美国人 00:00
There are a few things that I'm seeing over on Red Note that are absolutely wild to me. And here's some of the things that I find the craziest.
美国人 00:06
When Chinese people see footage of the homelessness in America, like what our streets look like, they think that the footage is fake because they literally can. Cons How much homelessness is coming on here? When they see the footage? Some of these comments are saying, why don't they just go home? Is it comfortable to sleep on the street or something? They don't get it.
美国人 00:26
Chinese people have found out that some Americans end up selling their blood or plasma to make a little bit more money to be able to pay their bills and made them emotional because they can't conceptualize how a government could allow their citizens to have to sell their own blood to be able to afford their lives. The homelessness population in China is only 0.18%. 5% of Chinese people are homeowners. The poor people in China do not have to pay taxes because they still want poor people to have food and shelter.
中国人发现,一些美国人最终会出售他们的血液或血浆来赚更多的钱来支付他们的账单,并让他们情绪化,因为他们无法理解政府如何允许他们的公民必须出售自己的血液才能负担得起自己的生命。中国无家可归的人口只有0.18%。5% 的中国人是房主。中国的穷人不必纳税,因为他们仍然希望穷人有食物和住所。
美国人 00:56
Americans commented on some posts being like, is it actually true that thousands of you guys work in sweatshops to be able to make really cheap clothing for us in the United States? And you have to like live and work out of these sweatshops for no money? The comments back were that they were emotional because they couldn't believe that Americans actually believe that it's not true. They are clearly comfortable posting their children online because they are not worried about what perverted men will do if they see videos of their children online.
美国人 01:24
The way that Americans have been shown that life in China looks like basically living in an overpopulated slum so wrong, their cities are stunning, their homes are stunning and they're affordable. Americans have also been told that Chinese people don't like Americans and that American people shouldn't like Chinese people. We have never been welcomed with open arms, more so they are so kind, the comment sections under videos that would get obliterated in the United States of people bullying the creator, filling their comment sections with judgment. Polar opposite. On Red Note, the people commenting are cheering people on, being supportive, being kind and spreading more positivity.
美国人 02:10
There are centers for after women give birth in China where the women and the Bab stay in the facility for a month. They have a 24 7th nanny, a chef makes them three meals a day and three snacks a day that are made for them based off of ingredients in the meal that will help them heal post birth. Yo, we have been bam, boozed, bamboozled.