
职场   2025-02-05 17:14   四川  


四川国际航空发动机维修有限公司(简称“四川国际”)成立于1999年, 位于成都双流综合保税区。



Sichuan Services Aero-engine Maintenance Company (SSAMC) wasestablished in 1999 and is located in the Shuangliu Comprehensive Bonded Zonein Chengdu.

SSAMC is the first Sino-Foreign joint venture company dedicated tothe maintenance, repair and overhaul of CFM56 & LEAP-X series engines inChina. Our goal is to reduce the engine total cost of ownership by providingcustomers value-added maintenance services and competitive overhaul pricing.This approach has led to a significant benefit to airlines through longerengine time on-wing, as well as minimizing unscheduled removals and sharingairline engineering resources. Since 1999 SSAMC has overhauled more than 1,000engines and accomplished more than 1,500 on-wing support missions for airlinesand lessors.






历时4年的筹备,四川国际在保税区新建的厂房已于2017年10月开始运营。这是一间全新的,世界一流的MRO工厂, 产能将达到年修理300台发动机。为提升维修服务品质,我们引进了许多先进设备,例如:发动机滑轨系统,全自动清洗和无损探伤检测线,使用RFID(射频识别)标签跟踪发动机零件,智能集件系统以及全新的发动机零件和单元体机加设备等。人性化的维修环境和先进的维修设备极大地提高了工作效率,缩短了维修周期,维修能力和维修质量也不断提高;更为重要的是,四川国际位于保税区内,关税成本的减少大大降低了客户的维修成本。不论是针对国内客户还是国际客户,我们都将更具竞争力。四川国际全体员工将更加奋勇前进,携手谱写航空发动机维修服务的新篇章。


As one of the most experienced CFM56 engine repair shop, ourachievements and strong background are inseparable. The shareholders of SSAMCare Air China (60%) and CFM International (40%).

Air China, the Chinese national flag carrier, undertakes the specialmission of national leaders' overseas visits. Air China possesses the firstbrand value of domestic airlines and the largest CFM56 engine fleet in China.SSAMC provides Air China comprehensive MRO services to keep its engine fleet flying.

CFM International is a 50/50 joint company between Safran Aircraft Enginesand GE Aviation. As the first MRO shop licensed by CFM International, SSAMCbenefits from direct technical support and maintenance best practices from the OEMto support development of maintenance capability for CFM56 & LEAP-X series engines.Customers can access MRO services from a world-class repair shop in China.

Following a 4-year development project, SSAMC new shop in the ComprehensiveBonded Zone started its operations in October 2017. As a new world-class plantwith a capacity of up to 300 engine shop visits per year, many advancedequipment have been installed such as a state of the art engine gantry system,fully automated cleaning & NDT inspection lines, use of RFID tags forengine parts tracking, an intelligent kitting system and brand new engine parts& modules machining equipment. The humanized maintenance environment andadvanced equipment have improved the work efficiency, shorten the engine repairTAT and enhance SSAMC MRO capacity and quality. In addition, because of itslocation within a bonded zone, SSAMC is able to offer to its customer access tolower customs duties that greatly reduce the cost of engine maintenance. SSAMC isnow more competitive, for both domestic customers and international ones. All SSAMCstaff & managements are stepping forward to write a new chapter in SSAMC’sMRO services.






-         全自动清洗线

-         全套无损探伤检能力(荧光渗透/磁粉探伤/涡流检测/超声探伤/X-射线检测)

-         三坐标尺寸测量

-         喷漆

-         高压水射流去涂层

-         喷丸强化

-         吹砂

-         真空钎焊、热处理

-         焊接修理

-         等离子、超音速、火焰、电弧喷涂

-         机加能力包括转子叶片的高速磨削

The link between SSAMC and CFM International is a major asset forthe company, as the relationship with the original equipment manufacturer isthe best guarantee of service quality. At the same time, a continued focus onexcellence helps constantly improve engine time on-wing, which helps reduceoverhaul engine maintenance cost.


