该课程已经讲解完,感兴趣的小伙伴可以点击文末的阅读原文跳转到 RStata 平台观看视频讲解~
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今天给大家分享一下「新质生产力背景下数实融合的测算与时空比较——基于专利共分类方法的研究」一文中的数实融合水平指标的 Stata 计算方法,不过由于论文中关于指标计算的一些细节描述的较为含糊,所以计算过程中的一些处理方法还有待探讨,感兴趣的小伙伴也可以说说自己的想法。
clear all
input str2 id str20 ipc
"P1" "IPC1;IPC3"
"P2" "IPC1;IPC2"
"P3" "IPC1;IPC2;IPC3"
save 专利示例数据_示例, replace
二是 IPC 分类号与产业对照表:
clear all
input str4 uniq_ipc str20 industry
"IPC1" "I1"
"IPC2" "I2;I3"
"IPC3" "I3;I4"
save IPC与产业对照表_示例, replace
clear all
input str4 uniq_industry str20 class
"I1" "数字产业"
"I2" "数字产业"
"I3" "实体产业"
"I4" "实体产业"
save 产业分类表_示例, replace
计算 IPC 融合矩阵
根据文献的介绍,IPC 融合矩阵的结果就是如果两个 IPC 号出现在一个专利的分类号上,返回 1,否则返回 0。因此我们可以使用 Mata 的代码循环各个专利,分别获取每个分类号里面的 IPC 组合,合并再统计数量:
use 专利示例数据_示例, clear
gen _freq = 1
ipc = st_sdata(., "ipc")
value = st_data(., "_freq")
fullcombinations = J(0, 3, "")
for (r = 1; r <= rows(ipc); r++) {
class_list = colshape(ustrsplit(ipc[r, 1], ";"), 1)
n_classes = rows(class_list)
if (n_classes == 2) {
fullcombinations = fullcombinations \ (class_list[1,1], class_list[2,1], strofreal(value[r,1]))
if (n_classes > 2) {
combinations = J(n_classes * n_classes, 3, "")
row_index = 1
for (i = 1; i <= n_classes; i++) {
for (j = 1; j <= n_classes; j++) {
combinations[row_index, 1] = class_list[i,1]
combinations[row_index, 2] = class_list[j,1]
combinations[row_index, 3] = strofreal(value[r,1])
fullcombinations = fullcombinations \ combinations
st_matrix("obs", rows(fullcombinations))
st_addvar("str100", "ipc1")
st_addvar("str100", "ipc2")
st_addvar("str100", "value")
stata("set obs `=obs[1,1]'")
st_sstore(., ("ipc1", "ipc2", "value"), fullcombinations)
destring, replace
save temp1, replace
list in 1/10
*> +---------------------+
*> | ipc1 ipc2 value |
*> |---------------------|
*> 1. | IPC1 IPC3 1 |
*> 2. | IPC1 IPC2 1 |
*> 3. | IPC1 IPC1 1 |
*> 4. | IPC1 IPC2 1 |
*> 5. | IPC1 IPC3 1 |
*> |---------------------|
*> 6. | IPC2 IPC1 1 |
*> 7. | IPC2 IPC2 1 |
*> 8. | IPC2 IPC3 1 |
*> 9. | IPC3 IPC1 1 |
*> 10. | IPC3 IPC2 1 |
*> +---------------------+
use temp1, clear
collapse (sum) value, by(ipc1 ipc2)
replace value = 0 if ipc1 == ipc2
save temp1a, replace
*- 处理成对称矩阵
use temp1a, clear
gen id = _n
drop value
gather ipc1 ipc2
keep value
duplicates drop value, force
save temp1b, replace
ren value value2
cross using temp1b
ren value ipc1
ren value2 ipc2
merge 1:1 ipc1 ipc2 using temp1a
drop _m
replace value = 0 if mi(value)
save temp1c, replace
ren ipc1 temp
ren ipc2 ipc1
ren temp ipc2
ren value value2
merge 1:1 ipc1 ipc2 using temp1c
*- 因为对于每个专利,ab ba 的情况都统计了,所以这里选择最大的(统计最全面的)作为共现结果
egen value3 = rowmax(value value2)
replace value = value3
drop value2 _m value3
replace value = 0 if ipc1 == ipc2
drop if value == 0
save IPC融合数量计算结果, replace
list in 1/6, sep(0)
