2025年1月21日外交部发言人郭嘉昆 主持例行记者会 Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Guo Jiakun’s Regular Press Conference on January 21, 2025总台中文国际频道记者:据报道,18日,印度外长苏杰生发表讲话称,印中关系关乎两国发展前景和全球秩序。印将在相互尊重、相互敏感、相互利益基础上,着眼长远处理对华关系。亚洲多极化是世界多极化发展的先决条件。印中正逐步摆脱2020年边界冲突带来的复杂局面。同时,面对中国实力日益增长,印须做好应对准备,加快增强自身综合国力。请问中方对此有何评论?CCTV: It was reported that in a speech on January 18, Indian External Affairs Minister Jaishankar said that India-China ties bear on the larger prospects of both nations and of the global order. More thought needs to be given to the longer-term evolution of ties and India’s approach can be summed up in terms of the three mutuals, i.e., mutual respect, mutual sensitivity and mutual interests. He also said that the emergence of a multi-polar Asia is an essential pre-requisite for a multi-polar world. Right now, India-China relationship is trying to disentangle itself from the complications arising from the post-2020 border situation. Clearly, India has to prepare for expressions of China’s growing capabilities, and a more rapid development of India’s comprehensive national power is necessary. What is China’s comment?郭嘉昆:中印作为两大文明古国、发展中大国和新兴经济体,应聚焦发展、共谋合作。这符合两国28亿多人民的根本利益,契合地区国家和人民的共同期盼,顺应全球南方卓然壮大的历史潮流,也有利于地区乃至世界和平繁荣。双方应认真落实习近平主席和莫迪总理喀山会晤重要共识,坚持中印“互为发展机遇、互不构成威胁”、“是合作伙伴而非竞争对手”,坚持从战略高度和长远角度看待和处理中印关系,推动中印关系重回健康稳定发展轨道,探索相邻大国和睦相处、共同发展的正确道路。在国际事务中,双方应坚持奉行和平共处五项原则,践行真正的多边主义,倡导平等有序的世界多极化和普惠包容的经济全球化,为维护和促进世界和平稳定与发展繁荣作出更大贡献。Guo Jiakun: As two major time-honored civilizations, developing countries and emerging economies, China and India need to focus on development and engage in cooperation. This serves the fundamental interests of over 2.8 billion people of the two countries, meets the common aspiration of regional countries and peoples, goes along with the historical trend of the Global South growing stronger, and is conducive to peace and prosperity of the region and the wider world. The two sides need to earnestly deliver on the important common understandings reached between President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Narendra Modi in their meeting in Kazan, including that China and India are each other’s development opportunity rather than threat, and cooperation partner rather than competitor. We need to view and handle the bilateral relations from a strategic height and long-term perspective, bring the relations back to the track of healthy and stable development, and find the right path for big, neighboring countries to live in harmony and develop side by side. In global affairs, the two sides need to remain committed to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, practice true multilateralism, advocate an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization, and make greater contribution to world peace, stability, development and prosperity.美国全国广播公司记者:鲁比奥确认出任特朗普政府的国务卿。鲁于2020年被中国制裁。鉴于这明显会给中美关系有益发展带来复杂因素或制造障碍,中方是否考虑解除对鲁制裁?NBC: Marco Rubio has been confirmed as the next secretary of state under the Trump administration. Mr. Rubio was sanctioned by China in 2020. Given the obvious complications or impediment that this could pose to a meaningful US-China bilateral relationship, will China consider dropping the sanctions against Secretary of State Rubio?郭嘉昆:中方将坚定维护国家利益,同时中美两国高层级官员有必要以适当方式保持接触。Guo Jiakun: China will firmly defend national interests. In the meantime, it's necessary for high-level Chinese and American officials to maintain contact in an appropriate way.拉通社记者:美国总统特朗普上任数小时后,就将古巴重新列入“支持恐怖主义国家名单”。请问发言人对此有何评论?Prensa Latina: US President Donald Trump returned Cuba to the list of countries sponsoring terrorism just hours after taking office. What is your opinion?郭嘉昆:中方注意到有关情况。美国反复利用所谓“支恐国家名单”对古巴滥施单边制裁违背事实,毫无根据,充分暴露了其霸权霸道霸凌面目。