活动预告|探索未来女性主义时尚--KNWLS X ENG限时商店

文化   2024-10-06 19:41   上海  

此次快闪活动将呈现的 ENG 独家联名胶囊系列,是KNWLS坚持不妥协的设计哲学与ENG探索、创新理念的深度融合。两者通过对文化与时尚的不断探索,将未来女性主义的核心理念带入这一系列的设计中,为女性提供了表达力量与个性的全新方式。

This joint collection with ENG is a deep fusion of KNWLS' uncompromising design philosophy and ENG's philosophy of exploration and innovation. Through their continuous exploration of culture and fashion, the two bring the core concept of future feminism into this collection, providing women with a new way to express their strength and individuality.

在上海的ENG Tx淮海店内,KNWLS为本次Pop Up特别设计了一个 巨型的皮纹猫装置,将在店内进行为期一个月的展览。该装置由复古皮革打造而成,象征了KNWLS女性身上的野性与优雅,亦呼应了品牌对可持续时尚的坚持。TENCEL™ 全程支持了这一装置的呈现,进一步延续了其与 KNWLS 在可持续发展领域的合作。

在11号的POP UP开幕当日,KNWLS的 创意总监 Charlotte Knowles 与 Alexandre Arsenault 将亲临现场 ,与时尚爱好者们分享此次合作的灵感与背后故事。当然,店内还会展示KNWLS与ENG的联名限量单品,打造出一个独特的沉浸式时尚体验。

This KNWLS X ENG POP-UP is not only a fashion show, but also a deep dialog between art and fashion. Inside the ENG Tx Huaihai store in Shanghai, a giant leather cat installation will be the highlight, symbolizing the wildness and elegance in the KNWLS woman. The installation is made of vintage leather, echoing the brand's commitment to sustainable fashion.During the POP-UP, KNWLS Creative Directors Charlotte Knowles and Alexandre Arsenault will be on hand to share the inspiration and story behind the collaboration with fashion lovers. Of course, the store will also showcase limited edition KNWLS and ENG co-branded pieces, creating a unique and immersive fashion experience.



Styling @georgia.pendlebury @maworldgroup

Art Direction @reidjamie @maworldgroup
Casting @isabelbush_ @concretereplimited
Make up @thomasdekluyver @artpartner
Hair @claire__grech @streetersagency
Nails @the.fingersofgod @future_rep
Movement @simon.donnellon @newschoolrepresents
Hats @stephenjonesmillinery
Production @faragoprojects
Lighting Design & Technical Production @hydradesign__
PR @l52world
Brand Partnerships @huxley @huxleyfashion



Styling @georgia.pendlebury @maworldgroup

Art Direction @reidjamie @maworldgroup
Casting @isabelbush_ @concretereplimited
Make up @thomasdekluyver @artpartner
Hair @claire__grech @streetersagency
Nails @the.fingersofgod @future_rep
Movement @simon.donnellon @newschoolrepresents
Hats @stephenjonesmillinery
Production @faragoprojects
Lighting Design & Technical Production @hydradesign__
PR @l52world
Brand Partnerships @huxley @huxleyfashion


KNWLS: The Perfect Balance of Avant-Garde Design & Wild Power

KNWLS作为伦敦先锋设计师品牌,始终致力于通过前卫设计传达叛逆与力量感。创始人Charlotte Knowles与Alexandre Arsenault通过独特的时尚语言,探索脆弱与坚韧的并存,以此重新定义现代女性形象。KNWLS品牌以其强烈的个性美学迅速吸引了包括碧昂丝、Kylie Jenner等众多名人追捧。品牌的设计作品不仅强调外形的力量感,还传达了女性在面对未来挑战时的坚韧与独立精神。

KNWLS designs focus on rebellion and freedom, and each piece shows the ruggedness and authenticity of a wasteland aesthetic through the intertwining of the retro and the futuristic. Through baroque printing and handmade old crafts, KNWLS incorporates elements such as earth and grease into its designs, giving the clothes a mottled look after years of baptism. This design language of “shabby beauty” breaks the rule that fashion must be new and perfect, integrating traces of life into fashion and presenting a unique cultural heritage.


Uncompromising Aesthetics & Cultural Collision


KNWLS not only makes a visual impact, but also creates a deeply cultural and thought-provoking fashion language through the interpretation of sexiness and power. The brand emphasizes women's independence and self-confidence, especially in the contemporary social media environment, and KNWLS wants to empower women with a sense of control over their self-image. Through the use of sensual bondage designs, KNWLS' interpretation of revealing muscles is more complex and layered, which not only showcases a woman's sensuality, but also gives the wearer a sense of power and confidence.

