In this chapter, we delve into the concept of risk modification, a crucial aspect of risk management that involves adjusting risk levels to achieve organizational goals. Risk modification encompasses various strategies such as risk treatment, risk mitigation, and risk control, all aimed at reducing adverse effects and enhancing positive outcomes. We will explore how to effectively approach risk modification by examining practical examples and methods to manage risks within different contexts. Understanding and applying these principles will help ensure that predetermined objectives are met with minimal issues and maximum efficiency.
Modification of risk is expected to reduce the adverse effects and, where possible, increase the beneficial effects of an endeavor such that the predetermined objectives are met with the fewest issues along the way.
In the previous example, we looked at the risk from driving in the snow. We identified certain unacceptable risks for reduction listed in Table 9.1.
The two obvious ways of reducing risks are to take actions to induce reduction in the probability and to take actions to induce reduction in the severity. In this example, it is much easier to effect a change in probability. The best way to approach risk modification is to modify the root cause of risk.Table 9.2 shows some modifications.
The addition of mitigation, in this case, is an anticipation to reduce the probability that an event will happen. Thus, we must update this register with the new anticipated probabilities and recalculate risk to confirm their acceptability. This is done as shown in Table 9.3.
While we have reduced all unacceptable risks, we still need to be on the lookout for some high-severity risks as we embark on our objective to drive through the snow to reach our office. One cannot be carefree as a result of this exercise, as there are many subjective factors involved in this assessment. It is easier to predict an impact or consequence than the probability. Since no one can predict the future with 100% certainty, there is always some error involved in prediction regardless of the rigor of the methodology used.
A monitoring and review phase is essential to continually assess the level of risk and to check whether the predicted profile is maintained. In this example, a driver will continually monitor the road and snow conditions. If the conditions worsen, one may decide to turn back. As objectives become more complex with the involvement of more processes and people, a need arises to structurally define the roles and responsibilities of the risk management process. There arises a need for understanding the stakeholders and planning the whole process to ensure it is inclusive, streamlined, and effective.
Risk modification should always be a balance between practicality and effectiveness. Outside the simple scenario we’ve been examining, this can translate into a lot of complex factors in an organizational context, including attitudes toward risk and the availability of the resources for modification. Therefore, a primary consideration before beginning organization-wide risk management activity should be to identify and engage stakeholders.
In this chapter, we focus on risk modification, which can be defined as:
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