
文摘   2024-09-21 17:44   吉林  


分享一个 HTESP(高通量电子结构包):用于高通量从头算的代码



                    ****    ****   ***********   *********   ********       ********                                     |  |    |  |       | |       | |____     | |            |  |  \ \                                     |  |____|  |       | |       |  ____|    | |*****       |  |__| |                                           |   ____   |       | |       | |_____          | |      |  _____/                                           |  |    |  |       | |       |_______|   ******| |      |_ |                                           |__|    |__|       |_| *********************************************                                                              **********************                                                                                                 High Throughput Electron-Structure Package                              
Program written by
Niraj K Nepal, PhD & Lin-Lin Wang, PhD Email: nnepal@ameslab.gov Email: llw@ameslab.gov tug11655@temple.edu


Key functionalities:
a. Retrieving and Formatting Input Files from Materials Project, AFLOW, and OQMD Databases for Quantum Espresso (QE) and VASP Calculations.
b. Conducting Ground-State Calculations, including Structure Relaxation, Band Structure, and Density of States (DOS) Calculations, with Comprehensive Convergence Tests.
c. Performing Electron-Phonon Calculations and Investigating Superconductivity Utilizing Isotropic Eliashberg Approximation, with Spectral Function (α^2F) Plotting, Phonon Dispersion Analysis (with or without Atomic Projections).
d. Generating Input Files for Wannier90, EPW (Anisotropic Superconductivity), and WannierTools Calculations, with energies windows provided by users for wannierization.
e. Conducting Phonon and Thermodynamic Calculations Using the Phonopy Package.
f. Executing Ground-State Calculations to Construct Thermodynamic Phase Diagrams (Convex Hulls) with the Pymatgen Library.
g. Performing Fermi Surface Calculations Utilizing the IFERMI Package.
h. Computing Elastic Properties, Investigating Magnetic Ordering, and Other Related Analyses.


“高通量计算是数据驱动的具有理想性能的新材料发现中不可或缺的部分,这反映在多个在线材料数据库的建立上。通过计算积累大量理论数据,通过构建机器学习和人工智能模型来预测新化合物并预测其特性,从而实现数据驱动的发现。从这些现有的在线材料数据库中有效使用和提取数据可以加速下一阶段的材料发现,目标是不同的和更先进的特性,例如用于声子介导的超导性的电子-声子耦合。然而,从这些数据库中提取数据、为不同的计算生成定制的输入文件、执行此类计算以及分析新结果可能是艰巨的任务。在这里,我们介绍一个用Python和Bash语言编写的名为“HTESP”(高通量电子结构包)的软件包,它可以自动化整个工作流程,包括数据提取、输入文件生成、计算提交、结果收集和绘图。我们的 HTESP 将有助于加快未来计算材料的发现过程。”——取自文章摘要。



Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8


tutorial1: Generate submission file.
tutorial2: Extract data from materials project in element mode
tutorial3: Extract data from materials project in chemsys mode
tutorial4: Extract data from OQMD database
tutorial5: Extract data from AFLOW database
tutorial6: Extract data in magnetic configuration
tutorial7: Combine database from 3 database
tutorial8: Generate input files from .cif files
tutorial9: Perform structure relaxation
tutorial10: Perform convergence tests
tutorial11: Bandstructure and DOS calculations
tutorial12: Preparing input files for different pressures or volumes
tutorial13: Generating input files with substitutions
tutorial14: Computing elastic constants
tutorial15: Thermodynamic phase stability
tutorial16: Automated phonopy+VASP calculations to compute phonon bandstructure
tutorial17: Equation of State
tutorial18: Wannier interpolated bandstructure
tutorial19: Preparing input files for systems with non-zero net charge
tutorial20: Create input files for different magnetic ordering
tutorial21: 3D Fermi Surface using IFermi package.


tutorial1: Generate submission file.
tutorial2: Extract data from materials project in element mode
tutorial3: Extract data from materials project in chemsys mode
tutorial4: Extract data from OQMD database
tutorial5: Extract data from AFLOW database
tutorial6: Extract data in magnetic configuration
tutorial7: Combine database from 3 database
tutorial8: Generate input files from .cif files
tutorial9: Perform structure relaxation
tutorial10: Perform convergence tests
tutorial11: Electron-phonon calculations and computing superconducting critical temperature
tutorial12: Bandstructure and DOS calculations
tutorial13: Preparing input files for different pressures or volumes
tutorial14: Generating input files with substitutions
tutorial15: Computing elastic constants
tutorial16: Thermodynamic stability
tutorial17: Automated phonopy+QE calculations to compute phonon bandstructure
tutorial18: Equation of State
tutorial19: Wannier interpolated bandstructure
tutorial20: Preparing input files for systems with non-zero net charge
tutorial21: Create input files for different magnetic ordering

