Citi 将成为 AA 联名信用卡独家发卡行

文摘   2024-12-06 10:25   加拿大  

今早 American Airlines (AA) 和 Citibank 联合发布了一则新闻,双方已签署了新的合作协议,从2026年起 Citi 将成为 AA 联名信用卡独家发卡行。

目前 AA 的联名卡由 Citi 和 Barclays 共同发行。根据协议内容,26年起 Barclays 的 AA 卡将全部被转成 Citi 卡。

Citi reached an agreement to acquire the Barclays American Airlines Co-branded Card portfolio and will begin transitioning cardmembers to the Citi portfolio in 2026. Barclays cardmembers will continue to experience the same benefits they do today. 
More information about the transition will be made available in the coming months. The attractive cardmember base, size and strength of the combined portfolio are poised to help accelerate growth for Citi’s Branded Cards business and overarching U.S. Personal Banking business.

而且转卡后老的 Barclays 卡福利将会保留。目前 Citi 卡和 Barclays 卡有部分福利是不重合的,例如 Barclays AA Red 卡每年可以报销 $25 机上 WiFi 费用;Barclays AA Silver 卡每年消费 $30k 可得两张同行票(红卡是 $20k 给一张),这些是 Citi 卡没有的福利。如果要保留福利,大概率 Citi AA 卡产品线也会有所调整,增加/调整部分福利,可能到时候也会出现一张类似年费的卡。同时这一年的时间也是申请 Barclays AA 卡拿里程的好时机。

同时新闻里还特意提到了 Citi ThankYou rewards,这或许是在暗示从26年起 Citi TYP 点数将可以转点成 AA 里程。

In addition, the agreement creates an innovative alignment between the Citi ThankYou and AAdvantage® card programs and is designed to drive incremental value for both companies and produce a significantly expanded loyalty and rewards offering for AAdvantage® members and Citi-branded cardmembers.

更多信息将在25年逐渐发布,到时候我们会持续更新,stay tuned!

