❤️🔥Level Up Your Social Life Online & Offline in the AI Age
💰Is your social network valuable? How can you increase its value with AI?
Are you a college student or professional struggling to make new friends or deepen connections with peers?
Are you a recent graduate looking for reliable ways to stay in touch with friends and classmates?
Are you disappointed with today's social media or dating culture?
Are you stressed about job searching or job security?
Join us for an in-depth discussion on how new AI apps can help people build and level up friendships and relationships with the help of AI. Also, participate in fun activities to learn techniques for strengthening connections with friends, dates, or colleagues inspired by the renowned Stanford course: Interpersonal Dynamics (affectionately called "Touchy Feely" by students).
🎤About the Speakers:
Bo Chen: Founder and CEO of AIWave. Former Director of Artificial Intelligence Technology at WeChat. Possesses over 13 years of experience in internet and AI research and development. Focuses on AI innovation and holds multiple international AI-related patents. Deep understanding of integrating AI with social platforms.
Toni Xu: Co-founder and CEO of Lvlup. A serial entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in building successful teams and products in the fields of social media, gaming, Web 3, and e-commerce.
📲About the Companies:
AIWave: A unique social-fi platform that marries AI and blockchain to redefine social interactions. It empowers users to forge meaningful connections and embark on personal growth journeys. Follow AI Wave on X:
Lvlup.ai: Brings AI to everyone to help people connect, create, share, and grow in a more meaningful, relevant, efficient, and controlled way. Download Lvlup.ai on App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/lvlup-ai/id6453683044
Run of Show:
2:00 pm - 2:30 pm: Sign-in and networking
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm: Panel discussion with Bo Chen and Toni Xu, moderated by Crystal Li
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm: Activities and exercises for relationship-building techniques based on the Stanford course: "Interpersonal Dynamics" ("Touchy Feely")
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm: Networking
Participate for a chance to receive on-site token awards and gain VIP membership in Lvlup.ai.
Atrium Lounge, 121 Campus Drive, Stanford, CA
Registration link:
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CEO (Chinese Entrepreneurs Organization) 华人创业者协会由斯坦福学生和校友于2008年在斯坦福大学创办,至今有15年历史,我们以硅谷科技圈为核心,沟通连接海内外的创业者与创投资源。自成立以来,CEO每年举办近百场大大小小的创业投资讲座,线下创业者聚会等活动,讨论科技趋势和创业想法。也曾邀请段永平、沈南鹏、雷军、周鸿祎等百余名成功华人创业家与大家面对面分享经验。
如今,CEO已有超过18000名会员,不仅汇聚了斯坦福大学的学生和校友,还吸引了硅谷及全球华人创业者的加入。CEO协会也走出了多名优秀的创业者校友,包括聚美优品的创始人陈欧、戴雨森,小红书的创始人毛文超,出门问问的创始人朱祎舟,Qbit创始人吴羽军,零零科技CEO的王孟秋,Alohar Mobile 创始人王辰宇,Advance Intelligence创始人陈斓杰等等。