加拿大大学申请 | 成绩再优秀也会被它斩于马下----2023年麦克马斯特大学HS申请文书出炉

文摘   教育   2022-09-24 05:27   加拿大  


每年的补充文书,通常有三个问题,每个问题必须在 1500 个字符(~250 个字)以内:



问题 1 — 回答以下 3 个选项中的 1 个。

选项 A:在《星际迷航:下一代》第 2 季第 21 集(“巅峰表现”)中,android Data 在一场策略游戏中输给了对手; believing that the loss means that he must be malfunctioning,他要求被免职。 让-吕克·皮卡德船长告诉 Data “有可能不犯错误,但仍然也会失败。 这不是弱点——这就是生活。” 

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选项 B:Thomas King gave the 2003 CBC MASSEY LECTURE SERIES entitled The Truth About Stories: A Native Narrative. In it, he comments on the centrality of dichotomies (that is, a sharp binary distinction between two things understood to be opposites) in many Western narratives: “We do love our dichotomies. Rich/poor, strong/weak, right/wrong… We trust easy opposites. We are suspicious of complexities, distrustful of contradictions, fearful of enigma.” What dichotomy do you find to be especially problematic, and why do you think it is important to take a more complex view of that issue?

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选项 C:每年,BHSc专业的学生都会演音乐剧。 2022年的音乐剧称为Health Sci Hears a Who,该项目的管理者宣布所有学生都需要完成毕业的特殊任务。 当学生们接到带有任务说明的电子邮件时,发现包含一个词,“谁?”,并没有提供额外的说明,并且为了完成任务人物需要弄清楚如何回应 现在我们把这个任务交给你:谁?

问题 2 — 回答以下 3 个选项中的 1 个

选项 A:在我们攀登的山丘(2021 年)中,全国青年诗人桂冠得主阿曼达·戈尔曼写道:“......这是因为成为美国人,不仅是骄傲由我们传承。这是我们走入的过去,从而我们如何整旧如新。” 哪方面的过去你会扮演整旧如新的角色?

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选项 B:世界卫生组织 (WHO) 是联合国的一个机构,旨在卫生领域提供全球领导地位,协调全球应对健康威胁、全球健康促进、制定国际健康标准等。WHO有近 70 个小组,每个小组负责制定和实施特定领域的项目。有目前有12个组织团队在寻找新主任:

招聘人员已与您联系,以了解您是否有兴趣申请其中一个职位。你的申请必须包含一个简短的提案,说明如果您的团队获得 2000万加币用于高影响项目,您会做什么。你感兴趣领导哪个团队?打算用这 2000 万加币做什么?

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选项 C:A University President has encouraged members of their university to get involved in the community and transfer the fruits of their scholarship from the so-called ‘ivory tower’ to the messy world. In response, a consortium of professors with diverse talents and expertise proposed a project that would develop a novel concept for an eclectic restaurant in a culturally diverse modern city. The team of neuroscientists, psychologists, chemists, engineers, anthropologists, historians, and sociologists have joined with faculty from the business school to develop a restaurant concept they call Objective Structured Taste Enterprises (OSTEs). A menu has been developed for the OSTEs drawing on ancient and modern recipes from many different cultures, and applying contemporary science from molecular gastronomy, food science, and the physiology of taste. To evaluate the success of the project, the consortium wanted to develop an indicator that would capture more than just financial success. They developed a new index that they call the $ucCess Index ($CI) that incorporates information about sales along with patterns of selection from the menu, staff morale, customer ratings of the dishes, and number of return customers. The $CI was evaluated and found to be a reliable and valid indicator of performance based on these priorities. A year ago, they opened 5 OSTE locations in different parts of the city, and now they are launching a task force to gauge the success of the project so far. You have agreed to lead this task force, and your first meeting with the group is next week. You have been provided with the Quarterly $CI scores for each location (see below), and asked to set an agenda for the discussion. Considering the project’s goals and the $CI data, what 3 questions will you prioritize for discussion at the first meeting?


加拿大留学(专业) | 想学医?搞懂这个犹如藤校竞争的专业,离悬壶济世不远了!(补充)



联系我们gracegm2016 注明"HS文书",我们有专家帮你看文书,还有2个名额


☑️ 优质私校申请

☑️ 监护人、学业规划

☑️ 二十余位优秀教师的课程辅导

☑️ 课外活动、科研项目的背景提升

☑️ 代理多伦多教育局TDSB的学校申请

☑️ 代理多伦多天主教教育局TCDSB的学校申请

