质量风险管理Quality Risk Management⟴8. Events and Consequences 事件与后果

文摘   2024-09-03 16:20   上海  




以下分享美国质量学会出版的《质量风险管理基础:有效的基于风险思维的实用方法 Foundations of quality risk management: A practical approach to effective risk-based thinking》(第1版)中的第八章《Events and Consequences 事件与后果》的中英文对照。
第一章请看:质量风险管理Quality Risk Management⟴1. 风险管理简介
第二章请看:质量风险管理Quality Risk Management⟴2. 质量和风险管理
第三章请看:质量风险管理Quality Risk Management⟴3. 风险是什么?
第四章请看:质量风险管理Quality Risk Management⟴4. 基于风险的思维
第五章请看:质量风险管理Quality Risk Management⟴5. 基于风险的决策
第六章请看:质量风险管理Quality Risk Management⟴6. ISO 9001与风险管理
第七章请看:质量风险管理Quality Risk Management⟴7. 基本风险识别与分析

In this chapter, we delve into the critical concepts of events and consequences within risk management. Understanding these elements is fundamental to accurately assessing and mitigating risks. We will explore the definitions provided by ISO 31000:2018, examine common misconceptions, and highlight the importance of correctly identifying and analyzing potential outcomes. By mastering these concepts, risk professionals can ensure a more reliable and effective analysis.

本章探讨风险管理中至关重要的事件与后果的概念。理解这些要素对于准确评估和减轻风险至关重要。我们将探讨ISO 31000:2018提供的定义,审视常见的误解,并强调正确识别和分析潜在结果的重要性。通过掌握这些概念,风险专业人士可以确保更可靠和有效的分析。

Moon, J. (2020). Events and consequences. In J. Moon, (Ed)., Foundations of quality risk management: A practical approach to effective risk-based thinking. (1st Ed., pp. 31-35). American Society for Quality, Quality Press.


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– Dr. Seuss

Events and Consequences 事件与后果

In the last chapter, we used a simple and structured analysis to qualitatively assign risk levels to individual events. To correctly assess risk, one must understand what an event means. 


ISO 31000:2018 defines an event as:

Occurrence or change of a particular set of circumstances.

ISO 31000:2018事件定义为:


An event may have several causes and may or may not have consequences. It may be previously seen or experienced or may be just plain theoretical. 


ISO 31000:2018 defines consequence as follows:

Outcome of an event affecting objectives.

ISO 31000:2018后果定义为:


When we evaluated the list of possible events in the previous chapter, the severity was assigned based on the consequence. Table 8.1 clarifies this in regard to the previous example.

在上一章中,当我们评估可能发生的事件清单时,严重性是根据后果分配的。表8.1 对之前的示例进行了说明。

Consequence is simply the scale of severity we used earlier. It is, in fact, the measure of the impact. It is critical that risk professionals understand event and consequence. Mistakes here could lead to the analysis being overly redundant and, in the worst case, incorrect. The following are common mistakes in this regard:


- The idea that one event can have only one consequence 认为一个事件只能有一个后果

- The idea that consequences must be certain 认为后果必须是确定的

- Use of only the final consequence 仅使用最终后果

One event may lead to various different consequences, each with varying levels of probability. The consequence of the impact may be positive or negative. There arises a need to distinguish the level of impact so that the consequences can be compared and evaluated. This is usually done with the help of a ratings scale. In the previous example, the scale shown in Table 8.2 was used.


To classify the negative impacts, the term “severity” is commonly used. The severity measures the level of negative impact so that it can be classified as a category using a ratings scale as shown in Table 8.2.

In the earlier example, to keep it simple, we used only one consequence for most of the risky events. For slipping and falling, we used two consequences on purpose to demonstrate the various possibilities and probabilities of event outcomes. This event can be further expanded, as shown in Table 8.3. The need for detail must be assessed by the risk professional. In case you are conducting risk analysis for a complex system that has possibilities of multiple user or customer harms, you may want to explore the consequences in much greater detail.


The activity of drawing out consequences and analyzing them is known as consequence analysis. A consequence analysis exercise can be done using the consequence polygon shown in Figure 8.1, which takes into account the following:


- Nature of impact - chronic or acute 影响的性质 - 慢性或急性

- Type of impact - short or long term 影响的类型 - 短期或长期

- Magnitude - scope of the impact (local vs. global, immediate vs. trailing) 影响的范围(局部与全球,直接与后续)

- Effect on objective - positive or negative 对目标的影响 - 正面或负面

- Effect on stakeholder - user, manufacturer, or layman effects 对利益相关者的影响 - 用户、制造商或外行的影响

- Effect on control - change in modification/mitigation strategy 对控制的影响 - 修改/减轻策略的变化

One may choose not to include every section in the final risk analysis document, but it is important to have these points in mind during the consequence analysis activity.


1. ©ISO. This material is reproduced from ISO 31000:2018, with permission of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) on behalf of the International Organization for Standardization. All rights reserved. 

2. ©ISO. This material is reproduced from ISO 31000:2018, with permission of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) on behalf of the International Organization for Standardization. All rights reserved.

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