几天时间里如儿戏般将古巴移出、移进所谓名单,试问国家信誉何在,国际信义何在?Guo Jiakun: We’ve noted that. Repeatedly using the so-called list of “state sponsors of terrorism” to impose unilateral sanctions against Cuba is completely groundless. It fully exposes the US’s hegemonic, domineering and bullying nature. The US removed Cuba’s designation and then reinstated it just six days later, as if it were something to be toyed with. It makes people question the credibility of the US as a country.美国对古巴实施60多年全面封锁,严重违背国际法和国际关系基本准则,对古巴人民经济民生造成深重灾难。中方一贯反对美方打着“自由”、“民主”、“反恐”旗号干涉古巴内政,再次敦促美国尽早取消对古巴全面封锁,切实将古巴从“支恐国家名单”中移除,多做有利于美古关系改善、西半球和平稳定的事。The US’s full blockade on Cuba over the past six decades or so seriously violates international law and basic norms governing international relations, and has wreaked havoc on Cuba’s economy and people’s livelihood. China opposes the US interfering in Cuba’s internal affairs in the name of freedom, democracy and counterterrorism, and once again urges the US to lift its blockade against Cuba at once, remove Cuba from the list of “state sponsors of terrorism” and act in the interest of improving US-Cuba relations and keeping the Western Hemisphere peaceful and stable.《纽约时报》记者:特朗普总统称他将指示联邦机构研究贸易问题,但并未立即宣布对华征收新关税。请问中方有何回应?The New York Times: President Trump said that he would order federal agencies to conduct a study of trade issues, but he has not immediately imposed any new tariffs on trade with China. What is China’s reaction?郭嘉昆:中美经贸合作的本质是互利共赢。维护中美经贸关系稳定发展,符合两国和两国人民的根本利益,也有利于全球经济发展。中方愿按照相互尊重、和平共处、合作共赢原则,同美方加强对话沟通,妥善管控分歧,拓展互利合作。希望美方同中方相向而行,共同推动中美经贸关系稳定、健康、可持续发展。Guo Jiakun: Economic cooperation and trade between China and the United States benefit both sides. Keeping business ties sound and stable serves the fundamental interests of both countries and both peoples, it is also conducive to global economic growth. China stands ready to follow the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation, strengthen dialogue and communication with the US, properly manage differences, and expand mutually beneficial cooperation. We hope the US will work with us to promote the steady, sound and sustainable growth of bilateral trade and economic ties.《金融时报》记者:特朗普总统向字节跳动表示,该公司必须将50%的股份转让给美国公司,否则将对华征收100%的关税。发言人对此有何回应?Financial Times: Trump has told ByteDance it must hand over half of TikTok to US company or Trump will levy 100 percent tariffs on China. What is your response to that?郭嘉昆:TikTok在美国运营多年,深受美国用户喜爱,为促进美国内就业、拉动消费发挥了积极作用。希望美方能够认真倾听理性声音,为各国市场主体在美国经营提供开放、公平、公正和非歧视的营商环境。Guo Jiakun: TikTok has operated in the US for years and been very popular with American users. It has played a positive role in boosting US employment and consumption. We hope the US will earnestly listen to the voice of reason and provide an open, fair, just and non-discriminatory business environment for market entities from all countries. 至于企业运营和收购,应当根据市场原则由企业自主决定。如果涉及到中国企业,应当符合中国的法律法规。When it comes to actions such as the operation and acquisition of businesses, we believe they should be independently decided by companies in accordance with market principles. If it involves Chinese companies, China’s laws and regulations should be observed.路透社记者:特朗普今天早些时候称受邀将访华。中方是否已邀请特访华?特访华将有何重要意义?Reuters: Has China invited Trump for a visit, as he said earlier today? And secondly, how important would such a visit by Trump be?郭嘉昆:中方愿同美国新政府一道,在两国元首的战略引领下,本着相互尊重、和平共处、合作共赢原则,保持沟通,加强合作,妥善管控分歧,推动中美关系在新的起点上取得更大进展。Guo Jiakun: Under the strategic guidance of the two heads of state and based on the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation, China is ready to work with the new US government to maintain communication, strengthen cooperation, properly manage differences and achieve greater progress in China-US relationship from a new starting point.今日俄罗斯记者:印度外长苏杰生周六称,印方将在相互尊重、相互敏感、相互利益的原则上,发展平衡、建设性的对华关系。请问中方对该策略有何评论?RT TV: On Saturday, Indian External Affairs Minister Jaishankar mentioned three principles of India’s approach for a balanced and constructive relationship with China: mutual respect, mutual sensitivity and mutual interest. What does China think about this approach?郭嘉昆:你提的问题跟第一位记者所提问题是一样的,我刚才已经作了回答。