学术交流 | 香港大学前沿技术交流 Geometry Computing & Visual Media (2024)
2024-11-08 11:29
HKU 前沿技术交流 之
几何计算与视觉媒体 2024
Frontiers of Geometry Computing & Visual Media 2024
香港大学WeLight计算成像与混合呈现实验室主办,HKU 前沿技术交流研讨会系列 2024 | Frontiers of Geometry Computing & Visual Media,邀请境内外几何计算建模+视觉媒体技术领域重磅嘉宾于11月13日(周三)现场带来前沿报告,欢迎关注(与会详情见网页/二维码/阅读原文)。本公众号作为独家合作自媒体全程参与协办,亦会后续跟进各讲者项目组的研究工作的技术解读。
Wolfgang Heidrich (HKU), Ligang Liu (USTC), Hongbo Fu (HKUST), Weiwei Xu (ZJU), Taku Komura (HKU), Ruizhen Hu (SZU), Junjie Chen (HKU)
Moderator: Evan Y Peng (HKU)
Time: Nov 13 Wed 13:40-16:15
Venue: Tam Wing Fan Inno Wing Two, HKU
Website: hku.welight.fun/events
Prof. Ligang Liu is a professor at University of Science and Technology of China, recipient of the "Distinguished Young Scientist Fund" from the National Natural Science Foundation of China. He currently serves as the Director of the Anhui Provincial Key Laboratory of Graphics Computing and Perceptual Interaction and the Chair of the Geometric Design and Computing Technical Committee of the China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (CSIAM GDC). His research focuses on computer graphics and CAD/CAE, with over 50 papers published in ACM Transactions on Graphics. His accolades includes the Distinguished Award of Computer Graphics in China (2024) and the inaugural ACM SIGGRAPH Asia Test-of-Time Award (2023).Prof. Wolfgang Heidrich is currently a Hong Kong STEM Visiting Professor at HKU and a Professor of Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering at KAUST, where he also served as director from 2014 to 2021. He spent 13 years as a faculty member in the Computer Science department at the University of British Columbia. Prof. Heidrich has been recognized as an AAIA Fellow, IEEE Fellow, and Eurographics Fellow, and has received the ACM SIGGRAPH Achievement Award and the Test-of-Time Award. He is best known for his pioneering work in developing high dynamic range (HDR) imaging and displays, which led to the creation of the technology behind Brightside Technologies. This technology was acquired by Dolby and subsequently evolved into a core component of Dolby Vision, a leading technical solution for commercial displays.
Prof. Hongbo Fu is a Professor at the Division of Emerging Interdisciplinary Areas, HKUST. Before that, he worked at the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, for over 15 years. He had postdoctoral research training at the Imager Lab, University of British Columbia, Canada, and the Department of Computer Graphics, Max-Planck-Institut Informatik, Germany. He received a Ph.D. degree in computer science from HKUST in 2007 and a BS degree in information sciences from Peking University, China, in 2002. His primary research interests fall in computer graphics, human-computer interaction, and computer vision. His recent works have received a Silver Medal from Special Edition 2022 Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days, the Best Demo awards at the Emerging Technologies, ACM SIGGRAPH Asia in 2013 & 2014, and the Best Paper awards from CAD/Graphics 2015 & UIST 2019.
Prof. Ruizhen Hu is currently a Distinguished Professor of the College of
Computer Science & Software Engineering at Shenzhen University and
Deputy Director of the Visual Computing Research Center. She
received her Ph.D. from the Department of Mathematics at ZJU. Before that, she spent two years visiting SFU. Her research interests encompass computer graphics
and embodied AI, focusing on pioneering novel techniques to accurately
model the 3D world and bolster the capabilities of embodied agents to
interact with the 3D world. She has received the “Asia Graphics Young Researcher Award” and “NSFC Excellent
Young Scholar Fund”. She has served as an editorial board member of
IEEE TVCG, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, The Visual Computer,
and Computers and Graphics, as well as the program co-chair for SGP
2024, CVM 2023, and SMI 2020. She has also served seven times on the
technical papers program committee for SIGGRAPH/SIGGRAPH Asia.Prof. Taku Komura is a Professor at HKU, where he joined in 2020. Before joining
HKU, he worked at the University of Edinburgh (2006-2020), City
University of Hong Kong (2002-2006) and RIKEN (2000-2002). He received
his BSc, MSc and PhD in Information Science from University of Tokyo.
His research has focused on data-driven character animation,
physically-based character animation, crowd simulation, 3D modelling,
cloth animation, anatomy-based modelling and robotics. Recently, his
main research interests have been on physically-based animation and the
application of machine learning techniques for animation synthesis. He
received the Royal Society Industry Fellowship (2014) and the Google
AR/VR Research Award (2017).Prof. Junjie Chen is a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Real
Estate and Construction at HKU. Before that, he has been a postdoctoral
fellow from at HKU (2020~2022). He obtained his PhD in hydraulic
engineering from Tianjin University in 2020, and was a visiting
researcher at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (2018~2019).
His research work on “smart inspection using robotic, AI, and BIM” was
awarded a nationwide excellent doctoral dissertation in 2022, and
selected as an invited talk at the “AI and BIM” session of Eastman
Symposium in 2021. He has co-authored a book, and obtained five patents. He is
a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and Chinese Hydraulic
Engineering society.Prof. Weiwei Xu is currently a Professor and a Changjiang (Yangtze River) Scholar at State Key Lab of CAD&CG in
Zhejiang university. He was a Qianjiang Professor at Hangzhou Normal
University and a researcher in Internet Graphics Group at Microsoft
Research Asia from 2005 to 2012, and he was a post-doc researcher at
Ritsmeikan University in Japan for more than one year. He received Ph.D.
Degree in Computer Graphics from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, and
B.S. Degree and Master Degree in Computer Science from Hohai University
in 1996 and 1999, respectively.Host/Moderator
Prof. Evan Y. Peng is an
Assistant Professor in the EEE and CS departments at HKU. Before this, he was a
Postdoctoral Research Scholar in the Computational Imaging Laboratory,
Stanford, and received a PhD in Computer Science from the UBC. He received both his MPhil and BS degrees in
Optical Science and Engineering from ZJU. His
research interest lies in the interdisciplinary field of Optics,
Graphics, Vision, and Artificial Intelligence.
承办:香港大学WeLight计算成像与混合呈现实验室 hku.welight.fun
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