活动预告 | 影视与创意科技学院第五届数字媒体艺术展AFCT 5th Digital Media Arts Exhibition

教育   2024-12-07 11:00   江苏  



Academy of Film and Creative Technology

The 5th Digital Media Arts Exhibition


Ecosystem 生态系统是数字媒体艺术专业一年一度的重磅课程成果展,以“生态系统”为主题,全面展示不同年级学生的创意探索与学习成果。展览通过数字动画、互动装置、3D建模、虚拟现实等多样化形式,呈现数字媒体艺术在科技与艺术交汇处的无限可能。

展览以交叉、贯通、共生为核心理念,深度体现了专业的Syntegrative Education(融合式教育)特色。它打破学科界限,将数字艺术、人工智能、数据可视化与互动设计等领域紧密结合,展现技术与艺术的无缝融合。从跨学科的实验性创作到团队协作的创新项目,每一件作品都传递出数字化时代创意生态的复杂性与协同美学。


 Exhibition Introduction 

Ecosystem is the annual showcase of the Digital Media Arts program, featuring works from students across all levels. Under the theme of “Ecosystem,” the exhibition highlights the intersection of technology and art through digital animation, interactive installations, 3D modeling, and virtual reality.

Centered on intersection, integration, and symbiosis, the exhibition reflects the program’s Syntegrative Education philosophy, blending disciplines like digital art, AI, and data visualization. It explores collaborative innovation and the harmony of diverse ideas, technologies, and creativity.

Ecosystem invites audiences to rethink the relationship between humanity, technology, and nature while celebrating the future of interdisciplinary education and digital creativity.





 Exhibition Details 

Title: The 5th Digital Media Arts Exhibition

Date: 11-15 December 2024

Opening: 17:00-20:30, 11 December

Venue: AS Building, South Campus, XJTLU





 Opening Agenda 

Opening Ceremony:

17:00-20:30, 11 December (WED)

  *The organiser reserves the right to amend the agenda.

 Modules Description 

 FTA222 Minor Digital Arts Project (Installation & Interactive Design) 

 FTA315 Professional Practice (Portfolio Exhibition) 

 FTA129 Computer Applications for Digital Media Arts (IP Character Design) 

 FTA240 Production Techniques for Digital Media(Post Production)

 FTA228 Motion Design 

 FTA302 Digital Media Arts: Major Project

 Previous Years 



Are you eager to gain a thorough understanding of the digital media arts profession? Do you seek a more immersive firsthand experience with digital media arts? Are you longing to undergo an artistic and technological baptism for your soul? We enthusiastically welcome you to join us at the 5th Digital Media Arts Exhibition!

校友故事 | 9年蜕变成集团欧洲区域总经理!



西交利物浦大学是经中国教育部批准,由西安交通大学和英国利物浦大学合作创立的、具有独立法人资格和鲜明特色的新型国际大学。XJTLU is an international collaborative university in China.