VRPSolverEasy:可求解多种VRP变体(rich vehicle routing)问题的精确算法python包

文摘   科技   2024-02-17 18:38   山西  

当前运筹优化领域的研究者在使用 branch-cut-and-price (BCP) 算法求解车辆路径问题 (VRP) 的最优解方面取得了重大进展。BCP算法是VRPSolver中常用的算法,在许多 VRP 变体的求解中表现优异。然而,其复杂的底层数学模型使其对于路径规划从业者(入门者)而言难以理解。为了解决这个问题,Najib Errami等人开发了VRPSolverEasy这个python工具包Najib ErramiEduardo QueirogaRuslan SadykovEduardo Uchoa (2023) VRPSolverEasy: A Python Library for the Exact Solution of a Rich Vehicle Routing Problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing),VRPSolverEasy 提供了一个 Python 接口,无需任何混合整数规划建模知识即可使用 的VRPSolver。在使用时,可以直接以VRP问题常用元素定义,例如仓库、客户、链接和车辆类型。VRPSolverEasy 可以处理多种流行的 VRP 变体及其任意组合。


VRPSolverEasy包提供了两种使用模式,一种是免费版本,该版本中使用了开源线性规划求解器COIN-OR CLP(果然开源才是王道,COIN-OR还有其它的开源求解器,具体可参考文章开源建模框架+开源求解器 | 使用pyomo建模框架实现交通物流优化问题的求解  (shortest path p,直接使用pip安装就可获取免费版本。

python3 -m pip install VRPSolverEasy


  • VRPSolverEasy python包克隆到本地

  • 安装CPLEX

  • 下载并安装Bapcod,Bapcod是基于C++写的branch-and-price包,也是VRPSolverEasy python包的求解内核,一直在保持持续更新,可能也是感觉使用C++怕别人觉得困难,也推出了python接口

  • 安装完后使用cmake进行编译

cmake --build build --config Release --target bapcod-shared


"Bapcod-path/build/Bapcod/libbapcod-shared.so" // Linux"Bapcod-path/build/Bapcod/libbapcod-shared.dylib" // MacOs"Bapcod-path/build/Bapcod/Release/bapcod-shared.dll" // Windows


python -m pip install




import VRPSolverEasymodel=VRPSolverRasy.Model()

VRPSolverEasy模型主要通过车场节点(depot points)、客户节点(customer points)、弧(link)和车辆类型(vehicle types)来进行定义。

  • 添加车场节点(depot points



  • 添加客户节点(customer points)






  • 添加弧(link)


  • 添加车辆类型(vehicle type)


vehicle type的属性及解释如下




在求解机制上,VRPSolverEasy首先将现有模型转化为VRPSolver可求解的模型(Pessoa et al.2020),然后再调用Bapcod包(Sadykov et al.2021)进行求解,求解时可设置的参数如下






# datacost_per_distance = 10begin_time = 0end_time = 5000nb_point = 7
# map with names and coordinatescoordinates = {"Wisconsin, USA": (44.50, -89.50), # depot "West Virginia, USA": (39.000000, -80.500000), "Vermont, USA": (44.000000, -72.699997), "Texas, the USA": (31.000000, -100.000000), "South Dakota, the US": (44.500000, -100.000000), "Rhode Island, the US": (41.742325, -71.742332), "Oregon, the US": (44.000000, -120.500000) }
# demands of pointsdemands = [0, 500, 300, 600, 658, 741, 436]


