
百科   2024-09-02 09:00   德国  


高土壤强度 (HSS) 限制根系生长和作物获取土壤养分和水分。虽然深耕可以提高 HSS 的产量,但这些影响是不一致的,并且可能是短暂的,与耕作相关的问题(例如实施工作和对侵蚀的担忧)仍然存在。尽管人们长期以来认识到需要确定植物根系如何穿透 HSS 和压实土层,并确定具有更强能力的作物类型/基因型,但实现这一目标的进展缓慢。非破坏性、高通量根部成像系统(MRI 和 X 射线 CT)开发的最新进展为传统的根部取芯和破坏性采样方法提供了一种有前景的替代方法以可视化根部与土壤的相互作用,这些方法是非常劳动密集型且缓慢的。这些新程序,特别是与保持土壤剖面物理化学性质的完整土芯结合使用时,可以对土壤中生长的根进行原位 3D 可视化。

High soil strength (HSS) restricts root growth and crop access to soil nutrients and water. While deep tillage can increase yields in HSS, these effects are inconsistent and can be short-lived and problems associated with tillage such as efforts to implement and concerns about erosion persist. Despite the long-term recognition of the need to identify how plant root systems penetrate HSS and compacted soil layers and to identify crop types/genotypes with greater ability to do so, progress in achieving this goal has been slow. Recent progress in the development of non-destructive, high-throughput root imaging systems (MRI and x-ray CT) offers a promising alternative to traditional root coring and destructive sampling methods to visualize root-soil interactions that are very labour-intensive and slow. These new procedures, especially when combined with the use of intact soil cores that maintain the physicochemical of the soil profile, allow an in-situ 3D visualisation of roots growing in soil.
一些作物和作物品种具有根部性状,可提高其在高土壤强度和压实土壤中从土壤根界面提取资源的能力,这可能会提高农业生产力和盈利能力。然而,我们对以下方面知之甚少:i) 哪些根性状在高强度土壤中最重要,以及这些性状如何影响水分和养分的提取;ii) 哪些小麦品种具有更强的穿透高强度土壤的能力;iii) HSS 中的根系生长会在多大程度上减少芽的生长,与水和养分的供应无关。

Some crops and crop varieties have root traits that improve their ability to extract resources from the soil-root interface in high soil strength and compacted soils, which can potentially improve agricultural productivity and profitability. However, we have a poor understanding of i) which root traits are most important in high-soil strength soils and how these affect water and nutrient extraction; ii) which wheat varieties, have the greater ability to penetrate high-strength soils; and iii) how much root growth in HSS reduces shoot growth, independent of water and nutrient supply.

温室实验将采用多管齐下的方法,包括根部生理学和解剖学,使用传统和无损成像(3D 图像、MRI 和 CT)来了解不同小麦品种克服高土壤强度的形态机制,并量化比较内部、以及与 HSS 相关的根部解剖结构和芽生长的物种间差异。Glasshouse experiments will use a multi-pronged approach including root physiology, and anatomy using traditional and non-destructive imaging (3D image, MRI and CT) to understand the morphological mechanisms by which different wheat cultivars overcome high soil strength and quantify comparative intra-, and inter-species differences in root anatomy and shoot growth as that relates to HSS.

Scholarship 奖学金

This is an Earmarked scholarship project that aligns with a recently awarded Australian Government grant.
这是一个专项奖学金项目,与最近授予的澳大利亚政府拨款一致。The scholarship includes: 奖学金包括:

  • living      stipend of $34,192 per annum tax free (2024 rate), indexed annually
    每年免税生活津贴 34,192 澳元(2024 年税率)

  • your      tuition fees covered

  • single      overseas student health cover (OSHC).

Principal supervisor:Dr. Prof. Yash Dang
Asscociate supervisor
:Dr. Tong Li
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
农业与食品可持续学院We take into account your:我们考虑您的:

  • previous      academic record以前的学业成绩

  • publication      record 发表记录

  • honours      and awards 荣誉和奖项

  • employment      history. 工作经历。

A working knowledge of root imaging, high soil strength soil, water and plant interactions would be of benefit to someone working on this project.
根部成像、高土壤强度土壤、水和植物相互作用的应用知识将对从事该项目的人员有所帮助。You will demonstrate academic achievement in the field(s) of soil, agronomy, physiology and the potential for scholastic success.
您将展示土壤、农学、生理学领域的学术成就以及学业成功的潜力。A background or knowledge of soil-water-plant interactions is highly desirable.

How to apply 如何申请

This project requires candidates to commence no later than Research Quarter 1, 2025. To allow time for your application to be processed, we recommend applying no later than 30 September, 2024 .
该项目要求候选人在 2025 年第 1 季度之前开始。为了留出时间处理您的申请,我们建议您在 2024 年 9 月 30 日之前联系和申请。

You can start in an earlier research quarter. See application dates.

Before you apply 申请之前

1.   Check your eligibility for the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

2.   Prepare your documentation. (英语学术雅思6.5, 托福87,PTE学术 64)

When you apply

You apply for this scholarship when you submit an application for a PhD. You don’t need to submit a separate scholarship application.
您在提交博士学位申请时即可申请该奖学金。您无需提交单独的奖学金申请。In your application ensure that under the ‘Scholarships and collaborative study’ section you select:

  • My higher      degree is not collaborative

  • I am      applying for, or have been awarded a scholarship or sponsorship

  • UQ      Earmarked Scholarship type.


欢迎联系和申请!感兴趣的同学请发送英文简历到tong.li1@qu.edu.au 微信:18240073611
