
文摘   情感   2024-09-04 19:02   江西  


-sweet talklover's prattle-

  • 你的笑容,是我在这个世界上见过的最耀眼的光芒。Your smile is the most dazzling light I've ever seen in this world.

  • 我愿意成为你的影子,跟随你的每一个步伐,无论风雨,不离不弃。I am willing to be your shadow, following every step you take, through every storm, never leaving.

  • 每当我想到你,我的心跳就会加速,仿佛整个世界都在为你歌唱。Every time I think of you, my heart races as if the whole world is singing for you.

  • 我愿意成为你的诗人,用最朴实的语言,记录我们的爱情故事。I want to be your poet, using the simplest language to record our love story.

  • 你的名字,是我在所有语言中最温柔的呼唤,每次念出,都让我感到心动。Your name is the gentlest call in all languages to me, and every utterance makes my heart flutter.

  • 我愿意成为你的守护神,默默地守护着你的每一个梦想,不让它们受到任何伤害。I am willing to be your guardian, silently watching over every dream of yours, shielding them from harm.

  • 每当我想到你,我的世界就充满了甜蜜的幻想,就像是沉浸在最甜美的梦境中。Every time I think of you, my world is filled with sweet fantasies, as if I were immersed in the sweetest of dreams.

  • 你就像是我手中的那本书,我愿意一遍又一遍地翻阅,永远不会厌倦。You're like the book in my hand, which I'm willing to read over and over again, never tiring of it.

  • 我愿意成为你生活中的那首老歌,不经意间响起,却总能唤起你心底最柔软的部分。I want to be the old song in your life that plays unexpectedly, yet always evokes the softest parts of your heart.

  • 你的梦想,是我心中最璀璨的星辰,我愿意与你一起追逐,直到它们成为现实。Your dreams are the brightest stars in my heart, and I am willing to chase them with you until they become reality.



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