-sweet talklover's prattle-
你就像是我灵魂的低语,每当夜深人静,我都能听到你的声音,温柔而清晰。You're like the whisper of my soul, and every time the night is quiet, I can hear your voice, gentle and clear.
你的笑容,对我来说,是这个世界上最温暖的光芒,能够驱散我所有的阴霾。Your smile is the warmest light in the world to me, capable of dispelling all my gloom.
我愿意成为你生活中的背景音乐,默默地为你的每一个瞬间增添情感的色彩。I want to be the background music in your life, quietly adding emotional colors to every moment of yours.
你就像是我心中的那片海洋,深邃而神秘,我愿意用一生去探索你的每一寸。You're like the ocean in my heart, deep and mysterious, and I am willing to spend a lifetime exploring every inch of you.
每当我看到你的眼睛,我就像是看到了整个宇宙的奇迹,那么浩瀚,那么迷人。Every time I look into your eyes, I feel like I'm seeing the miracles of the universe, so vast and enchanting.
我愿意成为你的守护星,无论何时何地,只要你抬头,就能看到我为你闪耀。I am willing to be your guardian star, and whenever and wherever you look up, you will see me shining for you.
你的名字,是我在所有语言中最温柔的词汇,每次念出,都让我感到一种说不出的温馨。Your name is the gentlest word in all languages to me, and every time I say it, I feel an indescribable warmth.
我愿意成为你的影子,跟随你的每一个步伐,即使是在最黑暗的时刻,也有我陪伴。I am willing to be your shadow, following every step you take, even in the darkest moments, I am with you.
每当我想到你,我的世界就充满了甜蜜的幻想,就像是沉浸在最甜美的梦境中。Every time I think of you, my world is filled with sweet fantasies, as if I were immersed in the sweetest of dreams.
我愿意成为你的诗人,用最朴实的语言,记录下我们共同走过的每一步,每一个微笑,每一次拥抱。I want to be your poet, using the simplest language to record every step we've taken together, every smile, every hug.
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