*> +---------------------+
*> | ipc1 ipc2 value |
*> |---------------------|
*> 1. | IPC1 IPC2 2 |
*> 2. | IPC1 IPC3 2 |
*> 3. | IPC2 IPC1 2 |
*> 4. | IPC2 IPC3 1 |
*> 5. | IPC3 IPC1 2 |
*> 6. | IPC3 IPC2 1 |
*> +---------------------+
spread ipc2 value
list in 1/3
*> +---------------------------+
*> | ipc1 IPC1 IPC2 IPC3 |
*> |---------------------------|
*> 1. | IPC1 . 2 2 |
*> 2. | IPC2 2 . 1 |
*> 3. | IPC3 2 1 . |
*> +---------------------------+
然后我们把 IPC 分类号和 IPC与产业对照表
进行匹配,进而将 IPC 替换成产业分类编号:
use IPC融合数量计算结果, clear
ren ipc1 uniq_ipc
ren ipc2 uniq_ipc2
merge m:1 uniq_ipc using IPC与产业对照表_示例
drop if _m == 2
drop _m
ren industry industry1
drop uniq_ipc
ren uniq_ipc2 uniq_ipc
merge m:1 uniq_ipc using IPC与产业对照表_示例
drop if _m == 2
drop _m
ren industry industry2
drop uniq_ipc
order industry*
foreach i of varlist _all {
cap format `i' %10s
drop if mi(industry1) | mi(industry2)
drop if industry1 == ";"
replace industry1 = subinstr(industry1, ";", " ", .)
replace industry1 = strtrim(industry1)
replace industry1 = subinstr(industry1, " ", ";", .)
drop if industry2 == ";"
replace industry2 = subinstr(industry2, ";", " ", .)
replace industry2 = strtrim(industry2)
replace industry2 = subinstr(industry2, " ", ";", .)
save temp2, replace
list, sep(0)
*> +-----------------------------+
*> | indust~1 indust~2 value |
*> |-----------------------------|
*> 1. | I2;I3 I1 2 |
*> 2. | I3;I4 I1 2 |
*> 3. | I1 I2;I3 2 |
*> 4. | I3;I4 I2;I3 1 |
*> 5. | I1 I3;I4 2 |
*> 6. | I2;I3 I3;I4 1 |
*> +-----------------------------+
使用类似上面的 Mata 代码就可以计算产业融合矩阵了:
use temp2, clear
collapse (sum) value, by(industry1 industry2)
mata clear
fullcombinations = J(0, 3, "")
value = st_data(., "value")
// industry 矩阵
industry1 = st_sdata(., "industry1")
industry2 = st_sdata(., "industry2")
for (z = 1; z <= rows(industry1); z++) {
a = ustrsplit(industry1[z,1], ";")
b = ustrsplit(industry2[z,1], ";")
combinations = J(cols(a) * cols(b), 3, "")
row_index = 1
for (i = 1; i <= cols(a); i++) {
for (j = 1; j <= cols(b); j++) {
combinations[row_index, 1] = a[1, i]
combinations[row_index, 2] = b[1, j]
combinations[row_index, 3] = strofreal(value[z,1])
fullcombinations = fullcombinations \ combinations
st_matrix("obs", rows(fullcombinations))
st_addvar("str100", "industry1")
st_addvar("str100", "industry2")
st_addvar("str100", "value")
stata("set obs `=obs[1,1]'")
st_sstore(., ("industry1", "industry2", "value"), fullcombinations)
destring, replace
collapse (sum) value, by(industry1 industry2)
save temp3, replace
list, sep(0)
*> +-----------------------------+
*> | indust~1 indust~2 value |
*> |-----------------------------|
*> 1. | I1 I2 2 |
*> 2. | I1 I3 4 |
*> 3. | I1 I4 2 |
*> 4. | I2 I1 2 |
*> 5. | I2 I3 1 |
*> 6. | I2 I4 1 |
*> 7. | I3 I1 4 |
