征稿启事 | 太赫兹无线通信技术创新与应用专题(英文版)

文摘   2024-12-24 12:03   北京  

SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences

Call for Papers

Special Topic: Terahertz Communications for 6G and Beyond: How Far Are We?


Despite the successful roll-out of fifth-generation (5G) wireless networks at frequencies spanning up to the millimeter-wave (mmWave) spectrum, the quest for increasing data rates persists. Towards this end, higher frequencies over the terahertz (THz) band (0.1-10 THz) will be central to ubiquitous wireless communications in beyond-5G or sixth generation (6G) networks. In particular, THz frequencies promise to support ample spectrum, above hundred Giga-bit-per-second (Gbps) data rates, massive connectivity, denser networks, and highly secure transmissions.

The THz spectrum is sandwiched between the mmWave and the far-infrared (IR) bands and has, for long, been the least investigated electromagnetic spectrum. However, recent advancements in THz signal generation, modulation, and radiation methods are closing the so-called THz gap. The THz band offers much higher transmission bandwidths compared to the mmWave band and more favorable propagation settings compared to the IR band; it can thus complement the conventional radio-frequency spectrum. Several unique challenges, however, have still to be addressed to achieve the full potential of THz communications. For instance, THz transmissions incur very high propagation losses, significantly limiting the communication distances. This may not be an issue for short-range links, such as in the case of intra-machine communications envisioned in industrial IoT (IIoT) scenarios, whereas aerial, satellite, and vehicular networks, which would benefit from high-speed and low-latency THz connections, are expected to be significantly affected by propagation losses. Furthermore, the coexistence of mmWave, sub 6GHz, and optical wireless communications and networking is not yet fully understood. THz communications will be complemented by enablers at both the infrastructure and algorithmic levels. At the infrastructure level, emerging beyond-5G technologies such as reconfigurable intelligent surfaces, ultra-massive MIMO configurations, and integrated access and backhaul, can boost the gains of THz communications. At the algorithmic level, novel signal processing techniques and networking protocols can get around the THz quasi-optical propagation characteristics and mitigate microwave characteristics to enable seamless connectivity. Efficient THz baseband signal processing can further reduce the gap between the huge available bandwidths and the limited state-of-the-art frequency sampling speeds. This research topic is therefore devoted to investigating the role of key 6G enabling techniques in fostering THz communication and vice versa. 

In this Special Issue (SI) on Terahertz Communications, the covered topics include but are not limited to THz transceivers, antennas and antenna arrays; information theoretic analysis of THz communication systems, THz channel modeling, estimation, and equalization techniques; ultra-broadband modulation and waveform design; beamforming, precoding and space-time coding schemes; MAC design and interference management; relaying and routing in ultra-broadband networks; system-level modeling and experimental platforms and demonstrations. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

•Transceivers for Terahertz communications

•Antenna and antenna arrays for Terahertz communications

•Information theoretic analysis of Terahertz communications

•Channel models for Terahertz communications

•Channel estimation techniques for Terahertz communications

•Ultra-broadband modulation and waveform design for Terahertz communications

•Beamforming, precoding and space-time coding schemes for Terahertz communications

•Spectrum and power allocation for Terahertz networks

•MAC layer design for Terahertz communications

•Interference management for Terahertz communications

•Relaying and routing in Terahertz communications

•System-level modeling and experimental demonstrations for Terahertz communications

•Coexistence of Terahertz with millimeter wave and sub-6GHz transmissions

•Terahertz for space communications

•Terahertz for nano-networks

•Terahertz for industrial IoT


The papers should be prepared using the SCIS template, and should be submitted online through the manuscript submission system of the SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences. The submission website:


You should choose Special Topic: Terahertz Communications for 6G and Beyond: How Far Are We? Information and guidelines on preparation of manuscripts are available on the journal website: http://scis.scichina.com.

Important Dates

Submission deadline: April 30, 2025

Acceptance notification: July 30, 2025

Final manuscripts due: August 30, 2025

Publication: December 1, 2025 (TBD)

Guest Editors

Chong HAN (lead)
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China


Southeast University, China


University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China

Jianjun YU

Fudan University, China


Northeastern University, USA


University of Erlangen–Nuremberg, Germany

Haiyan YANG, Scientific Editor

SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences Editorial Office


面向6G的太赫兹光纤一体融合通信系统: 架构、关键技术与验证






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