地品味,才能发觉它秀美又灵气的灵魂。福州的气韵不单藏在了山、海、城中。从唐朝开始就兴盛海外贸易的福州,在鸦片战争后更成为首批对外开放的通商口岸之一,船无可厚非地成为这座城市熠熠生辉的意象。设计师也将城市的气韵与意象注入项目的设计中去。The allure of a slow-paced city often necessitates a profound appreciation to reveal its exquisite and soulful essence. The very spirit of Fuzhou is deeply ingrained in its mountainous terrain, seafront vistas, and urban tapestry. Since the Tang Dynasty, Fuzhou has thrived in overseas trade, and following the Opium War, it emerged as one of the pioneer ports open to foreign commerce, rendering boats as an undeniably resplendent emblem of the city. The designer has masterfully incorporated this city's essence and imagery into the project's design.Growing from the earth and nourished by the sea"The interior design is expected to grow from the land just like the original architecture."顺着闽江之心步道慢行,油绿盈目,阳光如碎银泛在江面。在空隙间,更有一处红砖老建筑。Walking the Minjiang River promenade, verdant greenery fills the eyes and sunlight sparkles on the river's surface.这座建筑前身是百年茶厂。释外二字立于门边,细窄的拱门窥探得岁月的缩影。于此恍惚间,仍能嗅到海丝浪花泛起的缕缕茶香,穿行廊道至三层便得时间轴线之外的天地。伴随着阵阵江海浪,释外以茶文化为核心的生活空间悄然布局,造就一方释然世外之境。Among the foliage stands an old red-brick building, once a century-old tea factory. The inscription "Shi Wai" (Release the Exterior) beside the narrow arched door offers a glimpse into the past. Here, the scent of tea wafts from the sea, and ascending to the third floor reveals a timeless realm centered on tea culture. With the river's waves as accompaniment, this serene space offers a respite from the world.入门壁灯微明,唤起人们对海的眷恋。红色旧瓦片织筑成的船舱承载了远洋的记忆,风卷纱幔,雾气在海面升起。前厅作为文创区,在此,人们鉴茶观艺升起雅兴。船尾的东方茶榻将“饮罢方舟去,茶烟袅细香”的情趣纳入其中。时空交错,仿佛闻得那江边码头的琴音穿越千年,清越悠远,随着茶香吐纳的韵律,沉浸其中。The entrance's dim wall lamp evokes a deep sea longing. The boat cabin, crafted from aged red tiles, holds memories of sea voyages. Curtains flutter in the breeze, and sea mist rises. The front hall, a cultural hub, showcases tea appreciation and the art of tea-making, fostering elegance. The east tea bed at the stern embodies the charm of boating while drinking tea, exhaling its delicate aroma. Time and space merge, as ancient melodies from the riverside pier echo through the ages, clear and ethereal. Immersed in the tea's rhythm, one is transported to a different realm.蔚蓝在吧台铺展开来,日光被砖面的起伏折射得微光粼粼。木质的台面让来者心宽安适。帆布悬挂作顶,投影着一江两岸旧时繁华的胶片影像。用过去与当下交织,体悟着城市的底色,与当下的故事一道绵延。A deep blue hue graces the bar counter, daylight dancing in shimmers on its brickwork. The wooden countertop welcomes, offering comfort to all who gather. Overhead, canvas screens display archived images of the river's bustling past, bridging the gap between then and now, revealing the city's essence and the ongoing tales of today.蓝是海的情绪,帆是风的形状。所有世俗心事在此放下,无需背上行囊。扬帆航行,远离城市的喧哗与物欲。帆下,西洋酒漂洋而来,创意茶饮体恤茶文化年轻化。无论是大洋彼岸的浪漫,亦或是东方禅意,它们调酿起生活、艺术与人文的精粹,成为疗愈身心的玉露。Blue captures the sea's essence, while the sail mirrors the wind's form. Here, worries fade, and the urge to flee the city's noise and materialism subsides. Beneath the sails, western wines mingle with innovative tea drinks, embodying tea culture's youthfulness. A blend of oceanic romance and Eastern Zen, they distill life, art, and humanity's essence, soothing the soul and body.Quietness stills all movements,emptiness holds countless scenes.I was born with no hometown, wherever my heart is at ease is my home.释外,释意为放下,外意为自省。空间传达着古朴与平静的气质,让人心安。历史的厚重,让我们知道从何而来,去往何处。它是我们内心的基石,当我们寻找到它时,便能在此搭建精神的居所。"