CEO X 游戏行业中的女性力量

文摘   2024-05-09 14:02   美国  


The rise of female power in the gaming industry and the new entrepreneurial and investment opportunities brought about by AI innovation



The increasing proportion of female gamers in the gaming industry is bringing many new entrepreneurial opportunities. We cannot overlook the needs of the female gamer demographic, which are redefining the gaming industry in various aspects: from character design and game narratives to marketing strategies. The power of women in the gaming field is reshaping the future of the industry.

At the same time, AI continues to drive the gaming industry forward. Therefore, we will explore and analyze how the rise of female power in the gaming industry and AI innovation can inspire new business opportunities and entrepreneurial ideas. We welcome participation in this event, whether you are a gaming industry professional or an observer with a keen interest in the development of AI and gaming.


Our Guests and Industry Talks

翟 真

暴雪数据科学团队 Lead


Practical AI in Game Development and Monetization

Talk Blurb
AI has been transforming various aspects of game development, from generating game assets to training AI agents through reinforcement learning and detecting toxic behavior. This talk will explore how AI is currently driving impact in these domains and how the advent of generative AI technologies will further accelerate innovation and enhance the gaming experience.



2022年加入“数据科学联盟” 委员会,参与制定 “负责任的AI”(Responsible AI)准则和应用标准。同时,利用业余时间在社区大学教授 C++ 编程课程,助力计算机领域人才的发展。

Zhen leads the AI/ML team at Blizzard, empowering data scientists to leverage AI innovation to transform game development and elevate player experiences. Her team boasts expertise across computer graphics, reinforcement learning, NLP, personalization, and ML pipelines. Outside of work, Zhen contributes to the broader community by teaching C++ programming at a local community college, where she motivates students from diverse backgrounds to explore careers in computer science and gaming.

冉 婧



Business Model and Technological Exploration: How Female-Oriented HD Games Stay Evergreen

Talk Blurb
From The Sims to Stardew Valley, this talk explores the intersection of business model innovation, immersive storytelling, and technology evolution in the realm of female-oriented HD games, uncovering the key motivations for female gamers and strategies that cultivate enduring engagement in an ever changing marketplace 



Currently leading live service development for The Sims 4 as the Lead Product Manager, Jing Ran is a seasoned product strategist with a rich background in gaming and tech giants such as Electronic Arts, Blizzard, YouTube, and PlayStation. From driving product wins for iconic titles like The Sims 4 and World of Warcraft to designing growth strategies for YouTube Subscriptions and PlayStation’s gaming partners, Jing brings a unique blend of analytical prowess and strategic vision to her roles, shaping the future of interactive entertainment. 


Pitch Day


In this event, we will invite ten outstanding entrepreneurial teams from Silicon Valley in the gaming and AI sectors to present pitch. Following the presentations, two professionals from the gaming and AI industries will lead an exploration and analysis of how female power in the gaming industry and AI entrepreneurship can create new business opportunities and tracks. 



05/11/2024 from 2PM to 4PM


Geek House


2:00-3:00 startup pitch

3:00-3:30 industry talk

3:30-4:00 social

  报名链接 (Registration link):


CEO (Chinese Entrepreneurs Organization) 华人创业者协会由斯坦福学生和校友于2008年在斯坦福大学创办,至今有15年历史,我们以硅谷科技圈为核心,沟通连接海内外的创业者与创投资源。自成立以来,CEO每年举办近百场大大小小的创业投资讲座,线下创业者聚会等活动,讨论科技趋势和创业想法。也曾邀请段永平、沈南鹏、雷军、周鸿祎等百余名成功华人创业家与大家面对面分享经验。

如今,CEO已有超过15000名会员,不仅汇聚了斯坦福大学的学生和校友,还吸引了硅谷及全球华人创业者的加入。CEO协会也走出了多名优秀的创业者校友,包括聚美优品的创始人陈欧、戴雨森,小红书的创始人毛文超,出门问问的创始人朱祎舟,Qbit创始人吴羽军,零零科技CEO的王孟秋,Alohar Mobile 创始人王辰宇,Advance Intelligence创始人陈斓杰等等。

CEO(Chinese Entrepreneur Organization) seeks to connect, support and inspire future entrepreneurs.