# Initialisationmodel = solver.Model()
# Add vehicle typemodel.add_vehicle_type( id=1, start_point_id=0, end_point_id=0, name="VEH1", capacity=1100, max_number=6, var_cost_dist=cost_per_distance, tw_end=5000)
# Add depotmodel.add_depot(id=0, name="D1", tw_begin=0, tw_end=5000)
coordinates_keys = list(coordinates.keys())# Add Customersfor i in range(1, nb_point): model.add_customer( id=i, name=coordinates_keys[i], demand=demands[i], tw_begin=begin_time, tw_end=end_time)
# Add linkscoordinates_values = list(coordinates.values())for i in range(0, 7): for j in range(i + 1, 7): dist = compute_euclidean_distance(coordinates_values[i][0], coordinates_values[j][0], coordinates_values[i][1], coordinates_values[j][1]) model.add_link( start_point_id=i, end_point_id=j, distance=dist, time=dist)
if model.solution.is_defined():    print(model.solution)
Route for vehicle 1:    ID : 0 --> 2 --> 5 --> 0    Name : DEPOT --> Vermont, USA --> Rhode Island, the US --> DEPOT    End time : 0.0 --> 16.807 --> 19.259 --> 37.230000000000004    Load : 0.0 --> 300.0 --> 1041.0 --> 1041.0    Total cost : 372.29999999999995
Route for vehicle 1: ID : 0 --> 1 --> 3 --> 0 Name : DEPOT --> West Virginia, USA --> Texas, the USA --> DEPOT End time : 0.0 --> 10.548 --> 31.625 --> 48.728 Load : 0.0 --> 500.0 --> 1100.0 --> 1100.0 Total cost : 487.2800000000001
Route for vehicle 1: ID : 0 --> 4 --> 6 --> 0 Name : DEPOT --> South Dakota, the US --> Oregon, the US --> DEPOT End time : 0.0 --> 10.5 --> 31.006 --> 62.010000000000005 Load : 0.0 --> 658.0 --> 1094.0 --> 1094.0 Total cost : 620.1


  • CVRP

容量限制车辆路径问题(CVRP)是最基础的 VRP,是指满足不同区域里的顾客需求的有容量限制的车辆路径规划问题。该问题的目标是最大限度降低总路径成本,即车辆行驶的总距离。

