
学术   2024-10-13 09:01   上海  


Call for Papers: AAS 2025 Annual

Conference Roundtable


AAS2025年会将于2025年3月13日至16日在美国俄亥俄州哥伦布市举行。大会旨在通过研讨亚洲各地区的相关议题,推动对亚洲研究的深入理解与教学方面的提升。2024年6月,AAS2025年会发布征稿启事,面向全球学者征集平行论坛方案。经过严格评审,中国传媒大学戏剧影视学院副教授黄天乐的圆桌会议提案“亚洲电影与录像艺术中的否定性影像”(The Negative Image in Asian Cinema and Video Art)获协会通过。在此,诚邀学者、艺术家和研究人员提交相关文章,参加本次会议。


City of Columbus, Ohio, USA

The Association for Asian Studies (AAS) is the world’s largest academic organization dedicated to Asian studies. Its annual conference is one of the most significant international meetings for scholars in Asian culture and arts, providing a global platform for cutting-edge research and deep discussions on diverse issues on history, culture, and contemporary issues of Asia. To promote diversity, the AAS Annual Conference does not have a fixed theme. It welcomes academic proposals from humanities and social sciences. Scholars and artists focusing on Asian studies are especially encouraged to submit interdisciplinary research and creative works. This open-topic format fosters intellectual exchange across disciplines, encouraging new perspectives and conversations on Asian issues within both academic and artistic communities.

The AAS 2025 Annual Conference will be held from March 13 to 16, 2025, in Columbus, Ohio, the U.S. The conference aims to enhance understanding and enrich teaching on Asia-focused topics through in-depth discussions on various regions of Asia. In June 2024, the AAS 2025 Annual Conference issued a call for proposals, inviting submissions from scholars worldwide for parallel session panels. Following a rigorous review process, the roundtable proposal entitled The Negative Image in Asian Cinema and Video Art by Tianle Huang, associate professor from School of Theater, Film and Television at Communication University of China, was accepted. We hereby invite scholars, artists, and researchers to submit relevant articles and join this session.



Tianle Huang

Associate professor from School of Theater, Film and Television at Communication University of China



“否定性影像”(negative image)不仅是一个学术或技术术语,亦表征出文化叙事中被忽视、被压抑、被边缘化的声音、行为与记忆,包含其内的非同一性元素呈现出意义不断流动与重构的场域。本次圆桌会议将聚焦亚洲电影与录像艺术中的否定性影像,关注亚洲视觉文化中的缺席、隐形与抹除现象及其深层社会文化意义。我们将分析艺术家如何在全球化4.0语境下以在地视角反思国家历史与全球地缘政治,质疑中心—边缘的二元对立,并在文化离散与身份漂移的多维话语中持续发挥作用。会议还将考察作品的地缘政治背景及其历史与物质性条件,讨论否定性影像与西奥多·阿多诺 (Theodor W. Adorno)否定性辩证法之关涉,探问这一悖论性概念如何改变对区域文化的认知,构建国家与洲际之间的有形或想象性联系,从而重新定位、想象、建构“亚洲身份”。








Theodor W. Adorno’s negative dialectics


Negative Image in Asian Cinema and Video Art

Negative image is not only an academic and technical concept but also represents the voices, actions, and memories that are overlooked, repressed, and marginalized within cultural narratives. The non-identical elements that it entails reveal a space where meaning is constantly fluid and reconstructed. This roundtable will focus on the negative image in Asian cinema and video art, exploring absence, invisibility, and erasure in Asian visual culture and their deeper socio-cultural significance. We will examine how artists, through a localized perspective, critically reflect on national histories and global geopolitics in the context of Globalization 4.0, challenging the binary of center and periphery, and contributing to the discourse of cultural diaspora and physical displacement.

The roundtable also investigates the geopolitical contexts of these works and their historical and material background, discussing the relationship between the negative image and Theodor W. Adorno’s negative dialectics. It will explore how this paradoxical concept can transform understandings of regional culture and create tangible or imagined connections between nations and continents, thereby re-locating, re-imagining, and re-constructing the “Asian identity.”

We welcome articles on, but not limited to, the following topics:

1.Negative image in postcolonial contexts

2.The role of trauma aesthetics and visual absence in cinema and video art

3.Philosophical interpretations of “emptiness” and “invisibility” in visual culture

4.Subversion of meaning and negative image in avant-garde

We hope that this discussion will inspire deeper reflection and multi-perspective analysis on the concept of negative image, promoting further research and development in Asian cinema and video art.



北京时间 2024年10月31日24:00







Submission Guidelines


24:00 (UTC+8), October 31, 2024

Required Materials

①An academic CV

② A full paper or an extended abstract of 800-1000 words in either Chinese or English, along with keywords.

Contribution Email


This roundtable follows the Association for Asian Studies’ commitment to diversity and welcomes scholars from different regions, nationalities, races, and backgrounds to participate. Upon acceptance, the scholar may be eligible to apply for financial support, including registration fee waivers and travel grants, through the AAS official website. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the roundtable organizer via email. We look forward to engaging with you at the AAS 2025 Annual Conference.





主编 / 梁若菡  责编 / 马令怡

 校对 / 汤秉凡  审阅 / 郑雪如 

编辑 / 张文博

