Authors: Chang Q. Sun, Yong Zhou, Hengxin Fang, Biao Wang
Skin supersolidity entitles water droplets with extraordinary catalytic capability, chemical reactivity, elastic adaptivity, hydrophobicity, hydro-voltaicity, sensitivity, thermal stability, etc.
Authors: Chuanning Zhao, Youngjoon Suh, Yoonjin Won
Conventional force sensors, such as piezoelectric and beam sensors, encounter limitations in measuring droplet impact forces at extremely small length scales. Our proposed vision-based framework is qualified in digitizing the dynamic droplet impact behaviors and forces on non-conventional surfaces (tilted surfaces), extreme spatial and temporal resolutions (micrometers and hundreds of microseconds), along with a force sensitivity of approximately 10 pico-newtons.
Authors: Shile Feng, Yongping Hou, Yongmei Zheng
We report a programmable curvilinear self-propelling of droplets based on the collaboration of the curvilinear wetting gradient and the Leidenfrost effect. This design achieves motion trajectory in a well-controlled manner as well as high velocity and long distance of droplet independent of the preset channel, all of which manifest their extensive practical applications.
Authors: Ratima Suntornnond, Wei Long Ng, Viktor Shkolnikov, Wai Yee Yeong
A proof-of-concept study demonstrating the fabrication of multimaterial HMPs of tunable sizes and ratios using thermal inkjet bioprinting.
Authors: Zhi Tao, Weidong Fang, Haiwang Li, Shuai Yin, Tiantong Xu, Teckneng Wong, Yi Huang
AC electric field-controlled heterogeneous paired-droplet merging offer a wider range of the coalescence region and longer merging time than homogeneous paired-droplets, by which a rapid, additive-free, and on-chip fabrication of hydrogel microspheres is achieved with a wide range of concentrations in high monodispersity.
Authors: Zhikun Xu, Jinzhao Liu, Houpeng Zhang, Tianyou Wang, Zhizhao Che
Aerodynamic breakup of emulsion droplets in a continuous airflow is a fundamental issue for many natural phenomena and practical applications. This study experimentally investigated the aerodynamic breakup of water-in-oil emulsions in airflow. The digital in-line holography is used to measure the fragment sizes after the droplet breakup. The presence of the dispersed droplets in the emulsions results in a higher apparent viscosity and promotes bag film perforation. These features further lead to different transition Weber numbers and fragment size distributions.
Droplet(《液滴》)是由吉林大学主办,与国际著名出版公司Wiley合作出版的英文国际性学术期刊,是国际上第一本全面报道液滴/气泡交叉领域科研成果的学术期刊。目前为季刊,主要发表液滴/气泡相关领域的原创性研究论文、综述及评论性文章,重点报道与液滴/气泡相关的结构、材料和系统设计、制备和仿生调控等方面的基础研究及工程应用。现任主编为中国科学院院士任露泉教授、美国加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校CJ Kim教授。执行主编由香港理工大学王钻开教授担任。
目前,Droplet(《液滴》)已被国际著名数据库ESCI, EI Compendex, Scopus, DOAJ和CAS收录,入选中国科技期刊卓越行动计划高起点新刊项目。本刊旨在成为跨学科的高水平学术交流平台,展示液滴和气泡相关领域的前沿研究成果,推进国际科研传播与合作。