本期的Be Physicist Talk邀请到了首尔国立大学的Hong-Gyu Park教授,将在11月26日(周二)上午11:00(理科楼C302)给我们带来关于基于强光物质作用的新型纳米光子器件的报告,并以午餐会的形式与大家自由交流。我们会为参加活动的同学们准备午餐,欢迎同学们踊跃报名,和老师交流讨论。活动报名链接请见推文末尾。
本期Be Physicist Talk嘉宾:
Hong-Gyu Park教授
Hong-Gyu Park于2004年在韩国科学技术院(KAIST)获得物理学博士学位。2005年至2007年期间,他在哈佛大学化学系担任博士后研究员。2007年,他成为韩国高丽大学物理学教授,并于2023年加入首尔国立大学,目前担任物理与天文学系的正教授。他是韩国科学技术翰林院院士以及国际光学与光子学学会(Optica)当选会士。他的研究领域包括高性能拓扑纳米激光器、纳米线晶体管/光电探测器、亚波长尺度等离激元器件、低维材料的光学应用,以及利用纳米结构进行的慢性神经记录。
(1) Advancing nanolasers based on photonic topological cavities:
Optical vector vortex beams provide additional degrees of freedom for spatially distinguishable channels in data transmission. Although several coherent light sources carrying a topological singularity have been reported, it remains challenging to develop a general strategy for designing ultra-small, high-quality photonic nanocavities that generate and support optical vortex modes. Here, we demonstrate wavelength-scale, low-threshold, vortex and anti-vortex nanolasers in a C5 symmetric optical cavity formed by a topological disclination. Various photonic disclination cavities are designed and analyzed using the similarities between tight-binding models and optical simulations. Unique resonant modes are strongly confined in these cavities, which exhibit wavelength-scale mode volumes and retain topological charges in the disclination geometries. In the experiment, the optical vortices of the lasing modes are clearly identified by measuring polarization-resolved images, Stokes parameters and self-interference patterns. Demonstration of vortex nanolasers using our facile design procedure will pave the way towards next-generation optical communication systems.
(2) Strain-induced single-photon emitters in atomically thin semiconductors:
Single-photon emitters, the basic building blocks of quantum communication and information, have been developed using atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs). Although the bandgap of TMDCs was spatially engineered in artificially created defects for single-photon emitters, it remains a challenge to precisely align the emitter’s dipole moment to optical cavities for the Purcell enhancement. Here, I will present the demonstration of position- and polarization-controlled single-photon emitters in monolayer WSe2 via optical pumping. We demonstrate single-photon emitters encoded with spin angular momentum in a strained WSe2 monolayer coupled with chiral plasmonic gold nanoparticles. Single-photon emissions are observed at the nanoparticle position, exhibiting photon antibunching behavior with a g(2) value of ~0.3 and circular polarization properties. We also demonstrate electrically driven single-photon emitters located at the positions where strains are induced by atomic-force-microscope indentation on a van der Waals heterostructure. Therefore, our approach is a unique way to develop next-generation, deterministic, controllable single-photon emitters based on TMDC materials.
11月26日(周二) 11:00
清华理科楼 C302
“Be Physicist Talk”是由清华物理系研究生分会主办的品牌学术交流活动。通过邀请从事物理研究的优秀学者,为同学们提供跨方向学术探讨、了解学术前沿、讨论物理学职业发展的交流机会,以更好地满足研究生学术需求、提升研究生学术素质、营造良好的研究生学术氛围。
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审核丨张帆 李佳益 杨怡蕊