Processes (SCI)专刊“非常规能源、清洁能源和碳封存:技术进展”

文摘   2024-11-13 22:00   北京  


Processes(SCI 检索,JCR Q2)


Dear Colleagues,
Driven by global concerns about environmental and climate change, scientists and engineers are looking for clean and renewable energies, and searching for a way to achieve a low carbon footprint for fossil fuel industries. Many researchers have made significant contributions to the development of unconventional energy resources (shale gas, coalbed methane, and natural gas hydrates), renewable energies (hydrogen, solar energy, geothermal energy, wind power, etc.), and carbon storage in underground formations. Industries with a high-intensity carbon footprint, for instance petroleum and mining industries, face more challenges to eliminate their great amount of carbon emissions. Until now, the ratio of unconventional and clean energies to the total global energy is still small. Few commercial projects have been built for large-scale carbon sequestration. Therefore, further research is required to investigate the intrinsic mechanism of clean and low-carbon energy development.
This Special Issue, “Unconventional Energy, Clean Energy and Carbon Sequestration: Progress in Technology”, presents recent advancements in the unconventional and clean energy development and carbon sequestration.
Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
  • Development of unconventional gas resources;
  • Clean and renewable energy;
  • Gas extraction and hazard prevention in coal mines;
  • Advanced progress in reservoir stimulation techniques;
  • Carbon capture, sequestration, and utilization.
We look forward to receiving your contributions to this Special Issue.