RequirementsCurrent package is tested only for Linux Distribution, with Python and Bash languages.
Basic requirements
numpy, scipy, pandas, matplotlib
Pymatgen: https://pymatgen.org/
ASE: https://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/ase/
mp_api: https://next-gen.materialsproject.org/api
Extra packages
lmfit: https://lmfit.github.io/lmfit-py/. conda install -c conda-forge lmfit. This is needed for SCDM fit to calculate initial projections for wannierization.
IFERMI: https://fermisurfaces.github.io/IFermi/introduction.html#installation. Required for Fermi surface generation.
bsym: https://bsym.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html. Required for substitutions of elements in crystal.
Phonopy: https://phonopy.github.io/phonopy/Package structure
Parent folder: HTESPSub folders: docs (Documentation), examples, src, utility (various additional scripts)installation script: setup.pyLicense file: LICENSEReadme file: README.mdInside src, there is a "bash" folder that has bash scripts for running calculations
Installation:Download software
git clone https://github.com/Neraaz/HTESP.git
#Go to HTESP directory cd HTESPConda environment
Make sure the conda is available either via miniconda or anaconda installation
conda create --name myenv python==3.9.12
source activate myenvInstall requirements
pip install -r requirements.txtAlso install phonopy in the conda environmentInstall HTESP package
pip install .check executable
which mainprogramDo "mainprogram basicinfo" to begin.
#Install phonopy to perform phonopy calculations
#Alternatively, install in developer version
python setup.py develop
Look for executable with
which mainprogram.pyAfter installation,
Provide path to ~/src/bash folder in ~/.bashrc
export PATH="path_to_HTESP/src/bash:$PATH"
Provide path to src file
Note: To run the mainprogram command without encountering errors, ensure you copy the config.json file from the /utility/input_files/ directory to the working directory.Contributors
Written and maintained byNiraj K. Nepal (nnepal@ameslab.gov, niraj.nepal@temple.edu)
Postdoctoral Researcher, Ames National LaboratoryLin-Lin Wang
Staff Scientist, Ames National LaboratoryCiting HTESP
To support development activities, please cite the following paper and the papers referenced therein for calculations conducted.
N. K. Nepal, P. C. Canfield, and L.-L. Wang, HTESP (high-throughput electronic structure package): a package for the high-throughput ab initio calculations, Computational Materials Science, 244, 113247 (2024)


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HTESP (High-throughput electronic structure package): A package for high-throughput ab initio calculations





  1. SMATool 程序:VASP + QE + 零温 + 有限温度 + 拉伸、剪切、双轴、维氏硬度的计算
  2. ElasTool v3.0 程序:材料弹性和机械性能的高效计算和可视化工具包
  3. VELAS 程序:用于弹性各向异性可视化和分析
  4. Phasego 程序:用于自动计算和绘制相图
  5. 可视化软件 GDIS 软件:第一原理计算/VASP + 结构预测/USPEX
  6. VASPMATE:集成用户界面程序 + 高通量计算
  7. TRACK:使用 Kubo 计算相关电子系统传输特性的 Python 代码
  8. 弹性各向异性后处理软件 ElASTool(四):可以计算弹性常数随温度的变化关系
  9. 弹性各向异性后处理软件(三)
  10. 弹性各向异性后处理软件 ElATools(二)
  11. GULP 案例 3 代码解释:计算弹性常数以及弹性模量二维/三维投影图的绘制
  12. 【程序分享】MD2D 程序:用于从分子动力学模拟中准确测定扩散系数的 python 模块
  13. 【程序分享】SPaMD studio 程序:(VASP + LAMMPS) 原子建模、模拟、分析和可视化的集成平台
  14. 【程序分享】ElasT 程序:用于热弹性计算的工具包
  15. 【程序分享】CrySPY 程序:机器学习加速的晶体结构预测工具
