2025年1月16日外交部发言人郭嘉昆主持例行记者会 Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Guo Jiakun’s Regular Press Conference on January 16, 2025总台央视记者:1月15日,以色列同哈马斯达成加沙停火换俘协议。中方对此有何评论?CCTV: On January 15, Israel and Hamas reached an agreement on ceasefire in Gaza and release of people being held. Do you have any comment?郭嘉昆:中方欢迎达成加沙停火换俘协议,希望协议能够得到有效执行,实现加沙全面永久停火。Guo Jiakun: China welcomes the agreement and hopes that this agreement will be implemented effectively and that there will be a full and permanent ceasefire in Gaza.本轮加沙冲突爆发以来,中方始终呼吁尽快停火止战,为推动局势降温、保护平民、开展人道救援积极开展工作。中方支持停火协议执行,并将继续为加沙提供人道主义救援、恢复战后重建作出积极努力。我们也真诚希望有关各方以加沙停火为契机,推动缓和地区紧张局势。中方将同国际社会一道,为推动中东地区实现和平稳定作出不懈努力。Since the outbreak of the current round of conflict in Gaza, China has been calling for an early ceasefire and working actively for deescalation, protection of civilians and humanitarian assistance. China supports the implementation of the ceasefire deal and will continue to provide humanitarian assistance to Gaza and make strong effort for the resumption of post-war reconstruction. We also sincerely hope that relevant parties will take the ceasefire in Gaza as an opportunity to further deescalate the tensions in the region. China will work with the international community to make unremitting effort for peace and stability in the Middle East.新华社记者:我们注意到中国日前向《联合国气候变化框架公约》秘书处提交了第一次双年透明度报告和第四次两年更新报告。报告介绍了中国应对气候变化自主贡献进展,减缓气变的政策行动及减排效果,全面展现了中国应对气变的成效。发言人如何评价近年来中国在应对气候变化全球治理中发挥的作用?Xinhua News Agency: China has recently submitted to the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) the first biennial transparency report and the fourth biennial update report. The two reports give an overview of China’s achievements in climate response, including progress in realizing nationally determined contribution targets, rolling out climate mitigation policies, and cutting emissions. What’s your comment on China’s role in global climate governance in recent years?郭嘉昆:气候变化是重大全球性挑战。中国历来高度重视应对气候变化,是《联合国气候变化框架公约》首批缔约方之一,也是最早签署和批准《巴黎协定》的国家之一。此次提交的两份报告,信息分享透明专业,多维度展现了中国气候治理的政策举措、成效和经验。Guo Jiakun: Climate change is a major global challenge. China attaches great importance to climate response and is one of the first countries to become a party to the UNFCCC and to sign and ratify the Paris Agreement. The two reports that China submitted recently reflect its transparency and professionalism on information sharing, and showcase various dimensions of China’s policies, measures, results and experience in climate governance.两份报告的背后,是中国积极应对气候变化、深入参与气候变化全球治理的决心与行动。中国推动绿色发展的脚步从未停歇。报告显示,2021年,我国单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放比2005年(国家自主贡献基年)下降50.9%。公开数据显示,2023年底,我国可再生能源发电装机历史性超过火电。中国推动全球低碳转型的努力从未松懈,仅2023年出口的风电光伏产品,就帮助有关国家减碳达8.1亿吨。The reports offer a glimpse of China’s resolve in and actions on actively responding to climate change and deeply engaging in global climate governance. China has never stopped promoting green development. The reports mentioned that in 2021, CO2 emissions per unit of GDP dropped by 50.9 percent compared with 2005 (the base year of nationally determined contributions). As public data shows, at the end of 2023, China’s installed renewable energy capacity surpassed the thermal power capacity for the first time in history. China has never let up in its effort to promote global low-carbon transition. In 2023 alone, the wind and photovoltaic products exported by China helped relevant countries cut 810 million tonnes of CO2.