
文摘   情感   2024-09-14 19:00   江西  


-sweet talklover's prattle-

  • 你就像是我灵魂的避风港,在生活的波涛中,你是我的宁静和安慰。You're like the harbor for my soul, amidst the waves of life, you are my tranquility and solace.

  • 我愿意成为你夜空中的一颗星,只为在你抬头时,能照亮你的微笑。I'd love to be a star in your night sky, just to light up your smile when you look up.

  • 你的存在,让我相信了爱情的力量,它能够超越时间和空间的限制。Your presence makes me believe in the power of love, its ability to transcend the bounds of time and space.

  • 我愿意成为你生活中的那首不经意响起的旋律,总是在你需要时为你带来快乐。I want to be the melody that plays unexpectedly in your life, always bringing you joy when you need it.

  • 你的笑容,是我在这个世界上找到的最珍贵的宝藏,我愿意用一生去守护它。Your smile is the most precious treasure I've found in this world, and I am willing to guard it for a lifetime.

  • 我愿意成为你的守护星,无论何时何地,只要你抬头,就能看到我为你闪耀。I am willing to be your guardian star, and whenever and wherever you look up, you will see me shining for you.

  • 每当我想到你,我的心就充满了甜蜜的旋律,那是属于我们两人的爱情主题曲。Every time I think of you, my heart is filled with sweet melodies, the love theme that belongs to just us two.

  • 我愿意成为你的诗人,用最朴实的语言,记录我们的爱情故事,让它成为永恒的传说。I want to be your poet, using the simplest language to record our love story, making it an eternal legend.

  • 你的名字,是我在所有语言中最温柔的词汇,每次念出,都让我感到一种说不出的心动。Your name is the gentlest word in all languages to me; every time I say it, it fills me with an indescribable flutter.

  • 我愿意成为你的避风港,当你感到疲惫或需要休息时,我的怀抱将是你的安宁之地。I want to be your safe harbor, a place of peace for you to rest when you're tired or need a break.



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