Guo Jiakun: Your question is the same as the first question, which I answered just now.《纽约时报》记者:白宫今日称,美国将退出气候变化《巴黎协定》。中方对此有何回应?The New York Times: The White House said today that the United States would withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change. What is China’s response?郭嘉昆:中方对美方宣布将要退出《巴黎协定》表示关切。气候变化是全人类面临的共同挑战,没有一个国家能够置身事外,也没有一个国家能够独善其身。Guo Jiakun: China is concerned over the US’s announcement of withdrawal from the Paris Agreement. Climate change is a challenge facing all humanity, and no country can stay insulated. 中国积极应对气候变化的决心和行动一以贯之。中方将同各方一道,秉持人类命运共同体理念,积极应对气候变化挑战,共同推进全球绿色低碳转型进程。China’s resolve and actions to actively respond to climate change will remain unchanged. China will work with all parties to actively address the climate challenge and promote a global green and low-carbon transition for the shared future of humanity.《纽约时报》记者:白宫今日还称,美国将退出世界卫生组织,并抱怨中国在世卫组织缴纳会费力度不够。中方对美退出世卫组织、以及特朗普政府称中方缴纳会费少有何回应?The New York Times: The White House also said today that the United States will withdraw from the World Health Organization. With that withdrawal, the United States also complained that China is not paying nearly as much in contributions to the World Health Organization. What is China’s response on the US withdrawal and also on Trump administration stating that China is making a disproportionately small contribution to the World Health Organization budget?郭嘉昆:作为全球公共卫生领域的权威、专业国际机构,世界卫生组织在全球卫生治理中发挥中心协调作用。世界卫生组织的作用只应加强,不应削弱。中方将一如既往支持世界卫生组织履行职责,深化国际公共卫生合作,加强全球卫生治理,推动构建人类卫生健康共同体。Guo Jiakun: As the authoritative and professional international organization in global public health, WHO plays a central role in coordinating global public health governance. Its role should only be strengthened rather than weakened. China will, as always, support WHO in fulfilling its duty, deepen international cooperation in public health, advance global public health governance, and promote the building of a global community of health for all.法新社记者:特朗普最近还提到了巴拿马运河问题,称中国事实上正在运营巴拿马运河,他誓言将运河收归美所有。外交部对特朗普针对中国涉巴拿马运河的言论有何回应?AFP: Trump also talked about the Panama Canal recently. He said that China was effectively operating the canal and he vowed to take it back into US ownership. Does the Ministry have a response to Donald Trump’s comments about China with regard to the Panama Canal?郭嘉昆:关于巴拿马运河问题,中方立场是一贯、明确的,我没有更多信息可以补充。Guo Jiakun: China’s position is consistent and clear on questions related to the issue of the Panama Canal and I have nothing more to add.彭博社记者:外交部对于特朗普将对中方是否遵守第一阶段贸易协议进行调查有何回应?中方是否认为特朗普在2月1日前不以关税威胁中国是个积极信号?Bloomberg: I’m wondering what the Chinese Foreign Ministry’s reaction to the investigation by Trump on whether China complied with the phase-one trade deal and does China see the fact that Trump refrains from threatening China with tariffs by February 1 as a positive sign? 郭嘉昆:刚才我已经回答了相关问题。中美经贸合作的本质是互利共赢的,经贸关系也是双方共同关心的重要问题。尽管中美之间有分歧摩擦,但两国的共同利益和合作空间巨大,双方可就此加强对话与协商。Guo Jiakun: I answered relevant question. China-US economic and trade cooperation benefits both sides. It is also an important issue of our mutual interest. Despite all the differences and frictions, the two countries enjoy tremendous common interests and space for cooperation. The two sides can strengthen dialogue and coordination to this end.《纽约时报》记者:追问TikTok。中方是否认为将TikTok出售给美国公司或合资企业时,TikTok的特定算法也能转让给合资美企?The New York Times: As a follow-up on the TikTok question, does China believe that a sale of TikTok to an American company or to a joint venture could be allowed to include the specific algorithms of TikTok, the transfer of these algorithms, to a joint-venture American company?郭嘉昆:关于你提到的企业运营和收购问题,我们认为,应当根据市场原则由企业自主决定。如涉及中国企业,应当符合中国的法律法规。Guo Jiakun: When it comes to actions such as the operation and acquisition of businesses, we believe they should be independently decided by companies in accordance with market principles. If it involves Chinese companies, China’s laws and regulations should be observed.