-sweet talklover's prattle-
你知道吗,有时候我走在街上,看到某个东西就会突然想起你,然后不自觉地笑了。 You know, sometimes when I'm walking down the street, I see something that reminds me of you, and then I can't help but smile.
我发现自己最近总是哼着同一首歌,可能是因为它总让我想起你。 I've noticed I've been humming the same song lately, probably because it always reminds me of you.
你就像我最喜欢的那杯咖啡,不需要加糖,就已经足够甜。 You're like my favorite cup of coffee, sweet enough without any sugar.
我不太擅长说那些肉麻的话,但我觉得和你在一起的时候,一切都变得很简单,很舒服。 I'm not very good at saying those mushy things, but I feel like when I'm with you, everything becomes simple and comfortable.
我想象过很多种未来的样子,但最好的那个版本里,总是有你在。 I've imagined many versions of the future, but the best one always has you in it.
你的存在对我来说,就像是周末的早晨,可以慢慢享受,没有任何压力。 Your presence to me is like a weekend morning, something I can slowly savor without any stress.
我想和你一起做很多小事,比如一起做饭,一起散步,或者只是一起坐在沙发上看电影。 I want to do a lot of little things with you, like cooking together, taking walks, or just sitting on the couch watching movies.
我喜欢你笑的样子,它让我觉得世界上没有什么问题是解决不了的。 I love the way you laugh; it makes me feel like there's no problem in the world that can't be solved.
我想告诉你,你在我心中的位置是任何人都无法取代的。 I want to tell you that the place you hold in my heart is irreplaceable.
有时候,我只是需要知道有你在,即使我们不说话,也感觉很好。 Sometimes, I just need to know that you're there, and even if we don't talk, it feels good.
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