大清江景区 女儿会 土家摆手舞 清江流域是土家族、苗族等少数民族的聚集地。八百里清江画廊景色美如画。“女儿会”是土家族青年追求自由婚姻的写照,被誉为“东方情人节”;土家摆手舞、苗族服饰、侗族风雨桥、羌族村寨等,都尽情演绎出这里色彩斑斓的民族文化。 The Qingjiang River Basin is home to ethnic groups including Tujia and Miao people. The Qingjiang River, known as a landscape gallery and spanning over 400 km, boasts breathtaking scenery. The Blind Date of Tujia Girls is commonly known as the Valentine's Day in the east. The Tujia waving dance, the Miao ethnic costumes, the Dong Wind and Rain Bridge, the Qiang villages represents colorful ethnic culture. 恩施大峡谷景区 恩施利川腾龙洞景区 恩施大峡谷-腾龙洞地质公园被联合国教科文组织命名为世界地质公园。恩施大峡谷,是“地缝、天坑、岩柱群”同时并存的复合型喀斯特地貌“天然博物馆”,被誉为东方的“科罗拉多大峡谷”;有容积总量世界第一、洞穴长度亚洲第一的腾龙洞,洞口有卧龙吞江的天下奇观,是旅游洞穴的极品。有世界第一奥陶季石林—梭布垭石林、长江古老纤夫文化活化石所在地神农溪。 There are World Geopark Enshi Grand Canyon, which is a "natural museum" of karst landforms. It is recognized as the “Colorado Grand Canyon” in the East. Here, you can also explore the Tenglong Cave (the largest and the longest limestone cave in Asia), the Suobuya Stone Forest (the world’s greatest Ordovician stone forest), and the Shennong Stream (renowned for preservation of the ancient trackermen culture). 恩施梭布垭石林景区 神农溪 恩施期待着与您相见! Enshi looks forward to meeting you! 来源:湖北文旅、恩施文旅