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文摘   2025-01-09 17:17   北京  

 Journal of Integrative Agriculture



Land use type shapes carbon pathways in Tibetan alpine ecosystems: Characterization of 13C abundance in aggregate and density fractions


Xin Wan, Dangjun Wang, Junya Li, Shuaiwen Zhang, Linyang Li, Minghui He, Zhiguo Li, Hao Jiang, Peng Chen, Yi Liu



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Xin Wan, Dangjun Wang, Junya Li, Shuaiwen Zhang, Linyang Li, Minghui He, Zhiguo Li, Hao Jiang, Peng Chen, Yi Liu. 2024. Land use type shapes carbon pathways in Tibetan alpine ecosystems: Characterization of 13C abundance in aggregate and density fractions. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, Doi:10.1016/j.jia.2024.12.035


PpMYB114 partially depends on PpMYB10 for the promotion of anthocyanin accumulation in pear


Jiage Li, Rongling Qin, Yongchen Fang, Yuhao Gao, Yang Jiao, Jia Wei, Songling Bai, Junbei Ni, Yuanwen Teng

红(皮)梨的形成主要源于果皮中花青苷的积累,PpMYB10和PpMYB114是正调控梨果皮花青苷合成的关键R2R3-MYB转录因子。我们前期研究发现乙烯通过抑制PpMYB10PpMYB114的表达抑制红梨花青苷合成,且PpERF9-PpTPL1共抑制复合体介导乙烯通过组蛋白去乙酰化作用抑制PpMYB114的表达,但PpMYB10的表达不受该复合体直接调控。因此,乙烯抑制PpMYB10表达的分子机制尚未阐明。本研究发现响应乙烯信号的条件下,PpMYB114PpMYB10的表达模式高度相关。进一步研究表明PpMYB114通过直接结合PpMYB10 启动子区域上的MBS(MYB结合位点)元件促进其表达。在成熟梨果实中瞬时过表达PpMYB114显著促进了PpMYB10的表达瞬时沉默PpMYB114则显著抑制了PpMYB10的表达。进一步,我们发现‘茄梨’愈伤组织中过表达PpMYB114显著诱导了PpMYB10的表达和花青苷合成而在PpMYB114-OX愈伤组织中瞬时沉默PpMYB10则显著减弱了PpMYB114促进花青苷生物合成的作用,表明PpMYB114诱导梨花青苷合成至少部分依赖于转录激活PpMYB10。综上所述,以上结果表明乙烯可能通过抑制PpMYB114的表达进而抑制PpMYB10的表达。我们的研究结果为乙烯抑制PpMYB10表达的潜在机制提供了新的见解,并揭示了参与花青苷生物合成的R2R3-MYB转录因子之间的调控关系。

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Jiage Li, Rongling Qin, Yongchen Fang, Yuhao Gao, Yang Jiao, Jia Wei, Songling Bai, Junbei Ni, Yuanwen Teng. 2024. PpMYB114 partially depends on PpMYB10 for the promotion of anthocyanin accumulation in pear. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, Doi:10.1016/j.jia.2024.12.036


Effects of stocking rate on growth performance, energy and nitrogen utilization, methane emission, and grazing behavior in Tan sheep grazed on typical steppe


Hairen Shi, Pei Guo, Jieyan Zhou, Zhen Wang, Meiyue He, Liyuan Shi, Xiaojuan Huang, Penghui Guo, Zhaoxia Guo, Yuwen Zhang, Fujiang Hou

背景和目的:放牧是一种投资少、收益高的草地经营模式。但是,与单胃动物相比反刍动物是低生产效率高CH4排放的代表其排放量约占人为活动CH4排放总量的30%~32%,造成显著的能量损失优化放牧管理提升反刍牲畜饲料转化率,缓解动物CH4排放具有较大的潜力和空间。因此,本研究旨在评估不同放牧率对滩羊生长性能、能量与氮利用效率、甲烷排放以及放牧行为的影响。方法:为期两年(2018-2019)的放牧试验在一个长期轮牧系统中开展,该放牧系统从2001年开始,每年6月上旬至9月上旬夏季放牧。放牧地共有9个放牧小区,每个面积为100 m×50 m,每个小区分配4只、8只和13只滩羊(6月龄,平均体重:23.15±1.32 kg),每个处理设3个空间重复,得出放牧率分别为2.7、5.3和8.7羊/公顷。结果:不同放牧年份牧草中性洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤纤维的含量存在差异(P< 0.05),放牧率与牧草粗纤维含量呈正相关(P< 0.05);随着放牧率增加,滩羊干物质采食量下降(P< 0.05),2.7羊/公顷平均日增重最高(P <0.05);与2.7和8.7羊/公顷相比,5.3羊/公顷干物质消化率最低(P <0.05);8.7羊/公顷时粪氮处于最低水平(P <0.05),而沉积氮/总氮在8.7羊/公顷时最高;当8.7羊/公顷时,消化能、代谢能、及消化能/总能和代谢能/总能最高(<0.05),而甲烷排放量、甲烷/干物质采食量和甲烷能/总能在2.7羊/公顷最高(P <0.05);年份对放牧行为影响不显著,随着放牧率增加,行走时间和反刍/休息分配时间均下降,而放牧时间与放牧率呈负相关。结论:增加放牧率可能使动物选择性采食策略改变,迫使它们采食不喜食牧草以满足其能量需求。虽然导致滩羊干物质采食量下降,但消化率提高,最终减少了氮排泄和CH4排放。创新性:提出根据牧草营养价值和组成重新评估和调整放牧率,以优化动物生产性能以及甲烷减排途径。

