余科根教授担任专题“Advances in GNSS and SoOp Reflectometry: Instruments and Techniques”和专题“Classification and Clustering I”的分会主席,并作题为“GNSS+IR Imaging for Underground Coal mining induce ground subsidence Deformation”和题为“Spaceborne GNSS-R Sea Surface Rainfall Intensity Retrieval Considering the Effects of Wind and Wave”两场报告;
郎丰铠副教授作题为“A Novel Ship Detector Based on Attention Mechanism and Upsampling Operator”海报展示;
陈宇副教授作题为“Coal Fire Zone Identification by Using an Enhanced Ensemble Learning Model and Multi-model Remote Sensing Data”报告;
赵金奇副教授作题为“A Novel Flood Monitoring Method Using Temporal Information and Statistical Characteristics in SAR Images”海报展示。
海外联培博士生王昌阳作题为“A Method for Correcting the GPS Navigation Bit Transitions in the FY-GNOS-II GNSS-R Payload”报告;
硕士生王子璇作题为“Wetland Classification Based On Optimal Feature Chosen By Combining GF-3 And Sentinel-2A”报告;
本科生吴晴作题为“Cross And Col-Pol Phase Difference Related To Crop Structures In The Quad-Pol SAR Data And Its Potential For Crop Monitoring”海报展示。