新版125个科学问题中,个别问题是持续关注上版问题中至今尚未解决的重大科学难题,如“宇宙是由什么构成的”“我们可以阻止自己衰老吗”。也有具有挑战性的全球共性问题,如“我们可以阻止全球气候变化吗”“能量存储的未来是怎样的”“我们有可能在另一个星球上长期居住吗”;还有具有较强时代特征的前沿科技问题,如“为什么生命需要手性”“量子人工智能可以模仿人脑吗”“DNA可以广泛用作信息存储介质吗”“我们如何在火星上开发制造系统”……SJTU & Science 125个科学问题(节选)1. Can we stop global climate change?2. Where do we put all the excess carbon dioxide?3. What creates the Earth's magnetic field (and why does it move)?4. Will we be able to predict catastrophic weather events (tsunami, hurricanes, earthquakes) more accurately?4.我们是否能够更准确地预测灾害性事件(海啸、飓风、地震)?5. What happens if all the ice on the planet melts?6. Can we create an environmentally friendly replacement for plastics?7. Can we achieve a situation where essentially every material can be recycled and reused?8. Will we soon see the end of monocultures like wheat, maize, rice, and soy?8.我们会很快看到小麦、玉米、大米和大豆等单一作物的终结吗?1. Are there more color pigments to discover?2. Will the periodic table ever be complete?3. How can we measure interface phenomena on the microscopic level?4. What is the future for energy storage?5. Why does life require chirality?6. How can we better manage the world's plastic waste?7. Will AI redefine the future of chemistry?8. How can matter be programmed into living materials?9. What drives reproduction in living systems?1. What could help conservation of the oceans?2. Can we stop ourselves from aging?3. Why can only some cells become other cells?4. Why are some genomes so big and others very small?5. Will it be possible to cure all cancers?6. What genes make us uniquely human?7. How do migratory animals know where they're going?8. How many species are there on Earth?9. How do organisms evolve?10. Why did dinosaurs grow to be so big?11. Did ancient humans interbreed with other human-like ancestors?12. Why do humans get so attached to dogs and cats?13. Will the world's population keep growing indefinitely?14. Why do we stop growing?15. Is de-extinction possible?16. Can humans hibernate? 17. Where do human emotions originate?18. Will humans look physically different in the future?19. Why were there species explosions and mass extinction?20. How might genome editing be used to cure disease?21. Can a cell be artificially synthesized?22. How are biomolecules organized in cells to function orderly and effectively?22.细胞内的生物分子是如何组织从而有序有效发挥作用的?1. How many dimensions are there in space?2. What is the shape of the universe?3. Where did the big bang start?4. Why don't the orbits of planets decay and cause them to crash into each other?5. When will the universe die? Will it continue to expand?6. Is it possible to live permanently on another planet?7. Why do black holes exist?8. What is the universe made of?9. Are we alone in the universe?10. What is the origin of cosmic rays?11. What is the origin of mass?12. What is the smallest scale of space-time?13. Is water necessary for all life in the universe, or just on Earth?13.水是宇宙中所有生命所必需的么,还是仅对地球生命?14. What is preventing humans from carrying 18. What is the volume, composition, and significance of the deep biosphere?19. Will humans one day have to leave the planet (or die trying)?19.人类有一天会不得不离开地球吗(还是会在尝试中死去)?20. Where do the heavy elements in the universe come from?21. Is it possible to understand the structure of compact stars and matter?22. What is the origin of the high-energy cosmic neutrinos?1. Is there a diffraction limit?2. What is the microscopic mechanism for high-temperature superconductivity?3. What are the limits of heat transfer in matter?4. What are the fundamental principles of collective motion?5. What are the smallest building blocks of matter?6. Will we ever travel at the speed of light?7. What is quantum uncertainty and why is it important?8. Will there ever be a "theory of everything"?9. Why does time seem to flow in only one direction?11. Can we make a real, human-size invisibility cloak?12. Are there any particles that behave oppositely to the properties or states of photons?13. Will the Bose-Einstein condensate be widely used in the future?14. Can humans make intense lasers with incoherence comparable to sunlight?15. What is the maximum speed to which we can accelerate a particle?16. Is quantum many-body entanglement more fundamental than quantum fields?17. What is the optimum hardware for quantum computers?18. Can we accurately simulate the macro- and microworld?1. Is there an upper limit to computer processing speed?2. Can AI replace a doctor?3. Can topological quantum computing be realized?4. Can DNA act as an information storage medium?Engineering & Material Science1. What is the ultimate statistical invariances of turbulence?2. How can we break the current limit of energy conversion efficiencies?3. How can we develop manufacturing systems on Mars?4. Is a future of only self-driving cars realistic?1. Could we live in a fossil-fuel-free world?2. What is the future of hydrogen energy?3. Will cold fusion ever be possible?1. Will injectable, disease-fighting nanobots ever be a reality?2. Will it be possible to create sentient robots?3. Is there a limit to human intelligence?4. Will artificial intelligence replace humans?5. How does group intelligence emerge?6. Can robots or AIs have human creativity?7. Can quantum artificial intelligence imitate the human brain?8. Could we integrate with computers to form a human-machine hybrid species?