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Hairen Shi, Pei Guo, Jieyan Zhou, Zhen Wang, Meiyue He, Liyuan Shi, Xiaojuan Huang, Penghui Guo, Zhaoxia Guo, Yuwen Zhang, Fujiang Hou. 2024. Effects of stocking rate on growth performance, energy and nitrogen utilization, methane emission, and grazing behavior in Tan sheep grazed on typical steppe. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, Doi:10.1016/j.jia.2024.12.037


Generation of a collection of MYB mutant lines via pooled CRISPR-Cas9 in grape

Xuena Yu, Yang Hu, Jiasi Han, Liang Zhao, Zhuoshuai Jin, Xiangnan Xu, Jiayue Feng, Yingqiang Wen

CRISPR-Cas9 emerged as a powerful tool for gene editing, which has been widely used in plant functional genomics research and crop genetic breeding (Chen et al. 2019). The target specificity of CRISPR-Cas9 relies on the 20-base-pair single guide RNA (sgRNA), making it relatively quick and straightforward to create plant-specific mutant libraries through large-scale synthesis of sgRNAs targeting multiple genes or even the whole genome. Several CRISPR-Cas9 mutant libraries have been developed for crops such as rice (Lu et al. 2017; Meng et al. 2017), soya bean (Bai et al. 2020), Brassica napus (He et al. 2023), and cotton (Sun et al. 2023). However, no CRISPR-Cas9 mutant library has yet been generated in woody crop plants. Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) is one of the oldest and most economically valuable fruit crops worldwide. The MYB family is one of the most abundant and versatile transcription factor families in plant (Wu et al. 2022). Here, we described a strategy for generating a collection of MYB mutant lines in grape using a sgRNA library.

We obtained 138 grape MYB transcription factor sequences from the Plant Transcription Factor Database (PlantTFDB, http://planttfdb.gao-lab.org/family.php?sp=Vvi&fam=MYB) (Appendix A). Since genes with similar sequences often share similar functions, a phylogenetic tree was constructed and divided all MYBs into 30 sets based on the sequence similarity (Fig. 1-A and Appendix B-a). A total of 127 sgRNAs were designed, each targeting conserved regions shared by two or more MYB transcription factors with fewer than three base-pair differences. This approach aimed to simultaneously mutate multiple MYB members within a cluster using a single sgRNA, addressing the challenge of genetic redundancy (Appendix B-b). These shared target sites were designated as Target1 (T1). In addition, specific sgRNAs targeting individual MYB transcription factors were designed using the  CRISPR-P 2.0 online tool (http://crispr.hzau.edu.cn/cgi-bin/CRISPR2/CRISPR) (Liu et al. 2017). The design criteria included selecting target sites within exons near the start of open reading frames (ORFs), a GC content of at least 40%, and an off-target efficiency below 0.4. Finally, 138 sgRNAs targeting specific sites for each MYB transcription factor were designed, referred to as Target2 (T2). In total, a comprehensive sgRNA library comprising 265 sgRNA was developed to target 138 MYBs, with an average  of 1.92 sgRNA per MYB (Fig. 1-A and Appendix C).

The sgRNA fragments from the same set were mixed as one sgRNA pool, ligated into the pKSE401 vector using Gibson ligation, and subsequently transformed into the Escherichia coli  TOP10 competence cells (Fig. 1-B and Appendix D-a). To evaluate the ligation efficiency of the sgRNA pool with the vector, 90 E. coli clones from sets #1-3 were randomly selected and sequenced. The results demonstrated that the ligation efficiency exceeded 90% and the sgRNA coverage ratio over 80%, confirming the feasibility of this method (Appendix D-b). Using this approach, approximately 1300 (~5×) positive E. coli clones were obtained across the 30 sets (Fig. 1-D). Plasmids extracted from each set were mixed in equal proportions and transformed into Agrobacterium tumefaciens GV3101 competence cells. Finally, all Agrobacterium colonies were collected and verified with next-generation sequencing (NGS). The results revealed that 95.31% of the sequences in the library were accurate, and 178 of 265 sgRNAs were represented by at least one read, targeting 125 (90.58%) MYB transcription factors. Most (83.93%) sgRNA read counts fell within the range of 28-215. These results indicated that the sgRNAs library in Agrobacterium exhibited high accuracy and gene coverage, which is usable for grape transformation (Fig.1-E).

Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Sauvignon is one of the most renowned red wine grape varieties, widely cultivated worldwide. In this study, pro-embryonic masses of ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ were used as recipient material for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation (Fig. 1-C and Appendix E). A total of 1354 kanamycin-resistant seedlings were obtained, and which 341 were confirmed as transgenic lines (PCR positive). And, all the lines were determined to harbor a single correct sgRNA, representing 13 unique sgRNAs targeting 18 MYB transcription factors. Target site DNA was amplified and sequenced, revealing only 67 gene-edited lines with mutations in 8 MYB transcription factors (Fig. 1F and Appendix F and G). Among these, 56 lines were chimeric mutants, nine were biallelic mutants, one was a homozygous mutant and one was a heterozygous mutant (Appendix H). Five Target1 type transgenic lines were obtained, three of them did not mutate in all of the targeted genes, in which the sgRNA was targeting two or more completely conserved sites. Additionally, gene-edited lines for GSVIVT01032467001-T1 and GSVIVT01014770001-T1 were producted. However, the sgRNA harbored in these transgenic lines only caused the mutations in GSVIVT01032467001 and GSVIVT01014770001, without off-target effects on genes with similar sequences (Appendix I and J). All MYB-edited lines were subsequently transplanted into a greenhouse for observation (Appendix K). Phenotypic analysisrevealed that the GSVIVT01026481001 edited lines exhibited significantly enhanced tolerance to drought stress (Fig. 1-G).

CRISPR-Cas9 has greatly accelerated gene function research and breeding in plants. In this study, we developed a strategy for generating a collection of MYB mutant lines in grape using a CRISPR-Cas9 library. However, the relatively lower transformation efficiency in grape limited the number of mutants obtained. Factors affecting grape transformation efficiency primarily included the regeneration rate of the recipient material and the efficiency of Agrobacterium infection. Numerous studies have demonstrated that plant regeneration efficiency enhanced using developmental regulators such as BABY BOOM (BBM), WUSCHEL (WUS), GROWTH-REGULATING FACTOR (GRF), and REGENERATION FACTOR (REF) (Debernardi et al. 2020; Yang et al. 2022). Additionally, plant transformation and gene editing efficiency improved through optimized genetic transformation methods and gene editing vector designs (Debernardi et al. 2024; Yan et al. 2024). We confirmed that a large number of edited plants could be obtained simultaneously using a sgRNA mixed-pool library, provided that grape transformation efficiency is improved. This strategy holds significant potential for constructing genome-wide mutant libraries in woody crop plants in the future.

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Xuena Yu, Yang Hu, Jiasi Han, Liang Zhao, Zhuoshuai Jin, Xiangnan Xu, Jiayue Feng, Yingqiang Wen. 2024. Generation of a collection of MYB mutant lines via pooled CRISPR-Cas9 in grape. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, Doi:10.1016/j.jia.2024.12.038


Uncovering the miRNA-mediated regulatory network involved in postharvest senescence of grape berries


Mingxin Feng, Ying Hu, Xin Yang, Jingwen Li, Haochen Wang, Yujia Liu, Haijun Ma, Kai Li, Jiayin Shang, Yulin Fang, Jiangfei Meng

鲜食葡萄的采后衰老阶段包含一系列生物学过程。MicroRNAs(miRNAs)在转录后水平调控下游基因的表达;然而,miRNAs是否参与葡萄采后衰老过程仍不明确。本研究采用小RNA高通量测序技术,鉴定了‘红地球’(Vitis vinifera)葡萄在采收后4°C条件下贮藏0,30和60天后(分别记为RG0、RG30、RG60)衰老相关miRNAs差异变化。结果共鉴定出42个已知的miRNAs219个新的候选miRNAs。在果实衰老过程中,PC-3p-3343_1921、miR2950、miR395k、miR2111、miR159c、miR169q、PC-5p-1112_4500和miR167b的表达水平发生显著变化(p<0.05)。降解组测序共鉴定出218个靶基因,涉及细胞壁组织、三羧酸循环、病害防御、碳代谢、激素信号传导、花青素代谢途径和能量调控等过程,其中ARF6, GRF3, TCP2, CP1, MYBA2和WRKY72与果实衰老密切相关。此外,本研究还通过双荧光素酶报告基因实验和葡萄果实瞬时转化实验,验证了PC-5p-1112_4500靶向剪切3个功能未知的靶基因(VIT_00s2146g00010、VIT_02s0012g01750和VIT_03s0038g00160),并证实了它们具有调控果实衰老的功能。这些结果深化了人们对miRNAs在调控葡萄果实衰老和延长园艺产品货架期方面作用的认识。基于这些发现,本研究提出了一种新的理论策略,即通过调控关键miRNAs(例如PC-5p-1112_4500)的表达来延缓园艺产品的采后衰老,从而延长其货架期。

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Mingxin Feng, Ying Hu, Xin Yang, Jingwen Li, Haochen Wang, Yujia Liu, Haijun Ma, Kai Li, Jiayin Shang, Yulin Fang, Jiangfei Meng. 2024. Uncovering the miRNA-mediated regulatory network involved in postharvest senescence of grape berries. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, Doi:10.1016/j.jia.2024.12.039


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