
文化   2024-10-06 05:22   中国  

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Why is Huawei sanctioned by the United States, but Xiaomi is not? Aren' t they all Chinese technology companies?


Huawei and Xiaomi are both Chinese technology companies. This is true.


But essentially, Huawei and Xiaomi are Chinese technology companies with completely different natures,so their treatment is also completely different.


To accurately distinguish the differences between the two companies, we must start with the history of world globalization and the changing role of Chinese companies.


Before the 1980s, China was one of the poorest and backward countries in the world, almost isolated from the modern economy.


When China opened its doors in the 1980s,the Western world discovered that this was such a special country.

It has a huge poor population, but most of them have basic education.


It has a sound industrial foundation, but its technology is very backward.


He has huge territory and rich resources.


It has relatively complete infrastructure,including roads, railways and electricity.


At this time,the West had just carried out the first round of globalized industrial transfer, moving low- profit,polluting and risky manufacturing industries to Asian countries such as South Korea, Indonesia, and Thailand.


increase,salary levels increase rapidly and become less cheap.


Moreover,the education level of the population in these countries is limited, the infrastructure is limited, and there are many restrictions.


At this time,China was like an endless pasture. No matter how many cows the cowboys threw in,it could quickly accommodate them.


As a result,China quickly became the new continent for Western manufacturing.


Throughout the 1990s and thne first decade of the 20th century, China was like a magnet attracting manufacturing industries from around the world,and countless companies developed in China.


They all follow the model of Western hope:


Version 1.0 Chinese Company:Processing and Manufacturing


1.Design,technology and standards provided by Western companies


2.Western companies provide key components


3.Chinese companies are responsible for cheap raw materials, cheap labor,and completion of assembly and production.


4. Western companies are responsible for sales


In this stage, Chinese companies shouldered the heaviest and hardest work, but could only obtain 10% of the profits, while Western companies took away 90% of the profits.


The Nike sneakers we wear, the French bags in women' s hands,and the various toys children play with are all products of this model.


The Chinese produce these things, but they cannot afford to consume them.


Of course,although the profits of the Chinese are meager,the total amount is huge.Therefore,during this period, they achieved a large amount of wealth accumulation,and gradually accumulated knowledge and talents.


Some companies are beginning to try to enter a new stage.


Version 2.0 Chinese company: independent production


tecnnologies and standaras tnrougn Joint ventures or introductions


2. Western companies provide key components


3. Chinese companies are responsible for cheap raw materials,cheap labor,and completion of assembly and production.


4.Chinese companies are responsible for local sales


During this stage,the share of Chinese companies expanded. They got rid of the pure processing industry and began to focus on technology,trying to build their own brands and market capabilities.


However,during this period, the product quality of Chinese companies could not be compared with that of their foreign counterparts,and they mainly relied on low prices to compete in the local Chinese companies。


Their degree of autonomy has been greatly improved, but most of their profits are still taken away by Western companies through patent licensing and the import of key parts, and they can only compete in the Chinese market.There is no pressure on foreign counterparts.


Version 3.0 of Chinese companies: independent production,global competition


1. Chinese companies solve most technical and quality problems through independent research and development


2.Western companies provide key components


3. Chinese companies are responsible for cheap raw materials, cheap labor, and completion of assembly and production.


4.Chinese companies are responsible for global sales


Around 2010, Chinese companies grew further.They have more technologies and knowledge systems, and the quality of their products has also improved rapidly. began to threaten Western counterparts in the global market.Especially in the fields of household appliances, kitchen appliances, electronic products, mobile phones and other fields, it has achieved rapid success.


China bègan to be lamous arouna the world and can be seen everywhere around us.Their low prices and high quality put traditional Western and Japanese brands to shame.


But they still have an Swelling of Achilles:key components and technologies are in the hands of their Western counterparts.For example,the Qualcomm chip and Android system of Xiaomi mobile phones; such as the Intel processor and WVindows system in Lenovo computers;


Through control of these key technologies and components, the West still takes away most of the profits of these companies.


Take Xiaomi mobile phone as an example. Its core processor comes from the United States, its memory comes from South Korea, its screen comes from South Korea and Japan,its camera comes from Japan, its key communication chips and sensors come from Europe and the United States,and even the tempered glass on the screen surfaceis a product of an American company..Chinese companies can only supply low-value accessories such as casings,speakers, and interfaces. According to media statistics,70% of the value of Xiaomi mobile phones comes from Western suppliers.


Therefore,although Xiaomi has squeezed out the share of traditional peers such as Nokia,Ericsson, and Sony, for every mobile phone it sells, Western companies make the most profit, and the Chinese still take away a small part.


Version 4.0 Chinese companies: disruptors


1.Chinese companies master core technologies and solve all problems


2.Chinese companies provide key parts themselves


3.Chinese companies are responsible for cheap raw materials, cheap labor,and completion of assembly and production.


4. Chinese companies are responsible for global sales


After entering 2015,some Chinese companies have grown further. They began to get involved in core semiconductors,operating systems, precision sensors, databases and artificial intelligence algorithms. It began to seize the most profitable industrialization in the world and the last economic position of Western developed countries.


Huawei, DJI, Hikvision and other companies are representatives of this stage (They have all the features of a 3.0 enterprise and are beginning to replace Western suppliers. Not only do they make excellent products, but they also use core components and basic software developed entirely by themselves.They intend to completely take away the fattest piece of meat in the mouths of Western companies.


Before Huawei was sanctioned by the United States, it had surpassed Samsung and Apple to become the world's largest mobile phone manufacturer. It is completely different from Xiaomi.Almost all the core components of Huawei's mobile phones are provided by Chinese companies, and they have even begun to develop basic operating systems in order to kick Google out. In the field of communications, it holds the most 5G patents in the world and develops all high-value semiconductors and antennas on its own.


The essence of the above 3 versions of Chinese enterprises,1.0,2.0 and 3.0, is the same.


In the chain of globalization, Western companies take the best parts of food,and Chinese companies get the remaining food scraps.The difference between 1.0 and 3.0 is just the amount of residue obtained.


Therefore,whether it is Lenovo or Xiaomi, although they are technology companies from China,their positioning is within the scope of this rule and is allowed by the West.


But 4.0 Chinese companies are different.They are trying to subvert the rules of the game that have existed for decades.


They still embrace globalization, but they think,why are companies from Western developed countries always at the top of the food chain?


This involves the issue of economic competition between developed and developing countries.


Why do Westerners enjoy the most vacations,the best benefits,and the highest salaries and rewards? And people in developing countries work hard and overtime, but can only get meager pay and struggle to feed their families? Are people in developed countries inherently smarter and harder-working? The Chinese believe that this is not the case and that something is wrong with the rules.


Chinese companies like Huawei are determined to subvert this rule.


In the end, their appearance caused tension in Western countries: the subversives have occupied the entire country, their athletes have come to the king's castle, and Huawei is the champion at the forefront.


Kings and nobles discovered that they could no longer defeat the subversives through "civilized rules." How can he maintain a comfortable life in his castle and continue to rule and plunder the entire world in the future? The behavior of subversives must not be allowed!


So they shouted:They are thieves,liars,and traitors, don't believe them!


While silently picking up the gun in his hand, he aimed at the one running at the front.