from VRPSolverEasy.src import solverimport os,sys,getoptimport mathimport numpy as np
def read_instance(name : str): """ Read an instance in the folder data from a given name """ path_project = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) with open (name, "r",encoding="UTF-8" )as file: elements = [str(element) for element in file.read().split()] file.close() return elements
def compute_euclidean_distance(x_i, y_i, x_j, y_j,number_digit=3): """Compute the euclidean distance between 2 points from graph""" return round(math.sqrt((x_i - x_j)**2 + (y_i - y_j)**2), number_digit)
def solve_demo(instance_path, solver_name="CLP", solver_path="", time_resolution=30, disableBuiltInHeur=False, upper_bound=-1): """return a solution from modelisation"""
# read instance data = read_cvrp_instances(instance_path)
# get data vehicle_type = data["VehicleTypes"] depot = data["Points"][0] customers = data["Points"][1:] links = data["Links"]
# modelisation of problem model = solver.Model()
# add vehicle type model.add_vehicle_type(id=vehicle_type["id"], start_point_id=vehicle_type["start_point_id"], end_point_id=vehicle_type["end_point_id"], max_number=vehicle_type["max_number"], capacity=vehicle_type["capacity"], var_cost_dist=vehicle_type["var_cost_dist"] )
# add depot model.add_depot(id=depot["id"])
# add all customers for customer in customers: model.add_customer(id=customer["id"], demand=customer["demand"] ) # add all links for link in links: model.add_link(start_point_id=link["start_point_id"], end_point_id=link["end_point_id"], distance=link["distance"] )
# set parameters if disableBuiltInHeur: model.set_parameters(time_limit=time_resolution, solver_name=solver_name, heuristic_used=False) print('Built-in heuristic is disabled') else: model.set_parameters(time_limit=time_resolution, solver_name=solver_name, heuristic_used=True) print('Built-in heuristic is enabled')
if upper_bound != -1: model.parameters.upper_bound = upper_bound
''' If you have cplex 22.1 installed on your laptop windows you have to specify solver path''' if (solver_name == "CPLEX" and solver_path != ""): model.parameters.cplex_path = solver_path
# solve model model.solve()
if model.solution.is_defined : path_instance_name = instance_path.split(".")[0] name_instance = path_instance_name.split("\\")[ len(path_instance_name.split("\\"))-1] print('{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8} {9}\n'.format( "instance_name","solver_name","ext_heuristic", "solution_value", "solution_time", "best_lb", "root_lb", "root_time", "nb_branch_and_bound_nodes", "status" ), end='') print('{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8} {9}\n'.format( instance_path,solver_name,False if upper_bound == -1 else True, model.solution.value, model.statistics.solution_time, model.statistics.best_lb, model.statistics.root_lb, model.statistics.root_time, model.statistics.nb_branch_and_bound_nodes, model.status ))
# export the result # model.solution.export(instance_name.split(".")[0] + "_result")
return model.solution
def read_cvrp_instances(instance_name): """Read literature instances from CVRPLIB by giving the name of instance and returns dictionary containing all elements of model"""
instance_iter = iter(read_instance(instance_name)) points = [] id_point = 0 dimension_input = -1 capacity_input = -1 # Instantiate the data problem. data = {}
while True: element = next(instance_iter) if element == "DIMENSION": next(instance_iter) # pass ":" dimension_input = int(next(instance_iter)) elif element == "CAPACITY": next(instance_iter) # pass ":" capacity_input = int(next(instance_iter)) elif element == "EDGE_WEIGHT_TYPE": next(instance_iter) # pass ":" element = next(instance_iter) if element != "EUC_2D": raise Exception("EDGE_WEIGHT_TYPE : " + element + """ is not supported (only EUC_2D)""") elif element == "NODE_COORD_SECTION": break
# Initialize vehicle type vehicle_type = {"id": 1, # we cannot have an id less than 1 "start_point_id": id_point, "end_point_id": id_point, "capacity": capacity_input, "max_number": dimension_input, "var_cost_dist": 1 }
vehicles = [] index = 0 for i in range(dimension_input): vehicles.append(capacity_input)
data['vehicle_capacities'] = vehicles data['vehicle_capacity'] = capacity_input data['num_vehicles'] = dimension_input data['depot'] = 0
# Create points for current_id in range(dimension_input): point_id = int(next(instance_iter)) if point_id != current_id + 1: raise Exception("Unexpected index") x_coord = float(next(instance_iter)) y_coord = float(next(instance_iter)) points.append({"x": x_coord, "y": y_coord, "demand": -1, "id": id_point}) id_point += 1
element = next(instance_iter) if element != "DEMAND_SECTION": raise Exception("Expected line DEMAND_SECTION") jobs = [] # Get the demands for current_id in range(dimension_input): point_id = int(next(instance_iter)) if point_id != current_id + 1: raise Exception("Unexpected index") demand = int(next(instance_iter)) points[current_id]["demand"] = demand jobs.append(demand) data['demands'] = jobs
element = next(instance_iter) if element != "DEPOT_SECTION": raise Exception("Expected line DEPOT_SECTION") next(instance_iter) # pass id depot
end_depot_section = int(next(instance_iter)) if end_depot_section != -1: raise Exception("Expected only one depot.")
# Compute the links of graph links = [] nb_link = 0 matrix = [[0 for i in range((len(points)))] for i in range(len(points))] for i, point in enumerate(points): for j in range(i + 1, len(points)): dist = compute_euclidean_distance(point["x"], point["y"], points[j]["x"], points[j]["y"], 0) links.append({"name": "L" + str(nb_link), "start_point_id": point["id"], "end_point_id": points[j]["id"], "distance": dist })
matrix[i][j] = dist matrix[j][i] = dist
nb_link += 1 data['distance_matrix'] = matrix
return {"Points": points, "VehicleTypes": vehicle_type, "Links": links}
def main(argv): instance_path = '' solver_name = '' solver_path = '' disableBuiltInHeur = False time_resolution = 30 upper_bound = -1 opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"i:s:u:b:e:p:") for opt, arg in opts: if opt == "-i": instance_path = arg elif opt == "-s": solver_name = arg elif opt == "-u": upper_bound = float(arg) elif opt == "-b": disableBuiltInHeur = arg == "yes" elif opt == "-e": time_resolution = float(arg) if opt in ["-p"]: solver_path = arg
solve_demo(instance_path, solver_name, solver_path, time_resolution, disableBuiltInHeur, upper_bound)
if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) > 1: main(sys.argv[1:])

