最佳陆上风电机组(5.90MW 以下)
金奖获得者:Suzlon 3.XMW S144(India)
银奖获得者:金风科技 GWH204-5.XMW (中国)
铜奖获得者:GE Vernova 3.6-154 (US)
1、Suzlon 3.XMW S144(India)
2、金风科技 GWH204-5.XMW (中国)
3、GE Vernova 3.6-154 (US)
4、Senvion India 4.2M160(India)
5、Vestas V163-4.5 MW(Denmark)
6、GE Vernova 2.82-127(US)
7、远景能源 EN-156 / 3.3(中国)
8、Nordex N163/5.X(Germany)
9、Enercon E-160 EP5 E3(Germany)
10、Vestas V150-4.5 MW(Denmark)
最佳大功率陆上风电机组(5.91MW 以上)
金奖获得者:三一重能 S1-270150(中国)
银奖获得者:Enercon E-175 EP5 E1(Germany)
铜奖获得者:Nordex N175/6.X(Germany)
1、三一重能 S1-270150(中国)
2、Enercon E-175 EP5 E1(Germany)
3、Nordex N175/6.X(Germany)
4、Vestas V172-7.2 MW(Denmark)
5、金风科技 GWH221-8.XMW(中国)
6、明阳智能 MySE7.X-233(中国)
7、运达股份 WD230-10000(中国)
8、电气风电 EW10.0-230(中国)
9、东方风电 H10000-200(中国)
9、中船海装 H220-10MW(中国)(并列第九)
10、运达股份 WD 220-6250(中国)
金奖获得者:明阳智能 MySE 16.6(T)OceanX(中国)
银奖获得者:东方风电 H26-312(中国)
铜奖获得者:Siemens Gamesa SG14-236 DD (Germany/Spain)
1、明阳智能 MySE 16.6(T)OceanX(中国)
2、东方风电 H26-312(中国)
3、Siemens Gamesa SG14-236 DD (Germany/Spain)
4、Vestas V236-15.0 MW(Denmark)
5、运达股份 WD260-160000S(中国)
6、明阳智能 MySE 16.7-292 (中国)
7、电气风电 EW18.0-260(中国)
8、金风科技 GWH252-16.XMW(中国)
9、电气风电 EW14.0-270(中国)
10、中船海装 H260-18MW(中国)
金奖获得者:南高齿 20-22MW medium-speed gearbox (中国)
1、南高齿 20-22MW medium-speed gearbox (中国)
2、Winergy lightweight non-exclusive 14MWmedium-speed PMSG for Chinese supplier(Germany)(并列第一)
3、Fully integrated PMSG-based medium-speeddrivetrain for Dongfang 20-26MW H26-312offshore turbine(中国)
4、Winergy FlexibleFit standardised drivetrainsolutions for onshore and offshore(Germany)
5、Windey 25MW high-speed geared drivetrain forWD3XX-25000 offshore turbine(中国)
金奖获得者:147m GW147 blade for 20-25MW Goldwind offshore turbine (中国)
1、147m GW147 blade for 20-25MWGoldwind offshore turbine (中国)
2、153m blade for Dongfang's 20-26MWH26-312 offshore turbine(中国)
3、(Likely)152m blade for 25MW Shanghai Electric EW25.0-310(中国)
4、108-metre blade for 6.25MW WindeWD220-6250,part of modular 6.X-8.XMW platform with standard 220.metre rotor (中国)
5、131-metre blade for 15MW ShanghaiElectric EW14.0-270(中国)
金奖获得者:C1 Wedge Connection joining method for steeltower and monopile sections of C1Connections(Netherlands)
1、C1 Wedge Connection joining method for steeltower and monopile sections of C1Connections(Netherlands)
2、Single-blade installation tool jointly developecby Ematec (Germany), and Enercon (Germany) with Seaside Solutions(Denmark)
3、Lorc main bearing test facility (MBTF)(Denmark)
4、Sany in-house 35MW drivetrain test rig(中国)
5、Louis Dreyfus Armateurs marine desian firm's'low-carbon' Ro-Ro cargo vessel (France)
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