第一章 牙体缺损概述 1
第二章 前牙全瓷冠牙体预备 3
一、制作硅橡胶index 5
二、切端预备 7
三、唇面预备 11
四、邻面预备 19
五、腭面预备 21
六、边缘修整,精修完成 27
七、预备体检查 29
八、预备体展示 33
第三章 前牙瓷贴面牙体预备 37
第一节 对接型、包绕型瓷贴面牙体预备 39
一、制作硅橡胶index 41
二、切端预备 41
三、唇面预备 43
四、邻面扩展,边缘线修整 51
五、精修完成 53
六、对接型瓷贴面预备体完成 59
七、腭侧边缘预备(包绕型) 59
八、边缘修整,精修完成(包绕型) 61
九、预备体完成(包绕型) 63
第二节 开窗型前牙瓷贴面牙体预备 63
一、唇面预备 65
二、切端边缘线预备 69
三、边缘修整,精修完成 71
四、预备体完成 75
第四章 磨牙嵌体预备 77
第一节 磨牙邻嵌体牙体预备 79
一、面洞形预备 79
二、邻面洞形预备 81
三、精修完成 83
四、预备体完成 85
第二节 磨牙高嵌体牙体预备 87
一、邻邻面洞形预备 87
二、牙尖预备 87
三、精修与磨光 91
四、高嵌体预备完成 95
第五章 后牙全瓷冠牙体预备 97
一、制作硅橡胶index 99
二、面预备 99
三、颊轴面深度指示沟预备 105
四、舌轴面深度指示沟预备 107
五、颊舌轴面预备 107
六、邻面预备 111
七、边缘修整 115
八、功能尖斜面预备 117
九、精修与磨光 117
十、完成的预备体 123
Chapter 1 Summary of Tooth Defect 2
Chapter 2 Preparation of All-Ceramic Crown of Anterior Tooth 4
1.Fabrication of Silicone Index 6
2.Preparation of Incisal Edge 8
3.Preparation of Labial Surface 12
4.Preparation of Proximal Surface 20
5.Preparation of Palatal Surface 22
6.Margin Line is Prepared,and Fine Trimming Process is Finished 28
7.Check of the Tooth Preparation 30
8.Display of the Tooth Preparation 34
Chapter 3 Anterior Tooth Preparation for Veneer 38
Section 1 Porcelain Veneer Preparation of Anterior Tooth(Butt-Joint Type and Overlap Type) 40
1.Fabrication of Silicone Index 42
2.Preparation of Incisal Edge 42
3.Preparation of Labial Surface 44
4.Preparation of Proximal Surface and Margin Line 52
5.Fine Trimming Process is Finished 54
6.Preparation of Butt-Joint Type Porcelain Veneer is Finished 60
7.Preparation of Palatal Margin(Overlap Type) 60
8.Trim the Margin Line,Finish the Fine Trimming Process(Overlap Type) 62
9.Tooth Preparation is Finished(Overlap Type) 64
Section 2 Window Type Porcelain Veneer Preparation of Anterior Tooth 64
1.Preparation of Labial Surface 66
2.Preparation of Margin Line on Incisal Edge 70
3.Margin Line is Prepared,and Fine Trimming Process is Finished 72
4.Tooth Preparation is Finished 76
Chapter 4 Inlay Preparation of Molar Tooth 78
Section 1 Proximal-Occlusal Inlay Preparation of Molar Tooth 80
1.Preparation of Occlusal Cavity 80
2.Preparation of Proximal Box 82
3.Fine Trimming Process is Finished 84
4.Tooth Preparation is Finished 86
Section 2 Tooth Preparation of Molar Onlay 88
1.Preparation of Proximal-Occlusal-Proximal Cavity 88
2.Preparation of Cusp 88
3.Fine Trimming and Polishing 92
4.Onlay Preparation is Finished 96
Chapter 5 All-Ceramic Crown Preparation of Posterior Tooth 98
1.Fabrication of Silicone Index 100
2.Preparation of Occlusal Surface 100
3.Preparation of Depth Grooves on Buccal Axial Surface 106
4.Preparation of Depth Grooves on Lingual Axial Surface 108
5.Preparation of Buccal and Lingual Surfaces 108
6.Preparation of Proximal Surface 112
7.Trimming the Margin Line 116
8.Preparation of Functional Cusp Bevel 118
9.Fine Trimming and Polishing 118
10.The Finished Preparation 124