JIA | 2023–2024年农经栏目论文合集

文摘   2025-01-03 17:07   北京  

本期精选JIA 2023–2024年出版的农经栏目文章,涵盖农业政策与可持续发展、农业技术采纳与农户行为、农业生产、贸易与粮食安全等话题。所有文章在ScienceDirect平台开放获取,点击题目可查看全文,欢迎下载并转发分享


Dual carbon goal and agriculture in China: Exploring key factors influencing farmers’ behavior in adopting low carbon technologies

Jinpeng Zou, Lulin Shen, Fang Wang, Hong Tang, Ziyang Zhou

2024, 23(9): 3215-3233

>>摘要 | 双碳目标与中国农业:探索影响农民采纳低碳技术行为的关键因素

The potential impact of increased whole grain consumption among Chinese adults on reducing healthcare costs and carbon footprint

Xin Zhang, Jingjing Wang, Fuli Tan, Haixiu Gao, Shenggen Fan

2024, 23(8): 2842-2852

>>摘要 | 中国成年居民增加全谷物摄入对医疗成本和碳排放影响效果评估

Influences of large-scale farming on carbon emissions from cropping: Evidence from China
LI Ya-ling, YI Fu-jin, YUAN Chong-jun
2023, 22(10): 3209-3219

>>摘要 | 规模化经营对种植业碳排放的影响:来自中国的证据

Can food security and low carbon be achieved simultaneously? —An empirical analysis of the mechanisms influencing the carbon footprint of potato and corn cultivation in irrigation areas
NIU Kun-yu, GUO Hui, LIU Jing
2023, 22(4): 1230-1243

>>摘要 | Ab粮食安全和低碳能否同时实现?—灌区马铃薯和玉米种植碳足迹影响机制的实证分析

Risk preferences and the low-carbon agricultural technology adoption: Evidence from rice production in China
MAO Hui, QUAN Yu-rong, FU Yong
2023, 22(8): 2577-2590

>>摘要 | Abs风险偏好与农户低碳农业技术采纳行为 ——以中国稻农为例

Does nature-based solution sustain grassland quality? Evidence from rotational grazing practice in China
LI Dong-qing, ZHANG Ming-xue, LÜ Xin-xin, HOU Ling-ling
2023, 22(8): 2567-2576

>>摘要 | 基于自然的解决方案是否有助于维护草地质量——来自中国牧区的实证证据

How to enhance agricultural plastic waste management in China? Insights from public participation

Aibo Hao, Thomas Dogot, Changbin Yin

2024, 23(6): 2127-2143

>>摘要 | 如何强化中国农业塑料废弃物管理?来自公众参与的启示

Taxing sugar-sweetened beverages in China: By volume or sugar content? A consumer welfare approach

Tianchang Zhai, Jingjing Wang, Lei Li, Wei Si

2024, 23(12): 4237-4249

>>摘要 | 基于容量还是含糖量征税:含糖饮料不同消费税收策略的消费者福利效应对比——中国经验

Are gender inclusiveness and rural transformation interlinked? The case of Bangladesh

Maria Fay Rola-Rubzen, Mohammad Jahangir Alam, Jon Marx Sarmiento, Ismat Ara Begum, Al Amin Al Abbasi, Subrata Saha

2024, 23(6): 2112-2126

>>摘要 | 性别包容性与农村转型是否相互关联?——以孟加拉国为例


Factors affecting farmers’ choice to adopt risk management strategies: The application of multivariate and multinomial probit models

Jamal Shah, Majed Alharthi

2024, 23(12): 4250-4262

>>摘要 | 影响农民选择采用风险管理策略的因素:多变量和多项式probit模型的应用

Uncertainty aversion and farmers’ innovative seed adoption: Evidence from a field experiment in rural China
WU Hai-xia, SONG Yan, YU Le-shan, GE Yan
2023, 22(6): 1928-1944

>>摘要 | 不确定厌恶与农户创新种子采纳:来自中国农村田野实验的证据

Farmers’ precision pesticide technology adoption and its influencing factors: Evidence from apple production areas in China
YUE Meng, LI Wen-jing, JIN Shan, CHEN Jing, CHANG Qian, Glyn JONES, CAO Yi-ying, YANG Gui-jun, LI Zhen-hong, Lynn J. FREWER
2023, 22(1): 292-305
>>摘要 | 农户精准农药技术采用行为及其影响因素分析:来自中国苹果产区的证据

Rural labor migration and farmers’ arrangements of rice production systems in Central China: Insight from the intergenerational division of labor

Xue Shen, Quanyu Yang, Rongjun Ao, Shengsheng Gong

2024, 23(9): 3200-3214

>>摘要 | 中国中部地区农村劳动力流动与农户水稻种植制度安排:基于家庭代际分工视角

The role of time preferences in contract breach: Evidence from Chinese poultry farmers participating in contract farming
HOU Jing, ZHOU Li, Jennifer IFFT, YING Rui-yao
2023, 22(2): 623-641

>>摘要 | 时间偏好与契约农户违约决策的研究

Asset specificity and farmers’ intergenerational succession willingness of apple management
ZHANG Qiang-qiang, GAO Xi-xi, Nazir Muhammad ABDULLAHI, WANG Yue, HUO Xue-xi
2023, 22(8): 2553-2566

