
文摘   2024-05-22 11:03   湖南  


I stared at myself in the mirror: blue tights, yellow vest, a fish tail trailing behind me, and large eyes sitting at op my head. I raised my eyebrows and sighed.

"Mom, I don't think this costume is right," I said. "Maybe the makeup will add something," Mom replied hopefully.

Somehow Mom had convinced me to play the Fish Footman in Alice in Wonderland. I can't say it's been the time of my life.

"What if I forget my lines?" I hesitated.

"Oh Riley, is that what you're afraid of? I know you've been rehearsing for two months, you were the first off-book in your scene, and I couldn't be prouder of you." Mom said, kneeling down and hugging me.

The next day we pulled into the parking lot, and I stepped out of the car, wearing the questionable costume. I shrank inside myself, but Mom pulled me toward the makeup room. When the makeup was done, I looked at myself in the mirror. My jaw dropped.

"Mom! I can't go onstage like this!" I cried."Why not?"

"I'd be a laughing stock(笑柄)!"

"Riley, look around you! You're not the only one in an odd costume.""What if we just sneak out? No one will miss me." I whispered.

Mom's lips disappeared into a thin line, and I knew I had gone too far. "Riley, I'm going to watch you go out on that stage tonight. And that's the end of it." Then mom disappeared into the audience. I sat there, alone and bored, as the play began and the curtain rose on.

The two boys dressed as Two of Clubs(梅花 2) near me chatted casually about this and that. Suddenly, they asked, "You're awfully quiet. Is this your first show?" I tried to respond, but my voice caught in my throat and refused to escape. I coughed and nearly yelled, "YES!"

The Ace of Diamonds(方块A) sitting nearby laughed. "The audience will certainly hear you if you talk that loud. But you might have to clear your throat first," she chuckled. I gave them a weak smile.

"Don't worry about us," the Ace said. "We're only teasing."

"Yeah," the Two said. "When you've done as many shows as we have, projecting will be second nature to you."


Paragraph 1: When my name was called, I stepped onto the stage uneasily.

Paragraph 2: Suddenly I was determined to make a lasting impression.

Paragraph 1: When my name was called, I stepped onto the stage uneasily. The bright lights blinded me for a moment, and I felt the weight of the audience's expectant gazes. Despite that, my muscle memory took over. We had rehearsed so many times that I was like a robot, reciting my lines in the most monotone(单调的) voice imaginable. A small part of my brain whispered that I had said these lines much better in rehearsal, but I pushed that voice away. I just wanted to get offstage as fast as possible. Soon, the end of my scene was approaching, and I grew uncomfortably aware that the audience had indeed been very quiet during it. Had I done something wrong? Did they not like me?

Paragraph 2: Suddenly I was determined to make a lasting impression. I remembered the Two of Clubs and the Ace of Diamonds, their easy confidence. They, too, had started somewhere, likely just as nervous and uncertain as I was now.Then I straightened my spine, cleared my throat, and yelled with all the force I could muster. Obviously, the audience heard me. As the dialogue began, I found my voice, clear and strong, resonating through the theatre. I moved with purpose, embracing the absurdity of my costume and transforming it into a character that was both comical and endearing. With each passing minute, my confidence grew, fueled by the audience response of laughter and applause, their enjoyment tangible proof that I had overcome my fears. As the final curtain fell, Mom found her way backstage, her eyes shining with pride. "You were amazing, Riley," she whispered. In that moment, I realized that stepping out of my comfort zone, despite the initial hesitation and fear, had led me to discover a strength within myself that I never knew existed.

第一段:当有人叫我的名字时,我忐忑不安地走上舞台。明亮的灯光使我失明了一会儿,我感受到了观众期待的目光的重量。尽管如此,我的肌肉记忆还是占据了主导地位。我们排练了很多次,我就像一个机器人,用最单调的方式背诵台词(单调的) 可以想象的声音。我大脑的一小部分小声说,我在排练时把这些台词说得好多了,但我把那个声音推开了。我只是想尽快离开舞台。很快,我的戏就要结束了,我不舒服地意识到观众在这场戏中确实很安静。我做错了什么吗?他们不喜欢我吗?