*> 8. | I3 I2 1 |
*> 9. | I3 I3 2 |
*> 10. | I3 I4 1 |
*> 11. | I4 I1 2 |
*> 12. | I4 I2 1 |
*> 13. | I4 I3 1 |
*> +-----------------------------+
use temp3, clear
gen id = _n
drop value
gather industry1 industry2
keep value
duplicates drop _all, force
save temp3a, replace
ren value uniq_industry
save temp3b, replace
merge 1:m uniq_industry using 产业分类表_示例
keep if _m == 3
drop _m
contract class
save 融合的各产业数量, replace
和前面一样,这里的 temp3 结果并不是一个对称矩阵,我们也要使用类似的方法把该结果处理成对称矩阵(平衡面板):
*- 融合的各产业数量
use temp3, clear
gen id = _n
drop value
gather industry1 industry2
keep value
duplicates drop _all, force
save temp3a, replace
ren value uniq_industry
save temp3b, replace
merge 1:m uniq_industry using 产业分类表_示例
keep if _m == 3
drop _m
contract class
save 融合的各产业数量, replace
*- 处理成对称矩阵
use temp3a, clear
cross using temp3b
ren value industry1
ren uniq_industry industry2
merge 1:1 industry1 industry2 using temp3
drop _m
replace value = 0 if mi(value)
save temp3c, replace
ren industry1 temp
ren industry2 industry1
ren temp industry2
ren value value2
merge 1:1 industry1 industry2 using temp3c
egen value3 = rowmax(value value2)
replace value = value3
drop value2 _m value3
replace value = 0 if industry1 == industry2
save 行业融合数量计算结果, replace
list, sep(0)
*> +-----------------------------+
*> | indust~2 indust~1 value |
*> |-----------------------------|
*> 1. | I1 I1 0 |
*> 2. | I2 I1 2 |
*> 3. | I3 I1 4 |
*> 4. | I4 I1 2 |
*> 5. | I1 I2 2 |
*> 6. | I2 I2 0 |
*> 7. | I3 I2 1 |
*> 8. | I4 I2 1 |
*> 9. | I1 I3 4 |
*> 10. | I2 I3 1 |
*> 11. | I3 I3 0 |
*> 12. | I4 I3 1 |
*> 13. | I1 I4 2 |
*> 14. | I2 I4 1 |
*> 15. | I3 I4 1 |
*> 16. | I4 I4 0 |
*> +-----------------------------+
use 行业融合数量计算结果, clear
ren industry1 uniq_industry
merge m:1 uniq_industry using 产业分类表_示例
keep if _m == 3
drop _m
ren uniq_industry industry1
ren class class1
ren industry2 uniq_industry
merge m:1 uniq_industry using 产业分类表_示例
keep if _m == 3
drop _m
ren uniq_industry industry2
ren class class2
drop if value == 0
save temp4, replace
*- 计算三种融合的数量
collapse (sum) value, by(class1 class2)
save temp5, replace
use temp4, clear
ren class1 class
merge m:1 class using 融合的各产业数量
drop _m
ren _freq freq1
ren class class1
ren class2 class
merge m:1 class using 融合的各产业数量
drop _m
ren _freq freq2
ren class class2
collapse (sum) value (first) freq1 (first) freq2, by(class1 class2)
gen RH = value / (freq1 * freq2)
gen class = "数实融合" if class1 != class2
replace class = "数数融合" if class1 == "数字产业" & class2 == "数字产业"
replace class = "实实融合" if class1 == "实体产业" & class2 == "实体产业"
keep class RH
duplicates drop _all, force
*> +---------------+
*> | RH class |
*> |---------------|
*> 1. | .5 实实融合 |
*> 2. | 2 数实融合 |
*> 3. | 1 数数融合 |
*> +---------------+
这样就计算得到了数实融合水平是 2,数数融合水平是 1,实实融合水平是 0.5。