Shi Wai" embodies letting go and introspection. This space exudes an ancient and serene charm, fostering inner peace. History's weight reminds us of our roots and future path, serving as the cornerstone of our soul.夜幕低垂,纸灯的光线柔和近人,似海面的灯塔、家人的等候,温婉地倾诉着期盼,指引归家的方向。今后,释然心安便伴着烟火气随餐入胃,味与情被层层品尝,直抵心灵。With night's descent, paper lanterns emit a warm glow, like a beacon on the sea or a loved one's embrace. They whisper expectations, guiding us home. Henceforth, the serenity of letting go will accompany mealtime, as flavors and emotions are savored, deeply penetrating our hearts.餐桌边的百叶窗,将周围景色引作画。一窗一景随着角度不同变化,趣味盎然。又像是福州城市画廊,一页窗一篇幅,等待被静心观赏。The dining area's louvered shutters transform the surrounding scenery into a painting, each window offering a unique perspective filled with intrigue. It's like a gallery of Fuzhou, with each pane a canvas awaiting quiet appreciation.有一处窗景更为妙,如长卷般展开,一端榕树绿意逼人一端大桥上车水马龙。自然与人文,历史与今朝,内与外,在茶室交相辉映。A particularly enchanting window view unfolds like a scroll, displaying the verdant banyan trees and the bustling bridge with its constant traffic. In this tea room, nature and humanity, history and the present, blend harmoniously.露台将最佳光景为幕,灵活摆放的桌椅,让场域为承载多样的城市人文生活提供可能。The terrace, backed by breathtaking scenery, offers flexible seating arrangements, embracing the rich tapestry of urban cultural life.往深处寻觅,在拐角处经一道幽然安雅的楼道拾级而上。阁楼设为VIP包厢,复古的台灯带来慰藉。原建筑的地板、本土漆艺家沈克龙的作品、质朴的沙发……素雅、古朴、宁静、厚重的历史美感以一种返璞归真的态度相遇。Beyond the corridor's serene elegance, stairs lead to the VIP room on the garret. Here, a retro table lamp offers solace amidst original floor tiles, local lacquer art by Shen Kelong, and rustic sofas—a blend of simplicity, antiquity, serenity, and profound historical beauty. 海面皓月半轮作门,入得有一隅小阁楼。坐看帆布随风鼓动,夜色下觥筹交错,便有“且就洞庭赊月色,将船买酒白云边”的意趣。Entering through a doorway framed by a sea-facing half-moon, a cozy attic awaits. Here, sails flutter in the breeze and glasses clink under the starry sky, invoking the charm of "borrowing Dongting's moonlight, buying wine by the white clouds."
Respecting the past and embracing the present, a shelter for the soul这并非要演绎一场,“新”与“古”的对比,而是寻求一种微妙的平衡,更符合现代人对生活空间的不同需求。This is not about staging a contrast between "new" and "old", but rather seeking a subtle balance that better suits the diverse needs of modern people for living spaces.依托建筑本身的框架,铺陈新的故事。怀着对古建筑的敬畏之心,在尊重建筑本身价值的基础上,保留原有屋檐和外形特征,将内部重组,在新与旧之间寻得一份平衡。Drawing inspiration from the architectural framework, we craft a new narrative, preserving the original eaves and exterior while reinventing the interior to strike a harmonious balance between the ancient and modern.在闽以南才能见到的红瓦,经多方收集下精心切割。而后内里再获新生,与斑驳的表面组合错落开。红瓦是深情的,一片一片交错叠叠,像是时间的年轮,又像是密密地书写了整墙的诗句,记录着过去也书写着未来,没有起点也无终结。Red tiles, unique to southern Fujian, were meticulously collected and cut. They are rejuvenated within, contrasting with the mottled exterior, and evoking a sense of emotional depth. Like tree rings or wall inscriptions, they record the past and promise the future, with neither a beginning nor an end.角落的八角桌,叠高的银箱,古朴的木梁……它们带着故事在等待,等待一场一见如故,等待一场久别重逢。The octagonal table, stacked silver boxes, and rustic wooden beams all bear tales, awaiting familiar encounters and reunions.设计构筑灵魂栖息地。从此,一盏茶,一盅酒,一桌食,一段光阴,都在此回归精神原乡。释外这艘乌榜承载了城市的自然与人文,待时间绵延更将演绎出新的生活方式。Design crafts a soulful haven. Here, tea, wine, meals, and moments all find their spiritual home. The Shi Wai, a vessel of city's nature and culture, will evolve into a novel way of life with time.Andrew Martin国际室内设计大奖入选设计师About Company