
文摘   2024-12-27 17:27   云南  


来自香港的studio minors,在新的工作室形象设计,希望重拾孩童般无边无际的想像力。他们将形象卡片做成车票样式,搭配马戏团、游乐场和不知名怪兽等充满童趣的场景图案,可撕下递送,任由朋友、客户随心选择。期待透过这样的创意与互动,让大家卸下严肃的面具,也重温儿时最纯粹和真诚的心境。

studio minors, from Hong Kong, wanted to reclaim the boundless imagination of a child when designing his new studio image. They make the image cards into a ticket style, with circuses, amusement parks and unknown monsters full of childlike scenes, can be torn off and delivered, at the whim of friends and customers. We hope that through such creativity and interaction, we can remove the mask of seriousness and relive the purest and sincere mood of childhood.

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