多车场路径规划问题(MDVRP)是 CVRP 的一种变体,其中车辆来自于不同车场。

import osimport mathimport sysimport getoptfrom VRPSolverEasy.src import solver

class DataMdvrp: """Contains all data for MDVRP problem """
def __init__( self, nb_customers: int, nb_depots: int, vehicle_capacity: int, cust_demands=None, cust_coordinates=None, depot_coordinates=None): self.nb_customers = nb_customers self.nb_depots = nb_depots self.vehicle_capacity = vehicle_capacity self.cust_demands = cust_demands self.cust_coordinates = cust_coordinates self.depot_coordinates = depot_coordinates

def compute_euclidean_distance(x_i, y_i, x_j, y_j, number_digit=3): """Compute the euclidean distance between 2 points from graph""" return round(math.sqrt((x_i - x_j)**2 + (y_i - y_j)**2), number_digit)

def read_instance(name: str): """ Read an instance in the folder data from a given name """
with open( os.path.normpath(name), "r", encoding="UTF-8") as file: return [str(element) for element in file.read().split()]

def solve_demo(instance_name, time_resolution=30, solver_name_input="CLP", solver_path=""): """return a solution from modelisation"""
# read parameters given in command line type_instance = "MDVRP/" if len(sys.argv) > 1: print(instance_name) opts = getopt.getopt(instance_name, "i:t:s:p:") for opt, arg in opts[0]: if opt in ["-i"]: instance_name = arg folder_data = "" type_instance = "" if opt in ["-t"]: time_resolution = float(arg) if opt in ["-s"]: solver_name_input = arg if opt in ["-p"]: solver_path = arg
# read instance data = read_mdvrp_instances(instance_name) # modelisation of problem model = solver.Model()
# add vehicle types for i in range(data.nb_depots): model.add_vehicle_type(id=data.nb_customers + i, start_point_id=data.nb_customers + i, end_point_id=data.nb_customers + i, capacity=data.vehicle_capacity, max_number=data.nb_customers, var_cost_dist=1 )
# add all customers for i in range(data.nb_customers): model.add_customer(id=i, id_customer=i+1, demand=data.cust_demands[i] ) # add depots for i in range(data.nb_customers,data.nb_customers + data.nb_depots): model.add_depot(id=i)

nb_link = 0
# Compute the links between depots and other points for index,coord_depot in enumerate(data.depot_coordinates): for i, cust_i in enumerate(data.cust_coordinates): dist = compute_euclidean_distance( cust_i[0], cust_i[1], coord_depot[0], coord_depot[1]) model.add_link(start_point_id=index+data.nb_customers, end_point_id=i, distance=dist )
# Compute the links between points for i,cust_i in enumerate(data.cust_coordinates): for j in range(i + 1, len(data.cust_coordinates)): dist = compute_euclidean_distance(cust_i[0], cust_i[1], data.cust_coordinates[j][0], data.cust_coordinates[j][1]) model.add_link(start_point_id=i, end_point_id=j, distance=dist )
# set parameters model.set_parameters(time_limit=time_resolution, solver_name=solver_name_input)
''' If you have cplex 22.1 installed on your laptop windows you have to specify solver path''' if (solver_name_input == "CPLEX" and solver_path != ""): model.parameters.cplex_path = solver_path
# solve model model.solve()
# export the result # model.solution.export(instance_name.split(".")[0] + "_result")
return model.solution.value