>>摘要 | 资产专用性和农户苹果经营代际传递意愿  

Are vulnerable farmers more easily influenced? Heterogeneous effects of Internet use on the adoption of integrated pest management
LI Kai, JIN Yu, ZHOU Jie-hong
2023, 22(10): 3220-3233

>>摘要 | 弱势农户更容易被互联网影响吗?互联网利用对农户IPM技术采纳影响的异质性分析

Optimal design of culling compensation policy under the African swine fever — Based on simulations of typical pig farms in China
GUO Shi-juan, LÜ Xin-ye, HU Xiang-dong
2023, 22(2): 611-622

>>摘要 | 非洲猪瘟背景下扑杀补偿政策的优化设计 ——基于代表性养殖场的模拟

Impacts of information about COVID-19 on pig farmers’ production willingness and behavior: Evidence from China
Huan Chen, Lei Mao, Yuehua Zhang
2024, 23(4): 1429-1441

>>摘要 | 新冠疫情信息对养猪户生产意愿与行为的影响——来自中国的证据

Effects of formal credit on pastoral household expense: Evidence from the Qinghai–Xizang Plateau of China
Yan Zhang, Yi Huang, Fan Zhang, Zeng Tang
2024, 23(5): 1774-1785

>>摘要 | 正规信贷对牧民家庭消费的影响:来自中国青藏高原的证据  

Consumers' experiences and preferences for plant-based meat food: Evidence from a choice experiment in four cities of China
WANG Ge, Madison T PLASTER, Bai Yun-li, LIU Cheng-fang
2023, 22(1): 306-319
>>摘要 | 消费者植物肉食品消费经历与偏好——基于中国四个城市选择实验的证据


Promoting grain production through high-standard farmland construction: Evidence in China

Shuai Hao, Guogang Wang, Yantao Yang, Sicheng Zhao, Shengnan Huang, Liping Liu, Huanhuan Zhang

2024, 23(1): 324-335

>>摘要 | 高标准农田建设是否促进粮食增产?——基于中国31个样本省的准实验数据

The multiple roles of crop structural change in productivity, nutrition and environment in China: A decomposition analysis

Xiangyang Zhang, Yumei Zhang, Shenggen Fan

2024, 23(5): 1763-1773

>>摘要 | 中国作物结构调整对生产力、营养和环境的多重作用:基于增长分解法

Can whole steps of grain production be outsourced? Empirical analysis based on the three provinces of Jiangsu, Jilin, and Sichuan in China
Jiacheng Liu, Shengzhi Mao, Qiufen Zheng, Zhigang Xu
2024, 23(1): 336-347

>>摘要 | 中国粮食生产能否实现全环节外包?——基于江苏、四川、吉林三省调研的分析

Water diversion and agricultural production: Evidence from China
YANG Rui, XU Hang
2023, 22(4): 1244-1257

>>摘要 | 水资源调配与农业生产:来自中国的证据

Ensemble learning prediction of soybean yields in China based on meteorological data
LI Qian-chuan, XU Shi-wei, ZHUANG Jia-yu, LIU Jia-jia, ZHOU Yi, ZHANG Ze-xi
2023, 22(6): 1909-1927

>>摘要 | 基于气象大数据构建堆栈集成学习模型预测中国大豆单产 

Impacts of agri-food e-commerce on traditional wholesale industry: Evidence from China

Ruyi Yang, Jifang Liu, Shanshan Cao, Wei Sun, Fantao Kong

2024, 23(4): 1409-1428

>>摘要 | 农产品电商对传统批发业的影响:来自中国的证据

Does Green Food Certification promote agri-food export quality? Evidence from China

Ping Wei, Hongman Liu, Chaokai Xu, Shibin Wen

2024, 23(3): 1061-1074

>>摘要 | 绿色食品认证有利于农食产品出口质量提升吗?——来自中国的证据

Temporal and spatial evolution of global major grain trade patterns
Ziqi Yin, Jiaxuan Hu, Jing Zhang, Xiangyang Zhou, Lingling Li, Jianzhai Wu
2024, 23(3): 1075-1086

>>摘要 | 全球主要粮食贸易格局的时空演变

Food security amid the COVID-19 pandemic in Central Asia: Evidence from rural Tajikistan

Yuhan Zhao, Chen Qian, Yumei Zhang, Xiande Li, Kamiljon T. Akramov

2024, 23(8): 2853-2867

>>摘要 | 新冠肺炎疫情下的中亚地区粮食安全问题研究:以塔吉克斯坦农村家庭为例

Journal of Integrative Agriculture (《农业科学学报》(英文), JIA) 由中华人民共和国农业农村部主管,中国农业科学院与中国农学会主办,中国农业科学院农业信息研究所承办。综合性英文学术期刊,月刊。创刊于2002年,现任主编为中国科学院院士陈化兰。JIA主要栏目有作物科学、园艺、植物保护、动物科学、动物医学、农业生态环境、食品科学、农业经济与管理等。刊稿类型有综述、研究论文、简报以及评述等。全部论文在Elsevier-ScienceDirect (SD) 平台OA出版。最新SCI影响因子4.6,位于SCI-JCR农业综合学科Q1区。中科院分区农林科学1区。2016年以来先后获得中国科协等部委 “提升计划”“登峰计划”“卓越计划”项目支持

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