# 读取 docx 文件
doc <- read_docx("数字经济及其核心产业统计分类(2021).docx")
# 提取表格数据
doc %>%
docx_extract_all_tbls() %>%
.[[1]] %>%
slice(-1, -2) %>%
set_names("大类", "中类", "小类", "名称", "说明", "国民经济行业代码及名称") %>%
type_convert() %>%
mutate(国民经济行业代码 = str_extract(国民经济行业代码及名称, "\\d{4}")) %>%
haven::read_dta("数字经济及其核心产业统计分类.dta") %>%
use 数字经济及其核心产业统计分类.dta, clear
keep if substr(小类, 1, 2) != "05" & !mi(小类)
drop if mi(国民经济行业代码)
gen 数字经济产业 = ""
replace 数字经济产业 = "数字产品制造业" if substr(小类, 1, 2) == "01"
replace 数字经济产业 = "数字产品服务业" if substr(小类, 1, 2) == "02"
replace 数字经济产业 = "数字技术应用业" if substr(小类, 1, 2) == "03"
replace 数字经济产业 = "数字要素驱动业" if substr(小类, 1, 2) == "04"
keep 国民经济行业代码 数字经济产业
ren 国民经济行业代码 industry2
save 数字经济核心产业, replace
list in 1/10, sep(0)
*> +---------------------------+
*> | indust~2 数字经济产业 |
*> |---------------------------|
*> 1. | 3911 数字产品制造业 |
*> 2. | 3912 数字产品制造业 |
*> 3. | 3913 数字产品制造业 |
*> 4. | 3914 数字产品制造业 |
*> 5. | 3915 数字产品制造业 |
*> 6. | 3919 数字产品制造业 |
*> 7. | 3921 数字产品制造业 |
*> 8. | 3922 数字产品制造业 |
*> 9. | 3940 数字产品制造业 |
*> 10. | 3931 数字产品制造业 |
*> +---------------------------+
为了建立 IPC 分类号和国民经济行业分类的关系,我们还需要处理下「国民经济分类与IPC分类号对照表」,该文件也是来自国家知识产权局:
readxl::read_xlsx("国际专利分类与国民经济行业分类参照关系表(2018).xlsx") %>%
set_names("国民经济行业代码", "国民经济行业名称",
"国际专利分类号", "国际专利分类号类名") %>%
mutate(行业门类代码 = if_else(str_detect(国民经济行业代码, "[A-Z]"), 国民经济行业代码, "")) %>%
type_convert() %>%
fill(行业门类代码) %>%
mutate(国民经济行业代码 = if_else(str_length(国民经济行业代码) == 3 &
!str_detect(国民经济行业代码, "^0"),
paste0("0", 国民经济行业代码), 国民经济行业代码)) %>%
filter(str_length(国民经济行业代码) == 4 | is.na(国民经济行业代码)) %>%
fill(国民经济行业代码, 国民经济行业名称) %>%
filter(!is.na(国际专利分类号)) %>%
mutate_all(~str_remove_all(.x, "\\r|\\n")) %>%
mutate(国民经济行业代码 = paste0(行业门类代码, 国民经济行业代码)) %>%
select(-行业门类代码) %>%
haven::write_dta("国民经济分类与IPC分类号对照表.dta", label = "数据处理:微信公众号 RStata")
haven::read_dta("国民经济分类与IPC分类号对照表.dta") %>%
制造业 农业 建筑业及其他工业 服务业
use 国民经济分类与IPC分类号对照表.dta, clear
gen 实体产业 = ""
gen 行业门类 = substr(国民经济行业代码, 1, 1)
order 行业门类
replace 实体产业 = "制造业" if 行业门类 == "C"
replace 实体产业 = "农业" if 行业门类 == "A"
replace 实体产业 = "建筑业及其他工业" if inlist(行业门类, "B", "D", "E")
replace 实体产业 = "服务业" if inlist(行业门类, "I", "O")
save 实体产业分类, replace
专利数据中所有的 IPC 号
虽然和国民经济行业代码对照的国际专利分类号有差不多 18000 个,不过并不是每个 IPC 号都在专利数据中出现过。因此我们首先需要统计所有专利数据中互不相同的 IPC 号,然后和这个「国民经济分类与IPC分类号对照表」进行匹配:
local url = "/Volumes/A10R2copy/A10T/大数据/1985~2022 年专利申请数据(已更新,含授权信息、申请人地址的经纬度及其所处的省市区县信息)/newpatentdata_coord2/"
use "`url'/1985patent_v2_coord.dta", clear
ren 分类号 IPC
replace IPC = subinstr(IPC, "//", "", .)
replace IPC = subinstr(IPC, "(", "", .)
replace IPC = subinstr(IPC, ")", "", .)
replace IPC = subinstr(IPC, "=", "", .)
replace IPC = subinstr(IPC, ",", ";", .)
drop if 专利类型 == "外观设计"
drop if !index(IPC, ";")
keep newzlid IPC
replace IPC = subinstr(IPC, " ", "", .)
