为了帮助ESSEC的新生们更好地融入校园生活,ESSEC Chine会在开学前举办两场特别的新生分享会,一场为Master项目的学生们准备;另一场为BBA项目的学生们准备。
九月,我们迎来了一年一度的社团之夜,ESSEC Chine为大家准备了许多包含中国元素的小礼物。社团成员们展示了许多我们举办的文化活动和社交聚会的精彩瞬间。
ESSEC CHINExHEC CHINExESCP CHINE在本学年共同举行了三校联谊活动,三校的学子们不仅结交了新朋友,还在互动中增长了见识,收获了许多宝贵的经验。我们相信未来还会有更多类似的机会,帮助在法留学的同学们不断拓展人脉,提升自我。感谢所有参与者的热情参与,也感谢每一位为此次活动付出努力的工作人员,期待在未来的活动中再见!
学以致用,业以精进。ESSEC Chine邀请了五位学长学姐进行职业分享,其中覆盖了从求职渠道、简历撰写、面试技巧到行业见解的方方面面,让大家受益匪浅。尽管以线上形式进行,同学们的积极参与和热烈互动,体现了大家对职业发展的关注和热情。同学们学到了实用的求职技巧,增强了对金融行业的认识和理解。
ESSEC Chine隆重举办了2024年新年联欢晚会!当晚活动现场热闹非凡,迎来了400位热情观众,创下了ESSEC Chine春节联欢晚会的新纪录。和朋友们在照片墙打卡,体验包饺子,感受中国书法,在许愿墙留下新年愿望……希望我们的晚会能让远在异国他乡的你,感受到浓浓的春节氛围,体验到家的温馨。
ESSEC Chine荣幸应邀参与由MELT主办的International Week活动!作为展示ESSEC多元文化的一环,我们邀请到了了来自巴黎的舞狮艺人大家带来了震撼的舞狮表演。我们为大家准备的丰富多样的中国零食吸引了众多同学驻足品尝,让大家在品味美食的同时,也感受到了浓浓的年味。让我们期待未来更多精彩的活动,共同感受多元文化的魅力!
我是22级GE的张欣怡,很开心可以开启我在ESSEC Chine的又一年啦!感谢大家过去对ESSEC Chine和我的支持,新的学年我们已经在策划更多有趣有意义的活动,敬请期待啦!
Hello, I’m Xinyi from 22 GE. I’m so excited to start my third year in ESSEC Chine. Thank you very much for all the support in the past. We’re already planning more events for this year. Stay tuned!
大家好,我是GE23届的吴珈珞,有幸在ESSEC Chine度过了非常开心的一年,也很荣幸在新的一年里能作为副主席,继续为大家组织有意义且有趣的活动,让大家在异国他乡感受到家的温暖。
Hello everyone, I'm Jialuo Wu from GE 2023. I had a wonderful year at ESSEC Chine and am truly honored to serve as your Vice President this coming year. I am excited to organise more meaningful and enjoyable activities that make our time abroad feel just like home.
Hallo大家好!可以叫我Jenny~ 很开心能继续在新的学年和ESSEC Chine的新老小伙伴们举办各类有意思的活动!期待与大家的见面!
Hiii my name is Jenny~ 🥰can’t wait to meet you all in person! Come and join ESSEC Chine for all the amazing events coming up 🔜 😎
转眼已经是加入ESSEC Chine的第二年,很高兴能在过去的一年里和优秀的大家一起举办众多丰富有意义的活动。希望新的学年里能再接再厉,携手新老伙伴们继续宣扬中华文化,增加中法文化交流,为中国同学们提供更多的支持和帮助!
I am entering my second year as a member of ESSEC Chine with great enthusiasm. Over the past year, it has been a pleasure to organize numerous meaningful activities with our talented members. As we start a new academic year, I look forward to building on our achievements, continuing to promote Chinese culture, enhancing Sino-French cultural exchanges, and providing increased support for our Chinese students. Let’s work together, both newcomers and long-standing members, to make this year even more successful!
不知不觉已经在ESSEC Chine度过了两年,非常荣幸可以和社团一起进步成长。感谢大家对每个活动的支持与参与,希望在新的一年里我们都继续努力,让更多同学们在法国留下一段美好的回忆~
It’s been such an honor for me to progress and accompany with ESSEC Chine for the last 2 years. Thank you all for your support and participation in every event. Let's keep up the effort in the new coming year and create more wonderful memories for more students in France❤️
During the past three years with everyone, we have been dedicated to helping Chinese students integrate into the ESSEC campus and promoting Chinese culture to enhance cultural exchange and communication between China and France. In the coming year, we look forward to working with you to plan and host more meaningful and valuable activities, ensuring that every member fully enjoys life at ESSEC and in France. Thank you for your support and participation. We look forward to creating more wonderful memories together in the future.
我叫林(Cédric)添乐,今年19岁,是一名华裔学生,目前就读于ESSEC商学院BBA项目的二年级。很高兴能成为ESSEC Chine 的新财务总监。过去的一年里,我在学业和课外活动中积累了很多经验。作为财务总监,我会尽力管理好社团的财务,确保资金的合理使用,为社团的发展提供支持,争取新的机会。希望我们一起努力,让ESSEC Chine越来越好!
My name is 林 (Cédric) 添乐. I am 19 years old, currently in my second year of the BBA program at ESSEC Business School. I am very pleased to become the new treasurer of ESSEC Chine. Over the past year, I have gained a lot of experience through my studies and extracurricular activities. As the Financial Director, I will do my best to manage the association's finances, ensure the proper use of funds, support the development of the association, and seek for new opportunities.I hope we can work together to make ESSEC Chine better and better.
halo大家好,我叫Penny彭鑫萍。很开心过去的一年能够和ESSEC Chine的朋友们一起举办和参加各种活动!也欢迎新的小伙伴们加入~
Hi, my name is Penny Peng Xinping. I am very happy to have organized and participated in various activities with my friends from essecchine in the past year! Also welcome new friends to join ~
ESSEC Chine是一个非常欢乐有爱的大家庭,在这快一年的时间里,我们举办了各种各样的活动,我看到了自己的成长,也和大家留下了许多美好的回忆。希望新的一年继续加油!
ESSEC Chine is a very joyful and loving family. Over the past year, we have organized various activities. I have seen my own growth and have created many beautiful memories with everyone. I hope we can continue to work hard in the coming year!
大家好,我是斯懿,来自BBA项目第二年。非常荣幸在本次换届中成为ESSEC Chine中的一员,新的一年让我们用镜头记录下更多有意义的瞬间。我将尽全力为社团的发展贡献力量,与大家一起创造更辉煌的未来!
Hello everyone, I am Siyi, a second-year BBA student. I am very honored to become a member of ESSEC Chine in this transition. In the new year, let's use our lenses to capture more meaningful moments. I will do my utmost to contribute to the development of the club and create a brighter future together with everyone!
文案|尹斯懿,ESSEC Chine全体成员