华商,We are coming! | 国际学生职业技能培训扬帆起航,共绘全球化教育新蓝图

教育   2024-08-01 14:45   广东  


跨越山海来相会,以专业技能为桥、以中华文化为路,一次互学互鉴、生动有趣的职业技能培训之旅即将启程。2024年7月29日,来自俄罗斯、巴基斯坦、博兹瓦纳、厄瓜多尔等国际学生,齐聚广州华商学院、广州华商职业学院,共同见证国际学生职业技能培训项目顺利开营。Crossing mountains and oceans to meet each other, with professional skills as the bridge and Chinese culture as the road, an interesting and lively vocational skills training journey is about to depart. on July 29, 2024, international students from Russia, Pakistan, Botswana, Ecuador and other countries gathered in Guangzhou Huashang College and Guangzhou Huashang Vocational College, witnessing the successful opening of the vocational skills training program for international students.

国际学生职业技能培训项目,全方位彰显了华商在培育具有国际视野和职业技能人才领域的实力与担当,更是不断对教育模式进行创新,致力于为培养更多拥有国际竞争力的高素质人才贡献力量。The International Student Vocational Skills Training Program has demonstrated the strength and commitment of Huashang College in nurturing talents with an international outlook and vocational skills, as well as its continuous innovation in the education model, and its dedication to contributing to the cultivation of more high-caliber talents with international competitiveness.

华商诚心为国际学生搭建了一个展现自我、提升技能、交流文化的卓越平台,期望通过此项目能够拓展大家的国际职业视野,让大家深度领略中国传统文化,同时结交志同道合的朋友,未来得以融入大湾区的发展,在大湾区寻觅到创业或就业的良机。Huashang College has built an excellent platform for international students to express themselves, improve their skills and exchange cultures. We hope that through this program, we can broaden their international career horizons, give them an in-depth understanding of traditional Chinese culture, and at the same time, make like-minded friends so that they can be integrated into the development of the Greater Bay Area in the future, and find good opportunities for business start-ups or employment in the Greater Bay Area.



Mini Chinese Classroom: A Warm Start for Cultural Exchange

作为开营仪式的一大亮点,汉语小课堂为国际学生们提供了一个深入了解中国语言与文化的窗口。在这里,学员们通过生动的课堂教学和实践活动,学习汉语基础知识,体验中华文化的独特魅力。这不仅有助于提升他们的语言能力,更为他们日后在中国的学习、工作和生活打下坚实的语言基础。As one of the highlights of the opening ceremony, the Mini Chinese classroom provides a window for international students to gain a deeper understanding of Chinese language and culture. Here, participants learn the basics of Chinese language and experience the unique charm of Chinese culture through vivid classroom teaching and practical activities. This not only helps to improve their language skills, but also lays a solid language foundation for their future study, work and life in China.




Live e-commerce in action:

 a commercial exploration to grasp the pulse of the times

随着电商行业的蓬勃发展,直播电商已成为新的商业风口。此次培训中,直播电商实战课程备受瞩目。学员们通过小组会议深入了解直播电商的运营模式、营销策略及技巧,通过小组实战演练,掌握直播带货、选品推荐等核心技能。这不仅为他们未来在电商领域的职业发展提供了有力支持,也让他们紧跟时代步伐,把握商业先机。With the booming development of the e-commerce industry, live e-commerce has become a new business wind. In this training, the live e-commerce practical course has attracted much attention. Participants gained an in-depth understanding of the operation mode, marketing strategies and skills of live e-commerce through group meetings, and mastered core skills such as live banding and product selection and recommendation through group practical exercises. This not only provides strong support for their future career development in the field of e-commerce, but also allows them to keep up with the pace of the times and grasp the commercial opportunities.




The Art of 3D Modeling for Game Art: A Collision of Creativity and Technology

在本次游戏美术3D建模艺术课程中,学员们通过学习3D建模的基本原理掌握软件操作及创作技巧,通过实操建模提高自己的空间想象力、审美能力和团队协作能力。这不仅是对他们个人技能的一次提升,更为他们未来在游戏开发、影视特效等领域的职业发展开辟了广阔的道路。In this game art 3D modeling art course, students mastered software operation and creation skills through learning the basic principles of 3D modeling, and improved their spatial imagination, aesthetic ability and teamwork ability through hands-on modeling. This is not only an enhancement of their personal skills, but also opens up a broad path for their future career development in game development, film and television special effects and other fields.

本次国际学生职业技能培训致力于创新职业技能教育模式的探索与实践,在未来的四周时间里,学员们将沉浸在丰富多彩的学习与体验活动中。他们不仅会亲身领略到粤港澳大湾区独特的文化风情与科技创新氛围,还将在专业技能发展中不断提升自我,拥抱全球视野,增强跨文化交流的能力。This International Student Vocational Skills Training Program is dedicated to the exploration and practice of an innovative vocational skills education model. In the next four weeks, participants will be immersed in a rich variety of learning and experiential activities. They will not only enjoy the unique cultural flavor and technological innovation atmosphere of Greater Bay Area, but also continue to improve themselves in professional skills development, embrace a global perspective and enhance their cross-cultural communication skills.

来源 | 华职国际教育学院


地址 | 启智楼506、509

电话 |020-82666108、020-82666918