def read_mdvrp_instances(instance_full_path): """Read literature instances of MDVRP by giving the name of instance and returns dictionary containing all elements of model""" instance_iter = iter( read_instance(instance_full_path))
# pass type instance next(instance_iter)
nb_customers = int(next(instance_iter)) nb_depots = int(next(instance_iter))
vehicle_capacities = [] for _ in range(nb_depots): # pass max duration next(instance_iter) vehicle_capacities.append(int(next(instance_iter)))
cust_demands = [] cust_coordinates = [] for _ in range(nb_customers): next(instance_iter) cust_x = int(next(instance_iter)) cust_y = int(next(instance_iter)) cust_coordinates.append([cust_x, cust_y]) # pass duration next(instance_iter)
cust_demand = int(next(instance_iter)) cust_demands.append(cust_demand) for _ in range(6): next(instance_iter)
depot_coordinates = [] # add depots and vehicle types for _ in range(nb_depots): next(instance_iter) cust_x = int(next(instance_iter)) cust_y = int(next(instance_iter)) depot_coordinates.append([cust_x, cust_y])
for _ in range(4): next(instance_iter)
return DataMdvrp(nb_customers, nb_depots, vehicle_capacities[0], cust_demands, cust_coordinates, depot_coordinates )

if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) > 1: solve_demo(sys.argv[1:]) else: print("""Please indicates the parameters of your model like this : \n python MDVRP.py -i INSTANCE_PATH/NAME_INSTANCE \n -t TIME_RESOLUTION -s SOLVER_NAME (-p PATH_SOLVER (WINDOWS only)) """)

RichVRP 是 VRPSolverEasy 解决的特色问题之一,这里给出一个示例。它包括开放路线、多个仓库、多个时间窗口、两种类型的车辆(小型和大型)、可选客户和不兼容车辆(有些客户只可由小型车辆提供服务)。

