
文摘   情感   2024-08-23 19:00   江西  


-sweet talklover's prattle-

  • 你就像那本我翻阅无数遍的书,每个字句都刻在我心上,却每次都有新的感动。You're like that book I've read a thousand times, every word etched in my heart, yet every time I find new emotions.

  • 你的存在,让我相信了一见钟情,不是童话,而是我遇见你时的真实写照。Your existence has made me believe in love at first sight, not as a fairy tale, but as the true depiction of when I met you.

  • 我愿意成为你生活中的那杯咖啡,苦涩中带着甜蜜,让你在忙碌中找到片刻的安宁。I want to be the cup of coffee in your life, bitter with a hint of sweetness, offering you a moment of peace amidst the hustle.

  • 你的笑容,对我来说,就像是画家笔下的完美风景,无论何时观赏,都能让人心旷神怡。Your smile is like the perfect landscape painted by an artist, always a sight that can soothe the soul.

  • 我愿意成为你夜晚的星空,用我所有的光辉,为你点亮每一个梦境。I want to be the starry sky for you at night, using all my light to illuminate every one of your dreams.

  • 每当我看到你的眼睛,我就像是看到了深海中的宝藏,那么神秘,那么吸引人。Every time I look into your eyes, I feel like I'm seeing the treasures of the deep sea, so mysterious and captivating.

  • 我愿意成为你的私人岛屿,当你想要逃离世界的喧嚣时,这里永远是你的避风港。I want to be your private island, a haven for you to escape the noise of the world whenever you wish.

  • 你的名字,是我在所有语言中最温柔的词汇,每次念出,都让我感到一种说不出的温馨。Your name is the gentlest word in all languages to me, and every utterance fills me with an indescribable warmth.

  • 我愿意成为你的守护神,默默地守护着你的每一个梦想,不让它们受到任何伤害。I am willing to be your guardian deity, silently watching over every one of your dreams, shielding them from harm.

  • 每当我想到你,我的世界就充满了甜蜜的幻想,就像是沉浸在最甜美的梦境中。Every time I think of you, my world is filled with sweet fantasies, as if I were immersed in the sweetest of dreams.



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