-sweet talklover's prattle-
你就像是我心中的那片星空,每当我感到孤独时,仰望你,就能找到安慰。You're like the starry sky in my heart; whenever I feel lonely, looking up at you, I find solace.
有时候,我只是想紧紧抱住你,感受你的温暖,让所有的烦恼都烟消云散。Sometimes, all I want is to hold you tightly, feel your warmth, and let all the worries fade away.
你的笑容对我来说,是一天中最耀眼的时刻,它照亮了我的整个世界。Your smile is the brightest moment of my day; it illuminates my entire world.
每当我看到你的眼睛,我都能看到你眼中的星辰大海,它们让我沉醉,让我向往。Each time I look into your eyes, I see the stars and the ocean within them, which intoxicate me and make me yearn.
你的存在让我相信,即使在最黑暗的夜晚,也会有一束光为我指引方向。Your presence makes me believe that even in the darkest night, there will be a ray of light to guide me.
我想和你一起走过四季,感受春天的花开、夏日的微风、秋天的落叶和冬日的暖阳。I want to walk through the seasons with you, feeling the blooming flowers in spring, the gentle breeze in summer, the falling leaves in autumn, and the warm sun in winter.
你让我明白,真正的爱情不是轰轰烈烈,而是在平凡的日子里,彼此的陪伴和理解。You've taught me that true love is not about grand gestures, but about companionship and understanding in the ordinary days.
每当我遇到困难,想到你,就感觉有了力量,因为我知道,你总会在我身边支持我。Whenever I face difficulties, thinking of you gives me strength because I know you'll always be by my side to support me.
我想和你一起慢慢变老,一起回忆我们年轻时的点点滴滴,一起笑看生活的起起落落。I want to grow old with you, reminiscing about our youth, and laughing together at the ups and downs of life.
你是我的家,无论我走到哪里,只要想到你,就感觉回到了最温暖、最安全的地方。You are my home; no matter where I go, just thinking of you makes me feel like I've returned to the warmest, safest place.
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