import osimport mathimport sysimport getoptfrom VRPSolverEasy.src import solver
class Depot: def __init__(self, id, x, y, tw_begin, tw_end): self.id = id self.x = x self.y = y self.tw_begin = tw_begin self.tw_end = tw_end def __str__(self): return (f"Depot(id: {self.id}, x: {self.x}, y: {self.y}, " f"tw_begin: {self.tw_begin}, tw_end: {self.tw_end})")
class Vehicle: def __init__(self, capacity, fixed_cost, var_cost, max_number): self.capacity = capacity self.fixed_cost = fixed_cost self.var_cost = var_cost self.max_number = max_number def __str__(self): return (f"Vehicle(capacity: {self.capacity}, " f"fixed_cost: {self.fixed_cost}, var_cost: {self.var_cost}, " f"max_number: {self.max_number})")
class Customer: def __init__(self, id, x, y, demand, service_time, optional, only_small_veh, time_windows): self.id = id self.x = x self.y = y self.demand = demand self.service_time = service_time self.optional = optional # Is the customer optional? self.only_small_veh = only_small_veh # Can the customer served only by small vehicles? self.time_windows = time_windows # List of time windows (list of pairs) def __str__(self): tw_str = ', '.join([f"({start}, {end})" for start, end in self.time_windows]) return (f"Customer(id: {self.id}, x: {self.x}, y: {self.y}, " f"demand: {self.demand}, service_time: {self.service_time}, " f"optional: {self.optional}, only_small_veh: {self.only_small_veh}, " f"time_windows: [{tw_str}])")
class DataRichVrp: """Contains all data for RichVRP """ def __init__( self, depots : None, big_vehicle : None, small_vehicle : None, customers : None): self.depots = depots self.big_vehicle = big_vehicle self.small_vehicle = small_vehicle self.customers = customers def __str__(self): depots_str = '\n'.join([str(depot) for depot in self.depots]) big_vehicle_str = str(self.big_vehicle) small_vehicle_str = str(self.small_vehicle) customers_str = '\n'.join([str(customer) for customer in self.customers]) return (f"DataRichVrp:\n\nDepots:\n{depots_str}\n\nBig Vehicle:\n{big_vehicle_str}" f"\n\nSmall Vehicle:\n{small_vehicle_str}\n\nCustomers:\n{customers_str}")
def compute_euclidean_distance(x_i, y_i, x_j, y_j, number_digit=3): """Compute the euclidean distance between 2 points from graph""" return round(math.sqrt((x_i - x_j)**2 + (y_i - y_j)**2), number_digit)
def read_instance(name: str): """ Read an instance in the folder data from a given name """ with open( os.path.normpath(name), "r", encoding="UTF-8") as file: return [str(element) for element in file.read().split()]
def solve_demo(instance_name, time_resolution=30, solver_name_input="CLP", solver_path=""): """return a solution from modelisation"""
# read parameters given in command line if len(sys.argv) > 1: print(instance_name) opts = getopt.getopt(instance_name, "i:t:s:p:") for opt, arg in opts[0]: if opt in ["-i"]: instance_name = arg if opt in ["-t"]: time_resolution = float(arg) if opt in ["-s"]: solver_name_input = arg if opt in ["-p"]: solver_path = arg
# read instance data = read_richvrp_instance(instance_name) print(data)
# modelisation of problem model = solver.Model()
big_vehicle_id = 1 # Big vehicles have odd ids big_vehicle_ids = [] # Store all the ids for big vehicles small_vehicle_id = 2 # Small vehicles have even ids # Add depots and vehicles for depot in data.depots: # Add the depot model.add_depot(id = depot.id, tw_begin = depot.tw_begin, tw_end = depot.tw_end) # Add the big vehicle to this depot model.add_vehicle_type(id = big_vehicle_id, start_point_id = depot.id, end_point_id = -1, # A vehicle may end anywhere capacity = data.big_vehicle.capacity, max_number = data.big_vehicle.max_number, fixed_cost = data.big_vehicle.fixed_cost, var_cost_dist = data.big_vehicle.var_cost, tw_begin = depot.tw_begin, tw_end = depot.tw_end) # Add the small vehicle to this depot model.add_vehicle_type(id = small_vehicle_id, start_point_id = depot.id, end_point_id = -1, # A vehicle may end anywhere capacity = data.small_vehicle.capacity, max_number = data.small_vehicle.max_number, fixed_cost = data.small_vehicle.fixed_cost, var_cost_dist = data.small_vehicle.var_cost, tw_begin = depot.tw_begin, tw_end = depot.tw_end) big_vehicle_ids.append(big_vehicle_id) big_vehicle_id += 2 small_vehicle_id += 2