-    Fully automated cleaning line

-    Full NDT inspection capability (FPI/MPI/ECI/UTI/X-Ray)

-    CMM dimensional inspection

-    Painting

-    High pressure water stripping

-    Shot peening

-    Blasting

-    Vacuum brazing & Heat treatment

-    Welding

-    Plasma/HVOF/Flame/Arc Spraying

-    Machining including high speed grinding of rotor blade tips






-         发动机孔探检查

-         孔探打磨发动机叶片

-         更换航线可更换件

-         风扇配平

-         VSV衬套更换

-         VSV动态调节

-         增压器拆卸安装

-         发动机改型

-         高压压气机叶片更换

-         风扇机匣耐磨层修复

-         滑油系统流量检查及清洗

-         3号轴承前/后封严更换

-         附件齿轮箱更换

-         在翼SB改装

-         发动机地面油封

-         发动机退租检

SSAMC has the ability torepair aero-engines wherever needed. The exhaustive Mobile Engine Servicespackage includes inspection, troubleshooting, repair and module replacement, aswell as complete customer-tailored solutions. MES teams can deploy rapidlyoffering expertise in both off-wing maintenance and help avoid costly removals.

MES Services

-    Engine borescope inspection

-    Blades borescope blending repair

-    LRU replacement

-    Fan trim balance

-    VSV bushing replacement

-    VSV dynamic rigging

-    Removal/Installation of booster module

-    Engine model conversion

-    Top & bottom casing

-    Fan abradable liner repair/replacement

-    Oil system flow check and cleaning

-    3# bearing front/rear seal replacement

-    AGB/TGB replacement

-    SB implementation on-wing

-    Engine preservation on the ground

-    Engine lease return check




SSAMC isthe First LEAP Actor in China:

SSAMC's OSS teams are 24h/7d readyto help keeping you flying

The LEAP-X series engine is a new generation engine, whichrepresents the leading edge in commercial aircraft propulsion systems designedand produced by CFM International. SSAMC has supported its entry into servicein China, having setup the first LEAP On-Site Support (OSS) team in China andwe have already accomplished a significant number of LEAP OSS interventions.In parallel, SSAMC has developed shop levelmaintenance capability to perform LEAP-1A & LEAP-1B Quick Turn shop visits.In the future, as the LEAP engines fleet operating in China increases, SSAMCintends to extend its scope of services to full LEAP MRO capability.


1. Rich &successful experience with CFM56 On-wing support missions in China (more than150 missions accomplished every year).

2.   Certifiedfor both LEAP-1A and LEAP-1B (CAAC/FAA/EASA).

3.   Qualifiedand dedicated team for OSS interventions.

4.   Performanceand quality recognized by customers.

5.   Readinessand availability: SSAMC is based in Chengdu, the center of China, and can reachmost main airline base in China within 3 hours’ flying time.

6.  Onededicated shop in Chengdu, equipped for small interventions (hospital line, HPCtop case repairs, lease return checks, etc.).

7. Alltooling and material available at SSAMC & dispatchableto customer site.

8.   Access todirect technical support from the OEM.

  • 我们的优势:

  • SSAMC在国内具有相当丰富的CFM56发动机在翼支援的经验,近年来,每年为客户在翼支援排故超过150次。

  • 我们已经取得的LEAP-1A和LEAP-1B的放行证书,包括:CAAC,FAA,EASA。

  • 我们拥有训练有素的专业LEAP OSS团队。

  • SSAMC不管是在翼支援方面还是进厂修理方面都得到了客户的广泛认可。

  • SSAMC坐落于中国的中心位置,3小时的飞行时间即可到达中国的大多数维修基地或机场。

  • 我们在成都拥有一间世界级的厂房,随时准备为客户提供更全面的MRO服务。

  • 我们的备有充足的航材和工装。

  • 我们拥有来自OEM(CFM/SAE)的直接技术支持。

商务部:+86 28 62795505
Commercial Department: +86 28 62795505

用户资源部:+86 28 62795508
Customer Support:+86 28 62795508

在翼支援热线:+86 13880540547
MES Hotline:+86 13880540547

国内销售:+86 13709118881
Domestic Sales: +86 13709118881

国际销售:+86 13911263476
International Sales: +86 13911263476

E-mail: ssamc@ssamc.com.cn

中国 · 四川 · 成都双流综合保税区
Comprehensive Bonded  Zone.Shuangliu.ChengDu.People's Republic of China

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