ipc = st_sdata(., "IPC")
ipc2 = rowshape(ipc, cols(ipc))
ipc3 = invtokens(ipc2, ";")
ipc4 = ustrsplit(ipc3, ";")
ipc5 = colshape(ipc4, 1)
ipc6 = uniqrows(ipc5)
st_matrix("obs", rows(ipc6))
stata("cap drop uniq_ipc")
st_addvar("strL", "uniq_ipc")
stata("set obs `=obs[1,1]'")
st_sstore(., "uniq_ipc", ipc6)
*- 循环所有年份获得所有的 IPC
cap mkdir "uniq_ipc"
local url = "/Volumes/A10R2copy/A10T/大数据/1985~2022 年专利申请数据(已更新,含授权信息、申请人地址的经纬度及其所处的省市区县信息)/newpatentdata_coord2/"
forval y = 1985/2022 {
di "`y'"
qui {
use "`url'/`y'patent_v2_coord.dta", clear
ren 分类号 IPC
replace IPC = subinstr(IPC, "//", "", .)
replace IPC = subinstr(IPC, ",", ";", .)
replace IPC = subinstr(IPC, "=", "", .)
drop if 专利类型 == "外观设计"
drop if !index(IPC, ";")
keep newzlid IPC
replace IPC = subinstr(IPC, " ", "", .)
mata: ipc = st_sdata(., "IPC")
mata: ipc2 = rowshape(ipc, cols(ipc))
mata: ipc3 = invtokens(ipc2, ";")
mata: ipc4 = ustrsplit(ipc3, ";")
mata: ipc5 = colshape(ipc4, 1)
mata: ipc6 = uniqrows(ipc5)
mata: st_matrix("obs", rows(ipc6))
mata: stata("clear")
mata: stata("cap drop uniq_ipc")
mata: st_addvar("strL", "uniq_ipc")
mata: stata("set obs `=obs[1,1]'")
mata: st_sstore(., "uniq_ipc", ipc6)
save uniq_ipc/`y', replace
use uniq_ipc/1985, clear
forval y = 1986/2022 {
append using uniq_ipc/`y'
duplicates drop uniq_ipc, force
replace uniq_ipc = subinstr(uniq_ipc, "(", "", .) if ustrregexm(uniq_ipc, "^\(")
replace uniq_ipc = ustrregexs(1) if ustrregexm(uniq_ipc, "(.*)\(")
replace uniq_ipc = subinstr(uniq_ipc, ")", "", .)
replace uniq_ipc = ustrregexs(1) if ustrregexm(uniq_ipc, "(.*):")
replace uniq_ipc = subinstr(uniq_ipc, "C07D209/14C07D209", "C07D209/14", .)
replace uniq_ipc = subinstr(uniq_ipc, "A61K31/52A61K31", "A61K31/52", .)
drop if mi(uniq_ipc)
drop if !ustrregexm(substr(uniq_ipc, 1, 1), "[A-Z]")
save uniq_ipc, replace
筛选能够和国民经济分类对应上的 IPC 分类号
「国民经济分类与IPC分类号对照表.dta」数据中给出了非常多的分类号和行业小类的对照,不过并不是所有的 IPC 号都在专利数据中出现过,因此我们可以筛选能够匹配上行业小类的:
use 国民经济分类与IPC分类号对照表.dta, clear
gen dzid = _n
order dzid
ren 国际专利分类号 IPC
replace IPC = subinstr(IPC, "*", "", .)
replace IPC = subinstr(IPC, " ", "", .)