气候变化需要各国合力应对。中方愿同各方一道,坚持共同但有区别的责任原则,践行真正的多边主义,以绿色发展守护人类共有的蓝色星球。Climate change requires a global response. China stands ready to work with all parties to uphold the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, practice true multilateralism, and promote green development to protect the blue planet that we all call home.法新社记者:拜登总统昨天宣布,将有关允许在美港人签证到期后继续留美的项目延长两年。中方对此有何评论?AFP: US President Joe Biden yesterday ordered a two-year extension of the program allowing Hong Kong residents living in the US to stay beyond the expiry of their visas. Does China have a comment on this?郭嘉昆:香港回归以来,“一国两制”在港实践取得了举世公认的成功。当前,香港的安全、民主、民众自由权利得到更加有效保障,发展前景更加光明。任何抹黑香港的图谋不会得逞,也不会动摇国际社会对香港的信心。Guo Jiakun: Since the return of Hong Kong, the implementation of One Country, Two Systems in Hong Kong has been a well-recognized success. The security, democracy, and people’s freedoms and rights in Hong Kong are now under better protection, and Hong Kong enjoys more promising development prospects. No design to vilify Hong Kong will ever succeed or weaken international confidence in Hong Kong.美方应切实尊重中国主权和香港法治,恪守国际法原则和国际关系基本准则,停止抹黑中国中央政府治港政策和“一国两制”成功实践,停止插手香港事务。The US should respect China’s sovereignty and the rule of law in Hong Kong, abide by the principles of international law and basic norms governing international relations, stop denigrating the Hong Kong policy of the Central Government and the implementation of One Country, Two Systems, and stop meddling in Hong Kong affairs.韩联社记者:美国候任国防部长赫格塞斯日前在提名确认听证会上将朝鲜称为“拥核国家”。韩国、美国和日本政府重申不认可朝鲜“拥核国家”地位,对朝鲜无核化政策立场保持不变。中方如何评价美国候任防长的言论?Yonhap News Agency: The incoming US Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth at his confirmation hearing referred to the DPRK as anuclear power. The governments of the ROK, US and Japan reiterated that they do not recognize the status of the DPRK as a nuclear-armed state, and their denuclearization policy on the DPRK remains unchanged. How does China view Hegseth’s remarks? 郭嘉昆:中方在朝鲜半岛问题上的基本立场没有变化。中方始终认为维护半岛和平稳定、推动半岛问题政治解决进程符合各方共同利益,希望各方为此作出共同努力。Guo Jiakun: China’s basic position on the Korean Peninsula issue remains unchanged. We believe that keeping the Peninsula peaceful and stable, and advancing the political settlement of the Peninsula issue serve the common interests of all parties, and hope that all parties will make an effort to this end.法新社记者:特朗普的国务卿提名人选鲁比奥昨日在听证会上称,中国是美国遇到过的最强大、最危险、能力近乎相当的对手。美国必须向中国表明,“入侵”台湾将付出过高代价。中方对此有何评论?AFP: Marco Rubio, Donald Trump’s nominee for Secretary of State, said yesterday at a confirmation hearing that China was the most potent and dangerous near-peer adversary that the US has ever faced. Rubio also said that the US must show China that it will pay too high a price if it invades Taiwan. Does China have a comment on this?郭嘉昆:中国的发展有着清晰历史逻辑和强大内生动力,我们的目标光明磊落,就是让人民过上更好日子,为世界作出更大贡献。中方始终按照习近平主席提出的相互尊重、和平共处、合作共赢的原则看待和处理中美关系,同时坚决捍卫自身主权安全发展利益。美方要树立正确对华认知,停止无端攻击抹黑中国。Guo Jiakun: China’s development is characterized by a distinct historical logic and strong endogenous driving force. There is nothing to hide about our goal, which is to deliver a better life for the people and make greater contribution to the world. We view and handle China-US relations in line with the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation put forward by President Xi Jinping, and resolutely safeguard our own sovereignty, security, and development interests. The US needs to establish a right perception towards China, and stop its illegitimate attacks and smears on China.