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Kohn Pedersen Fox (KPF) 很高兴地宣布 Ziraat 银行总部竣工。作为伊斯坦布尔国际金融中心(IIFC)的核心建筑,这座地标性双子塔的设计将精雕细琢的细节与现代工作场所的要求融为一体,并汲取了世界上最古老、最多元化城市之一的建筑和文化遗产。该项目占地面积超过 450,000 平方米,包括 Ziraat 银行总部、礼堂、底层商业和地下停车场。
Kohn Pedersen Fox (KPF) is pleased to announce the completion of Ziraat Bank Headquarters. Conceived as the centerpiece of the Istanbul International Financial Center (IIFC), the design of the landmark twin towers integrates highly crafted detail with the demands of a modern workplace and draws on the architectural and cultural heritage of one of the world's oldest and most diverse cities. The development extends to more than 450,000 m2 incorporating Ziraat Bank's headquarters, auditorium, ground-floor retail, and below-grade parking.
“KPF 设计负责人 Mustafa Chehabeddine 说:"Ziraat 银行总部是一座现代建筑,与伊斯坦布尔的自然和文化背景有着深厚的渊源。“我们的设计理念是在裙房中融入对该地区丰富历史建筑复杂风格的诠释,采用分层、屏风式的遮阳方法,而塔楼则采用水平带状设计。建筑的几何形状缓缓地逐渐向顶部扩展,形成了一种雕塑形式,颂扬了兹拉特银行的成长和发展"。
"Ziraat Bank Headquarters is a modern building with deep roots in Istanbul's physical and cultural context," says Mustafa Chehabeddine, KPF Design Principal. "Our concept was for the podium to incorporate interpretive references to the intricate style of the region's rich historic architecture, with a layered, screen-like approach to shading, while the towers display a horizontal banding. The building geometry gently and gradually expands toward the top, resulting in a sculptural form that celebrates the growth and development of Ziraat Bank."
Ziraat Towers 是伊斯坦布尔金融中心项目 (IFC) 的重要组成部分,对我们银行来说意义重大",Ziraat REIT 总经理 Peyami Ömer 说。“这些塔楼反映了 Ziraat 银行 161 年根深蒂固的历史,同时也是我们银行迈向未来的关键一步,与我们在各方面成为行业领导者的愿景不谋而合。KPF 精心打造了这两座大楼的设计,既具有现代感,又汲取了我行丰富遗产的精华。该项目也体现了我们作为 “Ziraat ”在实现 “土耳其世纪 ”目标中的作用。
'Ziraat Towers, which is a key part of the Istanbul Finance Center Project (IFC), hold great significance for our bank" says Ziraat REIT General Manager, Peyami Ömer. "These towers reflect Ziraat Bank's 161-year deep-rooted history, as well as representing a critical step in carrying our Bank into the future, aligning with our vision to be the sector's leader in every aspect. The Design of the towers was carefully crafted by KPF to be contemporary but at the same time take hints from our rich heritage. This development is also an indicator of our role as 'Ziraat' in achieving the goals of the Türkiye's Century'.
The complex was designed as independent but interconnected buildings, with the podium acting as a continuation of the IIFC's civic space on the street and plaza levels. Bridges cross the eight-story interior atrium at multiple levels, promoting connectivity across the building, while the lower levels of the podium are defined by the sculptural form of the free-standing auditorium.
整座建筑都采用了当地优质石材和木材,其中最引人注目的是礼堂,礼堂由当地石灰石经 CNC 数控加工而成的双曲面板铺设而成。在内部,礼堂内衬有木材,营造出一种亲切感,屋顶板的波浪形轮廓是为了改善声学效果而设计的。
Throughout the building, high-quality local stone and wood details are incorporated, most notably in the auditorium, which is clad in double-curving panels of CNC-milled, local limestone. Internally, the auditorium is lined with timber to create a sense of intimacy, and the waving profile of the roof panels was modeled to improve acoustics.
Within the towers, workplaces are focused on employee well-being, collaboration, and social interaction across floors. Varied workplaces and shared amenities are provided, such as prayer rooms and naturally ventilated, double-height atria, garden spaces and roof terraces.
裙楼立面的细节设计参考了伊斯兰建筑中使用的华丽屏风,增加了质感和层次感,同时调节光线,保护室内免受眩光和过热的影响。塔楼分别高达 40 层和 46 层,展现出更加现代的风格,成为该地区不断发展的地标。百叶窗呈水平带状排列,根据高度和朝向的不同而变化,既能使办公楼层内部获得充足的日光,又能防止过多的太阳辐射。