
文摘   2024-07-31 23:46   湖南  





Today is the first day of class, and in order to catch the train, I got up at five o'clock. Because I was afraid of missing the bus, I actually woke up in a daze for a while, but I didn't have time to check my phone, after all, the faint light passing through the bed curtain in the morning is quite subtle. I clearly woke up as scheduled after the alarm went off. I washed up quickly, but when I arrived at the station, I found that the nearest bus was six stops away from me, and I thought to myself about taking a taxi. But I guessed that the early morning bus might be like a speeding train, waiting for the bus for eight minutes with such anticipation. Finally I arrived at the train within the planned time. Shortly after entering the seat, I found the originally scheduled departure time was delayed. 
Sometimes what you think is just a twist of fate. Since I have arrived, there was no better choice than waiting. Fortunately, I didn't wait too long as the train departed. You see, people are like this, easily satisfied, as long as they are a little better than the worst, they are still okay. 
I got on the car, there were many men including young people, middle-aged men, and one smoking men. He lit a cigarette casually, and I tried to hold my breath to avoid inhaling his secondhand smoke. I gave up soon and couldn't hope that men would stop smoking. So I had to take out my phone and message my husband, complaining about the pungent smell of smoke and the crowded and messy carriage. In fact, all of this was a choice I made, and he did not participate at all. But when the outcome is not as expected, we tend to habitually blame something, such as me blaming my husband for the discomfort at this moment. After sending the message, I closed my eyes for three minutes and couldn't stand still. I thought about writing something, and then it was these words at this moment. After a while, the train attendant knocked on the door to signal me to give up my space. My gaze turned to the outside of the train, the sky became brighter, I was almost there, and the smell of smoke had dissipated.

I didn't realize until yesterday that I had been taking a detour. I took the three hour route without realizing it, which could have been a two-hour journey. This feeling is like boiling a frog in warm water, completely unaware that one can jump out.
In a society where information is too complex, there are even more barriers to information, making it easy to become complacent and forget oneself in one's own small world. However, I must admit that it was precisely because of the detour that I saw a different scenery and felt the stillness of five o'clock in the morning. Of course, due to a momentary realization or accidental discovery, I also experienced the excitement of six o'clock. So I don't need to regret the time I wasted, after all, to some extent, those experiences were not wasted. There is no path in life that is in vain, I have always been so determined. Life always rewards those who keep moving forward. Perhaps there is no fruit to pick at this moment, but there are sprouting leaves and flower buds waiting to bloom, which are also good. Even if none of these are present, just a wisp of wind is a gift. The summer breeze is so precious and difficult. And some trees themselves have no fruit, only leaves. Just like sometimes taking a road without an end, there is no need to complain about not having concrete gains, because the process itself and the experience itself are already abundant.

I don't know if it's the inspiration from the philosophy theory class these days, but I feel like I started writing with great fluency, as if I have transformed into a profound philosopher. But I also know very well that I am actually a person on the move, and so are philosophers, but they have a more meticulous observation of life, insightful thinking, and firm and decisive actions. And I'm still on the road, still exploring. The days of studying are really good, you see, I've arrived at the station.





















At this moment, I realize that eating breakfast is like being in a relationship. When I wasn't in a relationship back then, I was always full of ambition, thinking that I had to have more passionate relationships and experience various flavors. But after just falling in love once or twice, looking back on the past, sometimes I completely don't understand why I was so ignorant at that time, sometimes I miss the scattered warmth lost, and sometimes I directly regret that inexplicable pause.In short, gradually we have become pragmatic, and more precisely, we have a better understanding of what we want.