台湾是中国的台湾,台湾问题纯属中国内政,不容任何外部干涉。当前台海和平的最大挑战是“台独”分裂活动和外部势力干扰破坏。美方应该做的是恪守一个中国原则和中美三个联合公报,恪守不支持“台独”承诺,停止纵容“台独”分裂势力,停止在台湾问题上干涉中国内政。Taiwan is part of China and the Taiwan question is purely China’s internal affair, which brooks no foreign interference. The greatest challenge to cross-Strait peace is “Taiwan independence” separatist activities and foreign interference and disruption. The US needs to abide by the one-China principle and the three China-US joint communiqués, act on its commitment of not supporting “Taiwan independence,” stop abetting “Taiwan independence” separatist forces, and stop interfering in China’s internal affairs on the Taiwan question.澎湃新闻记者:据报道,台“外交部长”林佳龙15日至18日将以“总统特使”身份出席帕劳总统就职典礼。请问发言人对此有何评论? The Paper: It’s reported that Taiwan “foreign minister” Lin Chia-lung will attend the inauguration of Palau’s President as the “special envoy of Taiwan president” from January 15 to 18. What’s your comment?郭嘉昆:台湾是中国的一个省,没有什么“总统”,也没有什么“外交部”。世界上只有一个中国,台湾是中国不可分割的一部分。一个中国原则是国际关系基本准则和国际社会普遍共识。民进党当局倚外谋“独”、分裂国家的图谋终归徒劳。Guo Jiakun: Taiwan is a province of China. There is no such thing as “president” or “foreign ministry” of Taiwan. There’s only one China in the world and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China. The one-China principle is a basic norm governing international relations and a prevailing consensus in the international community. The DPP authorities’ attempt of seeking “Taiwan independence” through foreign support and their secession attempt are doomed to fail.我们也注意到,就在民进党当局忙于“固邦”的同时,近来图瓦卢、帕劳、马绍尔群岛等国友好人士已经多次向中方表达了同中国建立或恢复正常外交关系的意愿。中国同这些国家建交或复交是大势所趋、人心所向,只是时间问题。我愿重申,友好不分先后,中方愿在一个中国原则基础上开启同这些国家关系发展的新篇章。We also noted that while the DPP authorities are trying to consolidate their so-called “diplomatic relations,” friendly personages in countries such as Tuvalu, Palau and the Marshall Islands expressed to us on multiple occasions their willingness of establishing or restoring normal diplomatic relations with China. China establishing or restoring diplomatic ties with these countries is where global opinion trends and the arc of history bends, and is only a matter of time. Let me reiterate that it’s never too late to make new friends and China stands ready to open up new chapters for relations with these countries on the basis of the one-China principle.法新社记者:三名中国公民因持有金条和大量现金在刚果(金)东部被捕,并被判处七年有期徒刑。外交部对此有何评论?AFP: Three Chinese nationals have been sentenced to seven years in prison in the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s eastern region after being arrested in possession of gold bars and large sums of cash. Does the Foreign Ministry have a comment on this?郭嘉昆:中国政府一贯要求海外中国公民遵守当地法律法规。中国驻刚果(金)使馆已与刚方进行了沟通,予以妥善处理。我们也希望刚方依法、公正办案,保障涉事中国公民的合法权益。Guo Jiakun: The Chinese government always asks Chinese nationals overseas to abide by local laws and regulations. The Chinese Embassy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has had communication with the DRC, and is properly handling the situation. We also hope that the DRC will handle the case lawfully and justly, and ensure the legitimate rights and interests of the Chinese nationals concerned.彭博社记者:据报道,中石化与斯里兰卡签署了一项炼油厂协议。外交部对此有何评论?能否介绍协议细节?这对中斯经贸关系意味着什么?Bloomberg: China’s Sinopec is reported to have signed a deal for an oil refinery in Sri Lanka. Could the Foreign Ministry comment on and characterize this deal? What does it say regarding the economic ties between China and Sri Lanka?