gen len = strlen(IPC)
tab len
*- 分长度保存
cap mkdir "对照表"
forval i = 3/11 {
keep if len == `i'
drop len
save 对照表/len`i', replace
*- IPC 数据和对照表匹配
use uniq_ipc, clear
cap mkdir "行业匹配结果"
gen len = strlen(uniq_ipc)
tab len
gsort -len
*- 删除 len > 11 的,不值得为个别观测值浪费大量时间处理
drop if len > 11 | len < 3
forval i = 3/11 {
keep if len == `i'
drop len
gen IPC = substr(uniq_ipc, 1, `i')
joinby IPC using 对照表/len`i'
save 行业匹配结果/`i', replace
use 行业匹配结果/3, clear
forval i = 4/11 {
append using 行业匹配结果/`i'
duplicates drop _all, force
keep uniq_ipc 国民经济行业代码
save 专利数据与行业小类代码简易对照表, replace
list in 1/10
*> +--------------------+
*> | uniq_ipc 国民~码 |
*> |--------------------|
*> 1. | H01L C3974 |
*> 2. | H01L C3563 |
*> 3. | H01L C3073 |
*> 4. | H01L C3979 |
*> 5. | H01L C3562 |
*> |--------------------|
*> 6. | H01L C3973 |
*> 7. | H01L C3976 |
*> 8. | H01L C3825 |
*> 9. | H01L C4028 |
*> 10. | H01L C3421 |
*> +--------------------+
*- 注意每个 IPC 会对应不同的行业,每个行业也会对应不同的 IPC 分类号
use 专利数据与行业小类代码简易对照表, clear
recast str11 uniq_ipc
bysort uniq_ipc: gen id = _n
tostring id, replace
replace id = "m" + id
spread id 国民经济行业代码
unite m*, gen(国民经济行业代码) sep(";")
drop m*
forval i = 1/30 {
replace 国民经济行业代码 = subinstr(国民经济行业代码, ";;", ";", .)
replace 国民经济行业代码 = subinstr(国民经济行业代码, ";", " ", .)
replace 国民经济行业代码 = strtrim(国民经济行业代码)
replace 国民经济行业代码 = subinstr(国民经济行业代码, " ", ";", .)
save 专利数据与行业小类代码简易对照表2, replace
也就是大概只有 3000 多个 IPC 分类号是可以对应上行业小类的。
*- 产业数实分类
use 数字经济核心产业.dta, clear
use 国民经济分类与IPC分类号对照表.dta, clear
keep 国民经济行业代码
duplicates drop 国民经济行业代码, force
gen industry2 = substr(国民经济行业代码, 2, .)
joinby industry2 using 数字经济核心产业.dta, unmatched(master)
drop if mi(国民经济行业代码)
drop _m
joinby 国民经济行业代码 using 实体产业分类.dta, unmatched(master)
drop industry2 _m
keep 国民经济行业代码 数字经济产业 实体产业
gen class = (!mi(数字经济产业))
collapse (sum) class, by(国民经济行业代码)
gen 类别 = "数字经济产业" if class > 0
replace 类别 = "实体产业" if class == 0
drop class
tab 类别
save 产业数实分类, replace
以 2012 年的专利数据为例进行计算
*- use 2012patent_v2_coord.dta, clear
*- keep newzlid 公开公告号 专利类型 分类号
*- ren 分类号 IPC
*- save 2012patent_small, replace
use 2012patent_small, clear
*- 去除重复的专利
drop if 专利类型 == "外观设计"
gen temp = substr(公开公告号, -1, 1)
replace 公开公告号 = subinstr(公开公告号, temp, "", .) if ustrregexm(temp, "[A-Z]")
drop temp
duplicates drop 公开公告号, force
drop if !index(IPC, ";")
keep newzlid IPC
replace IPC = subinstr(IPC, " ", "", .)
split IPC, parse(;)
drop IPC
keep newzlid IPC1-IPC10
save tempdata1, replace
use tempdata1, clear
forval i = 1/10 {
ren IPC`i' uniq_ipc
merge m:1 uniq_ipc using 专利数据与行业小类代码简易对照表2
drop if _m == 2
replace uniq_ipc = "" if _m != 3
drop _m
ren uniq_ipc IPC`i'
drop 国民经济行业代码
save tempdata1a, replace
use tempdata1a, clear
unite IPC*, gen(国际专利分类号) sep(";")
drop IPC*
forval i = 1/30 {
replace 国际专利分类号 = subinstr(国际专利分类号, ";;", ";", .)
drop if 国际专利分类号 == ";"
replace 国际专利分类号 = subinstr(国际专利分类号, ";", " ", .)
replace 国际专利分类号 = strtrim(国际专利分类号)
replace 国际专利分类号 = subinstr(国际专利分类号, " ", ";", .)
