另一方面,在进行申请准备时,家长们需要注意的是,每年大温知名私校都会收到上千份申请书。为了保证申请流程如期进行,招生官平均花在每份档案的时间只有5-10分钟。那么,究竟如何才能在这短暂的时间里,让您的家庭给招生官留下深刻的第一印象呢? 答案就在您的申请书之中。
既然私校都是择优录取, 那么孩子任课老师所填写的成绩单和教师评价表应该是招生官最关注的部分吧?
前St.George's 招生官Bryan Ide
另一方面,私校的文书题也不是一成不变的,例如今年, 知名私校WPGA和York House 都有重大变化!那么,今年的私校文书题究竟有哪些?究竟该怎么答呢?在这里,KEY特别为您汇总了大温私校2024-25申请季最新的文书题:
West Point Grey Academy
●We are inspired by, and seek to contribute to, the great ideas of the world. How do you teach your child to be a good global citizen, and cultivate an understanding of the world around them?
● We are stronger because of our care for each other and our service to the community. How do you think your past experiences and current interests will enhance your contribution to the WPGA community?
● We model empathy and integrity as the basis for our actions. Please provide an example of how you might teach empathy and integrity to your child(ren) in everyday situations
Crofton House School
● What do you envision for your daughter's success in both academics and extracurriculars?
● What are the aspects of your daughter's education that you are concerned about?
St. John's School
● What factors influenced your decision to apply to SJS? Why do you feel SJS is a good match for your child and your family?
● Please list your child's co-curricular activities. This includes things like sports programs, playgroups, music or art classes, debate clubs, tutoring, and academic enrichment programs.
St. George's School
● Please share one of your favourite family photos with us (upload below*). Why it is meaningful to you? How does this represent your family?
● You know your child best. Please share three things that are important for us to keep in mind about your child as we get to know him through this process.
● What do you see as your child’s greatest strengths or skills at this age? Tell me about a time when you saw your child demonstrating these skills
York House School
● Reflect on the research and exploration process you undertook to find the right school for your child. Can you speak about the moment when you decided applying to York House School would be the right choice for your child/family?
● What is a core value that is important to your family? Please provide examples of how you live this value.
● What would you consider to be the most important outcome of your child’s time at YHS?
Collingwood School
● What are you most proud of about your child?
● What role have you played in your child's education? What role do you see yourself doing in the future?
●What is most important to you about considering Collingwood school for your child?
Stratford Hall
● Why do you feel your child would be a good fit for Stratford Hall and us for them?
●Which of the ten IB Learner profile characters best describes your child and why?
● What are some of the activities your child is interested in and/or passionate about?
Southpointe Academy
● What is most important to you now when it comes to educating your child? How do you see that changing as they enter primary school?
Southridge School
● Please briefly describe what you feel is most important for us to know about your child
看了上方的文书题,大家会发现私校的文书中大多都是开放式的问题,家长的回答并没有对错之分。但是,如果想要从众多申请者中脱颖而出,成功吸引到招生官的关注,那您在动笔前首先需要抓准答题的方向。为此,Bryan特别总结了大温私校文书题的三大核心要点, 将在讲座中一一为您剖析:
● 为什么要申请这所学校?
● 家庭&孩子有什么独一无二的亮点?
● 家庭能为私校所在的社区做出什么贡献?
★ 2024 私校申请系列线上讲座 ★
#5 -圣乔治前招生官手把手申请文书指导
2024 年 9 月 19 号(周四) 晚上7点, 线上讲座
19:00 - 20:30 主题探讨
20:30 - 21:00 Q&A
2015 - 2024 KEY 私校录取榜单
● 【独家访谈】前顶私招生官分享多年工作心得,私校录取究竟看什么?
● 【重磅-大温私校扩招】申请季提前开跑,最新情报看这里 !
● 【独家】没成绩的成绩单怎么破?资深教育专家教你看穿字里行间……
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