郭嘉昆:中国和斯里兰卡是真诚互助、世代友好的战略合作伙伴。1月15日下午,国家主席习近平在北京人民大会堂同来华进行国事访问的斯里兰卡总统迪萨纳亚克举行了会谈。习近平主席在会谈中指出,中国和斯里兰卡传统友好。建交68年来,两国关系始终保持健康稳定发展,树立了不同国家友好相处、互利合作的典范。在双方共同努力下,中斯真诚互助、世代友好的战略合作伙伴关系不断深入发展,高质量共建“一带一路”和各领域交流合作取得丰硕成果,为两国人民带来实实在在的福祉。当前,中斯关系面临承前启后、继往开来的历史契机,双方要从战略高度把握中斯关系,共同打造中斯命运共同体。Guo Jiakun: China and Sri Lanka are strategic cooperative partners with sincere mutual assistance and ever-lasting friendship. On the afternoon of January 15, President Xi Jinping held talks with Sri Lankan President Anura Kumara Dissanayake, who was on a state visit to China, at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. President Xi noted that China and Sri Lanka enjoy a traditional friendship, and robust and steady growth of bilateral ties over the past 68 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations. The relationship has set a shining example of friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation between countries. With the concerted efforts of both sides, the strategic cooperative partnership featuring mutual assistance and ever-lasting friendship between China and Sri Lanka has grown from strength to strength. High-quality Belt and Road cooperation and exchanges and collaboration in various fields have delivered fruitful results, bringing tangible benefits to the two peoples. China and Sri Lanka today have a historic opportunity to build on what has been achieved and take the relationship into the next chapter. It is important to view bilateral relations from a strategic perspective and jointly build a China-Sri Lanka community with a shared future.关于你提到的具体合作情况,你可以保持关注。You may continue following the specific cooperation you mentioned.法新社记者:美国昨天宣布对先进计算半导体实施出口管制,提高对企业尽职调查的要求。中方对此有何评论?AFP: The US announced further export controls yesterday on advanced computing semiconductors, increasing due diligence requirements for businesses. Does China have a comment on this?郭嘉昆:针对近期拜登政府密集出台涉华经贸科技限制举措,中国商务部已经阐明严正立场,中方已向美方提出严正交涉。美方泛化国家安全概念,将经贸科技问题政治化、武器化、工具化,动辄挥舞制裁大棒,严重侵害中国等国企业正当权益,严重破坏市场规则和国际经贸秩序,严重干扰全球产供链稳定,损害了包括美国企业在内全球各国企业共同利益。这种做法是典型的经济胁迫和霸道霸凌,中方对此强烈不满,坚决反对。Guo Jiakun: On the recent flurry of trade and tech regulations aimed at China from the Biden administration, the Ministry of Commerce has made clear China’s position. And China has lodged strong protests with the US. The US keeps overstretching the concept of national security, politicizing and weaponizing trade and tech issues, and using sanctions as a go-to tool. This seriously violates the legitimate rights and interests of companies from countries around the world, including China. This also jeopardizes market rules and the international trade order, destabilizes global industrial and supply chains, and undermines the common interests of US and other companies globally. What the US does is typical economic coercion and bullying. China deplores it and firmly opposes it.我要强调指出,任何制裁打压都阻挡不了中国发展进步的步伐,任何霸凌胁迫都动摇不了中国自立自强的决心。中方将采取坚决措施,坚定维护中国企业和个人的正当合法权益,捍卫自身主权、安全和发展利益。I want to stress that no sanction or suppression will stop China’s development and progress, and no bullying or coercion will weaken China’s resolve in boosting its own strengths. We will take resolute measures to firmly safeguard the legitimate and lawful rights and interests of Chinese companies and individuals and our country’s sovereignty, security, and development interests.