drop if !index(国际专利分类号, ";")
ren 国际专利分类号 ipc
save tempdata2, replace
统计 IPC 共现矩阵:
use tempdata2, clear
contract ipc
ipc = st_sdata(., "ipc")
value = st_data(., "_freq")
fullcombinations = J(0, 3, "")
for (r = 1; r <= rows(ipc); r++) {
class_list = colshape(ustrsplit(ipc[r, 1], ";"), 1)
n_classes = rows(class_list)
if (n_classes == 2) {
fullcombinations = fullcombinations \ (class_list[1,1], class_list[2,1], strofreal(value[r,1]))
if (n_classes > 2) {
combinations = J(n_classes * n_classes, 3, "")
row_index = 1
for (i = 1; i <= n_classes; i++) {
for (j = 1; j <= n_classes; j++) {
combinations[row_index, 1] = class_list[i,1]
combinations[row_index, 2] = class_list[j,1]
combinations[row_index, 3] = strofreal(value[r,1])
fullcombinations = fullcombinations \ combinations
st_matrix("obs", rows(fullcombinations))
st_addvar("str100", "ipc1")
st_addvar("str100", "ipc2")
st_addvar("str100", "value")
stata("set obs `=obs[1,1]'")
st_sstore(., ("ipc1", "ipc2", "value"), fullcombinations)
destring, replace
save tempdata3, replace
list in 1/10
*> +-------------------------------+
*> | ipc1 ipc2 value |
*> |-------------------------------|
*> 1. | A01G1/00 A01G1/02 1 |
*> 2. | A01G1/00 A01G1/04 23 |
*> 3. | A01G1/00 A01G1/06 28 |
*> 4. | A01G1/00 A01G1/12 2 |
*> 5. | A01G1/00 A01G23/00 25 |
*> |-------------------------------|
*> 6. | A01G1/00 A01G1/00 2 |
*> 7. | A01G1/00 A01G23/00 2 |
*> 8. | A01G1/00 A01G23/04 2 |
*> 9. | A01G23/00 A01G1/00 2 |
*> 10. | A01G23/00 A01G23/00 2 |
*> +-------------------------------+
use tempdata3, clear
collapse (sum) value, by(ipc1 ipc2)
replace value = 0 if ipc1 == ipc2
save tempdata3a, replace
*- 处理成对称矩阵
use tempdata3a, clear
gen id = _n
drop value
gather ipc1 ipc2
keep value
duplicates drop value, force
save tempdata3b, replace
ren value value2
cross using tempdata3b
ren value ipc1
ren value2 ipc2
merge 1:1 ipc1 ipc2 using tempdata3a
drop _m
replace value = 0 if mi(value)
save tempdata3c, replace
ren ipc1 temp
ren ipc2 ipc1
ren temp ipc2
ren value value2
merge 1:1 ipc1 ipc2 using tempdata3c
egen value3 = rowmax(value value2)
replace value = value3
drop value2 _m value3
replace value = 0 if ipc1 == ipc2
drop if value == 0
save IPC融合数量计算结果, replace
list in 1/10
*> +------------------------------+
*> | ipc1 ipc2 value |
*> |------------------------------|
*> 1. | A01G1/00 A01G1/02 1 |
*> 2. | A01G1/00 A01G1/04 23 |
*> 3. | A01G1/00 A01G1/06 28 |
*> 4. | A01G1/00 A01G1/12 2 |
*> 5. | A01G1/00 A01G23/00 30 |
*> |------------------------------|
*> 6. | A01G1/00 A01G23/02 3 |
*> 7. | A01G1/00 A01G23/04 21 |
*> 8. | A01G1/00 A01G25/16 1 |
*> 9. | A01G1/00 A23L1/08 1 |
*> 10. | A01G1/00 A23L1/10 1 |
*> +------------------------------+
根据 IPC 和行业小类的对照表就可以把上面的 IPC 号替换成行业小类了:
use IPC融合数量计算结果, clear
ren ipc1 uniq_ipc
merge m:1 uniq_ipc using 专利数据与行业小类代码简易对照表2.dta
drop if _m == 2
drop _m
ren 国民经济行业代码 industry1
drop uniq_ipc
ren ipc2 uniq_ipc
merge m:1 uniq_ipc using 专利数据与行业小类代码简易对照表2.dta
drop if _m == 2
drop _m
ren 国民经济行业代码 industry2
drop uniq_ipc
order industry*
foreach i of varlist _all {
cap format `i' %10s
drop if mi(industry1) | mi(industry2)
drop if industry1 == ";"
replace industry1 = subinstr(industry1, ";", " ", .)
replace industry1 = strtrim(industry1)
replace industry1 = subinstr(industry1, " ", ";", .)