# ID for alternative points of a customer with multiple time windows next_id = max([customer.id for customer in data.customers]) + 1 # IDs of a customer, including the alternative ones customer_ids = {customer.id : [customer.id] for customer in data.customers} # Add customers for customer in data.customers: # Add a point for each time window of a customer for i, tw in enumerate(customer.time_windows): point_id = customer.id if i > 0: # Is it an alternative point? point_id = next_id customer_ids[customer.id].append(next_id) next_id += 1 # Get the next alternative ID model.add_customer(id = point_id, id_customer = customer.id, demand = customer.demand, service_time = customer.service_time, tw_begin = tw[0], tw_end = tw[1], penalty = 1.0 if customer.optional else 0.0, incompatible_vehicles = big_vehicle_ids if customer.only_small_veh else [])
# Compute the links between depots and other points for depot in data.depots: for customer in data.customers: dist = compute_euclidean_distance(customer.x, customer.y, depot.x, depot.y) for point_id in customer_ids[customer.id]: model.add_link(start_point_id = depot.id, end_point_id = point_id, distance = dist, time = dist) # Compute the links between customer points for i, c1 in enumerate(data.customers): for j, c2 in enumerate(data.customers): if j <= i: continue dist = compute_euclidean_distance(c1.x, c1.y, c2.x, c2.y) # Add a link for each pair of points from c1 to c2 for point_id_c1 in customer_ids[c1.id]: for point_id_c2 in customer_ids[c2.id]: model.add_link(start_point_id = point_id_c1, end_point_id = point_id_c2, distance = dist, time = dist)
# set parameters model.set_parameters(time_limit=time_resolution, solver_name=solver_name_input)
''' If you have cplex 22.1 installed on your laptop windows you have to specify solver path''' if (solver_name_input == "CPLEX" and solver_path != ""): model.parameters.cplex_path = solver_path
# model.export(instance_name)
# Solve model model.solve()
print("\nCustomer IDs and time windows:") for customer in data.customers: ids_and_tws = [] for i, point_id in enumerate(customer_ids[customer.id]): ids_and_tws.append(f"(id: {point_id}, tw: {list(customer.time_windows[i])})") print(f"Customer {customer.id}: {', '.join(ids_and_tws)}")
if model.solution.is_defined(): print(model.solution)
# export the result # model.solution.export(instance_name.split(".")[0] + "_result")
return model.solution.value
def read_richvrp_instance(instance_full_path): """Read instance of RichVRP by giving the name of instance and returns dictionary containing all elements of model""" instance_iter = iter( read_instance(instance_full_path))
nb_depots = int(next(instance_iter))
# Read depots depots = [] for _ in range(nb_depots): id = int(next(instance_iter)) x = int(next(instance_iter)) y = int(next(instance_iter)) tw_begin = int(next(instance_iter)) tw_end = int(next(instance_iter)) depots.append(Depot(id, x, y, tw_begin, tw_end))
# Read big vehicle capacity_big_veh = int(next(instance_iter)) fixed_cost_big_veh = int(next(instance_iter)) var_cost_big_veh = float(next(instance_iter)) max_numb_big_veh = int(next(instance_iter)) big_vehicle = Vehicle(capacity_big_veh, fixed_cost_big_veh, var_cost_big_veh, max_numb_big_veh)
# Read small vehicle capacity_small_veh = int(next(instance_iter)) fixed_cost_small_veh = int(next(instance_iter)) var_cost_small_veh = float(next(instance_iter)) max_numb_small_veh = int(next(instance_iter)) small_vehicle = Vehicle(capacity_small_veh, fixed_cost_small_veh, var_cost_small_veh, max_numb_small_veh)
# Read customers nb_customers = int(next(instance_iter)) customers = [] for _ in range(nb_customers): id = int(next(instance_iter)) x = int(next(instance_iter)) y = int(next(instance_iter)) demand = int(next(instance_iter)) service_time = int(next(instance_iter)) optional = int(next(instance_iter)) == 1 if True else False small_vehicle_flag = int(next(instance_iter)) == 1 if True else False nb_time_windows = int(next(instance_iter)) time_windows = [] for _ in range(nb_time_windows): tw_begin = int(next(instance_iter)) tw_end = int(next(instance_iter)) time_windows.append((tw_begin, tw_end)) customers.append(Customer(id, x, y, demand, service_time, optional, small_vehicle_flag, time_windows))
return DataRichVrp(depots, big_vehicle, small_vehicle, customers)
if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) > 1: solve_demo(sys.argv[1:]) else: print("""Please indicates the parameters of your model like this : \n python RichVRP.py -i INSTANCE_PATH/NAME_INSTANCE \n -t TIME_RESOLUTION -s SOLVER_NAME (-p PATH_SOLVER (WINDOWS only)) """)


毕竟是精确算法求解器,在大规模问题上还是拼不过启发式算法,对于200 个以上客户的算例得到最优解可能需要很长时间(数小时或数天),但少于 100 个客户的算例一般可以在几分钟内得到解决。