KNWLS has attracted many internationally recognized fashion icons, including Beyonce and Kylie Jenner, and has become a closet favorite. Its creations not only illustrate the modern woman's sense of power, but also express the persistent pursuit of details and craftsmanship through the delicate details in its designs. Because of this, KNWLS is regarded as one of the key brands leading the future of feminist fashion.

为了更好地理解KNWLS的设计理念与未来方向,我们特别邀请到了Charlotte Knowles 和 Alexandre Arsenault进行了一场深入的对话。

To better understand the design philosophy and future direction of KNWLS, we invited Charlotte Knowles and Alexandre Arsenault for an in-depth conversation.


This is very nice to hear. I hope this is something that people can feel for themselves when wearing our clothes.


This is very nice to hear. I hope this is something that people can feel for themselves when wearing our clothes.

我们喜欢 “猫 ”的概念,不羁、优雅、危险、独立。我们喜欢将这些特质与我们的女性联系在一起。

We like the idea of a cat, irreverent, elegant, dangerous and independent. Qualities we like to associate with our woman.


We re-issued our popular precious cardigan and hats in new colour ways of mohair, we love those pieces.


It’s always interesting to think about how we can take the brand in the physical world with an installation. So much of what we do ends up online or for an exclusive group of people.

当然,我们是一个诞生于 instagram 的品牌--我们是最早发现社交媒体为女性提供了一种新的控制方式的品牌之一--现在,她们和观众之间只隔着一块屏幕。

Of course, we are a brand that was born out of instagram - We were one of the first brand to see that social media was giving a new kind of control to women in regards to how they could present themselves - there was now a screen between them and the viewer.


Well we hope that they are looking for something that opens a dialogue - that embodies the culture they like and believe in.


点击海报 立刻购票

除了发布活动,KNWLS 与 ENG 将在当天晚上在 Allclub 举办 Afterparty,并邀请了国际知名音乐人 Xingxing、以及国内知名DJ Bisoux、DJ Random ,DJ sanchuan一起感受体验探索不同音乐流派的乐趣。

In addition to the launch event, KNWLS and ENG will hold an afterparty at Allclub that evening, and have invited internationally renowned musician Xingxing, as well as domestically renowned DJs Bisoux, DJ Random, and DJ sanchuan to experience the fun of exploring different music genres.


XING XING 又名 Kim Byul,是一位来自首尔的中韩混血 DJ 兼模特,目前在韩国地下俱乐部 Cakeshop 驻场,同时也是首尔派对组织 Hardpure 的创始人,并与 Supreme 合作。她在多元文化背景的影响下,对舞曲有自己的见解;她的风格不受流派限制,专注于创造一个高能量的舞池,允许情绪化,允许柔和的时刻,但也允许需要注意力的休息和转变;这是一个同样有趣和具有挑战性的组合,在她职业生涯的早期就获得了关注,并使她成为实验性俱乐部音乐中值得关注的艺术家。


往来于巴黎和上海之间,DJ RANDOM 代表着不拘一格的理念,我希望人们能在我的音乐中跳舞、思考直到汗流浃背。我不受限于任何一种风格或音乐类别,从电子音乐、Hyper Pop 到小众的 Coldwave 抑或trashy bangers 或者任何能让人们起舞的音乐。我相信音乐是无没有界限的,我们不应害怕趋于主流或过于小众。这是我试图作为一名 DJ 想要表达的东西,有关多样性和自由。


DJ Bisoux已经成为你挚爱的DJ们的挚爱。天性好奇而对舞池充满热爱,这位出生于蒙特利尔的制作人将她燃情热烈的折衷主义风格带到全球的舞台场景。现在就随她踏上沉醉之旅。


受到蜀都工业的无情鞭打从而炼就了具象又感性的耳朵,作为戏剧演员的他与摇滚、电子保持着舒适的联系,并持续为他提供着丰富的养分。职业的属性让他DJing习惯以视像感知暗流涌动的呼吸Unconstrained Soundscapes寻找更多快感刺激身体的曲目击碎躁动龃齿。


ENG Concept Store

天猫/ explorenavigategenerate旗舰店
抖音/ ENG国际概念买手店
小红书/ ENG Concept Store