drop if industry2 == ";"
replace industry2 = subinstr(industry2, ";", " ", .)
replace industry2 = strtrim(industry2)
replace industry2 = subinstr(industry2, " ", ";", .)
save tempdata4, replace
再使用 Mata 代码统计行业共现频次:
*- 统计各行业间的合作频次
use tempdata4, clear
collapse (sum) value, by(industry1 industry2)
mata clear
fullcombinations = J(0, 3, "")
value = st_data(., "value")
// industry 矩阵
industry1 = st_sdata(., "industry1")
industry2 = st_sdata(., "industry2")
for (z = 1; z <= rows(industry1); z++) {
a = ustrsplit(industry1[z,1], ";")
b = ustrsplit(industry2[z,1], ";")
combinations = J(cols(a) * cols(b), 3, "")
row_index = 1
for (i = 1; i <= cols(a); i++) {
for (j = 1; j <= cols(b); j++) {
combinations[row_index, 1] = a[1, i]
combinations[row_index, 2] = b[1, j]
combinations[row_index, 3] = strofreal(value[z,1])
fullcombinations = fullcombinations \ combinations
st_matrix("obs", rows(fullcombinations))
st_addvar("str100", "industry1")
st_addvar("str100", "industry2")
st_addvar("str100", "value")
stata("set obs `=obs[1,1]'")
st_sstore(., ("industry1", "industry2", "value"), fullcombinations)
destring, replace
collapse (sum) value, by(industry1 industry2)
save tempdata5, replace
use tempdata5, clear
replace value = 0 if industry1 == industry2
gen id = _n
drop value
gather industry1 industry2
keep value
duplicates drop _all, force
save tempdata5a, replace
ren value 国民经济行业代码
save tempdata5b, replace
merge 1:m 国民经济行业代码 using 产业数实分类
keep if _m == 3
drop _m
contract 类别
ren 类别 class
save 融合的各产业数量, replace
*> +----------------------+
*> | class _freq |
*> |----------------------|
*> 1. | 实体产业 296 |
*> 2. | 数字经济产业 26 |
*> +----------------------+
use tempdata5a, clear
cross using tempdata5b
ren value industry1
ren 国民经济行业代码 industry2
merge 1:1 industry1 industry2 using tempdata5
replace value = 0 if mi(value)
drop _m
replace value = 0 if industry1 == industry2
save tempdata5c, replace
ren industry1 temp
ren industry2 industry1
ren temp industry2
ren value value2
merge 1:1 industry1 industry2 using tempdata5c
egen value3 = rowmax(value value2)
replace value = value3
drop value2 _m value3
replace value = 0 if industry1 == industry2
ren industry1 国民经济行业代码
recast str5 国民经济行业代码
merge m:1 国民经济行业代码 using 产业数实分类
keep if _m == 3
drop _m
ren 国民经济行业代码 industry1
ren 类别 class1
ren industry2 国民经济行业代码
recast str5 国民经济行业代码
merge m:1 国民经济行业代码 using 产业数实分类
keep if _m == 3
drop _m
ren 国民经济行业代码 industry2
ren 类别 class2
drop if value == 0
collapse (sum) value , by(class1 class2)
save tempdata6, replace
use tempdata6, clear
ren class1 class
merge m:1 class using 融合的各产业数量
drop _m
ren _freq freq1
ren class class1
ren class2 class
merge m:1 class using 融合的各产业数量
drop _m
ren _freq freq2
ren class class2
collapse (sum) value (first) freq1 (first) freq2, by(class1 class2)
gen RH = value / (freq1 * freq2)
gen class = "数实融合" if class1 != class2
replace class = "数数融合" if class1 == "数字经济产业" & class2 == "数字经济产业"
replace class = "实实融合" if class1 == "实体产业" & class2 == "实体产业"
keep class RH
duplicates drop _all, force
*> +---------------------+
*> | RH class |
*> |---------------------|
*> 1. | 18.74731 实实融合 |
*> 2. | 1.294958 数实融合 |
*> 3. | 52.50888 数数融合 |
*> +---------------------+
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详情可阅读这篇推文:数据处理、图表绘制、效率分析与计量经济学如何学习~,更多关于 RStata 培训班的信息可添加微信号 r_stata 咨询(上图中有二维码)。