-sweet talklover's prattle-
"每次靠近你,我的心就像被施了魔法,仿佛整个宇宙都在为我们俩屏住呼吸。""Every time I get close to you, it feels like my heart is under a spell, as if the whole universe is holding its breath for us."
"我想成为你枕边的微风,轻轻掠过你的耳畔,告诉你一个你永远不会拒绝的秘密——我属于你。""I want to be the breeze at your bedside, gently brushing past your ear to whisper a secret you can never resist—I belong to you."
"我爱你这件事,已经不由我控制了,像星星坠入大海,不可逆转,注定为你沉沦。""Loving you is something I no longer control, like a star falling into the sea, irreversible, destined to sink for you."
"如果你是电流,那我甘愿成为那根插头,一插上,立刻被你电得彻底迷失。""If you were electricity, I’d gladly be the plug—once connected, I'd be completely and hopelessly lost in your current."
"你的一笑,像是引爆了我心底的烟花,绚烂得让我忍不住想一遍遍为你着火。""Your smile is like lighting fireworks in my heart, so dazzling that I can't help but want to ignite for you again and again."
"你是我最危险的甜点,明知道会沦陷,却忍不住一口一口吃到停不下来。""You’re my most dangerous dessert; I know I’ll get lost, but I can’t resist taking bite after bite until I can’t stop."
"和你在一起,我就像一艘漂泊的船,终于找到了心之港湾,无法再离开。""With you, I’m like a drifting boat that’s finally found its harbor, unable to ever sail away again."
"你就是那种让我越靠近,越沉沦的迷宫,我甘愿迷失在每一条通向你的路上。""You’re the kind of maze that the closer I get, the deeper I fall, and I’m willing to get lost on every path leading to you."
"你像一道光,照亮了我所有的黑暗,而我,愿意永远追随这道光,哪怕最终只能成为你的影子。""You’re like a light, brightening all my darkness, and I’d follow it forever, even if it means becoming just your shadow."
"如果思念是风,我想它已经刮过了千万次,而我,只想乘着这风,轻轻落在你心里。""If longing were the wind, I think it’s swept by a thousand times, and I just want to ride that wind gently into your heart."
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