-sweet talklover's prattle-
你就像是我最喜欢的那双旧鞋子,它们可能不起眼,但穿上它们就感觉特别舒服。You're like my favorite old shoes; they might not look fancy, but they're incredibly comfortable to wear.
我发现自己在做一些傻事时,想到你可能会笑,突然就觉得那些傻事也变得可爱了。I find myself doing silly things and thinking that you might laugh at them, and suddenly those silly things become endearing.
你知道吗,当我在超市里挑苹果时,我突然想到你说过的那种苹果最好吃,然后我就笑了。You know, when I'm picking apples in the supermarket, I suddenly remember which kind you said was the best, and then I just smile.
我不太会用华丽的语言,但我知道,如果你在我身边,即使沉默也很美好。I'm not good with fancy words, but I know that if you're by my side, even silence is beautiful.
我想和你一起做一些无聊的事,比如数星星,或者看云朵慢慢飘过。I want to do some boring things with you, like counting stars or watching clouds drift by.
你让我感到安心,就像冬天里的一条围巾,简单却温暖。You make me feel at ease, like a scarf in winter—simple yet warm.
我喜欢你不是因为你完美,而是因为你是你,有你独特的好和不好。I like you not because you're perfect, but because you're you, with your unique strengths and weaknesses.
我想和你一起浪费时间,因为和你在一起,时间似乎变得更有价值了。I want to waste time with you because with you, time seems to have more value.
你让我想要成为一个更好的人,不是为了得到什么,而是为了能够更好地站在你身旁。You make me want to be a better person, not to get anything, but to stand by your side more fittingly.
有时候,我只是需要你的一个拥抱,一个微笑,或者一句简单的话,就感觉一切都好了。Sometimes, I just need a hug from you, a smile, or a simple word, and everything feels okay.
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