aBIOTECH | 湖北大学李圣纯团队建立稳定猕猴桃质体转化体系

学术   2024-12-11 15:01   北京  

近日,湖北大学李圣纯教授团队在aBIOTECH 发表了题为Stable plastid transformation in kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis)的研究论文该研究首次在猕猴桃属中建立质体遗传转化体系。

作者前期先优化了猕猴桃的叶片再生体系和抗生素筛选浓度,选择使用含有1 mg/L TDZ(噻苯隆)、2 mg/L 6-BA和1 mg/L NAA的MS培养基用于叶片再生,在此培养基中加入300 mg/L壮观霉素用于后续质体转化事件的筛选。随后,作者利用GUS(β-葡萄糖苷酸酶)瞬时表达系统,确认了基因枪轰击猕猴桃叶片的压强和距离分别为1100 psi和9 cm。基于上述参数,作者开发了一种高效的猕猴桃质体转化方法(图1),经12次基因枪轰击,得到了2株同质化的猕猴桃质体转化植株,其外源蛋白(GFP)表达量高达叶片总可溶性蛋白的2.5%。质体转基因技术的建立将为猕猴桃质体的合成生物学应用以及基础研究开辟新的途径和方法。

图1 猕猴桃质体转化流程图


Chen, Q., Wu, Y., Wang, Y. et al. Stable plastid transformation in kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis). aBIOTECH (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42994-024-00186-0


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Prof. Sanwen Huang 

Prof. William John Lucas

2023 IF 4.6

Indexed in  EI, ESCI, PubMed Central, SCOPUS, CSCD, Google Scholar, CNKI, Dimensions...

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METABOLIC ENGINEERING: Synthesis of bioactive natural products, including study of their metabolic networks and functions, using both genetic and synthetic biology approaches.
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ROOT-SOIL-MICROBIOME AGROECOSYSTEMS: Targeted breeding and engineering of essential root biology and associated microbiome traits directed to enhance crop performance under sub-optimal soil abiotic and/or biotic conditions.






