【程序分享】MPInterfaces 程序:基于材料项目的 Python 工具,用于界面系统的高通量计算筛选

文摘   2024-09-26 17:43   吉林  


分享一个 MPInterfaces:基于材料项目的 Python 工具,用于界面系统的高通量计算筛选




“基于材料项目开发的开源 Python 工具 MPInterfaces 可自动进行界面系统的高通量计算筛选和研究。该框架包括创建和操作固/固异质结构、固/溶剂系统、纳米粒子/配体系统的界面结构;以及创建简单的系统识别工作流,以便使用密度函数理论或经验能量模型进行深入计算分析。该软件包利用现有的开源高通量工具,并将其功能扩展到界面系统的理解。我们介绍了软件包中实现的各种算法和方法。通过几个测试案例,我们展示了该软件包如何实现先进材料的高通量计算筛选,为旨在加速新材料的发现、开发和部署的材料基因组计划(MGI)做出直接贡献。”——取自文章摘要。


Materials Genome Initiative

2D materials






Wulff construction


Density-functional theory


MPinterfaces is a python package that enables high throughput Density Functional Theory(DFT) analysis of arbitrary material interfaces(two dimensional materials, hetero-structure, ligand capped nanoparticles and surfaces in the presence of solvents) using VASP, VASPsol, LAMMPS, materialsproject database as well as their open source tools and a little bit of ase.



Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Installing Pymatgen
$ conda install -c matsci pymatgen
Note: You will need to have C++ libraries properly installed for the package to install correctly on Windows.
Note: If this does not work, see http://pymatgen.org/#getting-pymatgenInstalling MPInterfaces from GitHub
If you would like to get the latest updates, or develop and contribute we recommend getting the bleeding edge copy from the github repository.
If you already have a local copy, steps 1 and 2 of the following instructions can be skipped. Just do a "git pull" from the MPInterfaces folder and go to step 3(if the local copy was installed in the develop mode this step can be skipped too).
Note: on using virtual environments on your own machine, we recommend to use Miniconda.
Clone the latest version from github
git clone https://github.com/henniggroup/MPInterfaces.git
cd MPInterfaces python setup.py install(or develop) Copy the mpint_config.yaml file from config_files/mpint_config.yaml to ~/mpint_config.yaml and update the file so that you at least have the following environment variables : MAPI_KEY=the_key_obtained_from_materialsproject PMG_VASP_PSP_DIR=path_to_vasp_potcar_files
For teaching and demo purposes, we recommend using Microsoft Azure notebooks, an example of which is at https://notebooks.azure.com/JoshGabriel92/libraries/PourbaixCourse which contains two notebooks that illustrate installing pymatgen and pyhull for on the fly data science tutorials. We have one notebook FeOH_Example.ipynb for Pourbaix diagrams and an MPInterfacesDemo that illustrate other features of the MPInterfaces code with more to come.Installing MPInterfaces from PyPI
Once you have a nicely prepped virtual environment with miniconda and you do not seek to do extensive code development/contributions, we recommend installing from PyPI with:
$ pip install MPInterfaces_Latest


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MPInterfaces: A Materials Project based Python tool for high-throughput computational screening of interfacial systems




A very minimal documentation is avaiable at



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