沿着总书记的足迹,中国建筑融媒体中心、中建一局与《求是》外文版编辑部联合制作视频《窑砖 新瓷都》走进陶阳里历史文化街区。曾经,这里“陶阳十三里,烟火十万家”,“窑火夜夜明,瓷器日日出”。近年来,修旧如旧、以“绣花”功夫开展历史文化街区改造,让景德镇焕发时代新彩,也让古老的瓷文化更广泛地走向全球。这里的每块窑砖,都在讲述文化遗产传承保护的精彩故事。
Jiangxi Province’s Jingdezhen is renowned as China’s “Porcelain Capital”. In its central area lies the Taoyangli Historical and Cultural District. Once, thousands of households here were engaged in the ceramic industry, with a scene of kiln fires burning all night and ceramics being crafted day after day. In recent years, like-for-like and embroidery-like “nuanced renovation” of this historical and cultural district makes Jingdezhen shine with new charm, seeing old ceramic culture radiate globally. Each kiln brick here tells the wonderful story of the inheritance and protection of cultural heritage.