论文概览 |《Sustainable Cities and Society》2024.09 Vol.111

文摘   2024-08-26 18:05   上海  

本次给大家整理的是《Sustainable Cities and Society》杂志2024年09月第111期的论文的题目和摘要,一共包括30篇SCI论文!


Spatial-temporal patterns and influencing factors of the Building Green View Index: A new approach for quantifying 3D urban greenery visibility



The vertical expansion of urbanization has increased the morphological heterogeneity of the urban landscape, affecting the physical and emotional wellbeing of urban dwellers by obstructing the view of greenery. In this study, multisource spatial data was used to calculate the Building Green View Index (BGVI). Baidu Street View (BSV) images were collected for comparison with the corresponding BGVI results. A random forest model was used to analyze the contributions and marginal effects of multiple influencing factors on BGVI. The results indicated that approximately 76.10 % of the sampled sites had a higher BGVI than the street view green view index, indicating buildings' superiority of visible greenery in height. The western edge of the research region frequently had the highest BGVI. Meanwhile, the hotspot regions were primarily located in the west, which was more consistent with the distribution of high value zones. The green area within the maximum visible distance, the maximum visible distance, and the average height were the most influential factors of BGVI according to marginal effects analysis with the highest IncNodePurity. As a quantitative measure of urban dwellers’ visual accessibility to green space, the BGVI will contribute to urban green planning and the development of landscape architecture.






Li Qi, 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所森林生态与培育学重点实验室,辽宁省沈阳市110016,中国;中国科学院大学资源与环境学院,北京100049,中国

Yuanman Hu, 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所森林生态与培育学重点实验室,辽宁省沈阳市110016,中国;额尔古纳湿地生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站,内蒙古022250,中国

Rencang Bu, 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所森林生态与培育学重点实验室,辽宁省沈阳市110016,中国;额尔古纳湿地生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站,内蒙古022250,中国,burc@iae.ac.cn

Zaiping Xiong, 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所森林生态与培育学重点实验室,辽宁省沈阳市110016,中国;额尔古纳湿地生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站,内蒙古022250,中国

Binglun Li, 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所森林生态与培育学重点实验室,辽宁省沈阳市110016,中国

Chuyi Zhang, 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所森林生态与培育学重点实验室,辽宁省沈阳市110016,中国

Hongshun Liu, 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所森林生态与培育学重点实验室,辽宁省沈阳市110016,中国;中国科学院大学资源与环境学院,北京100049,中国

Chunlin Li,中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所森林生态与培育学重点实验室,辽宁省沈阳市110016,中国;额尔古纳湿地生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站,内蒙古022250,中国


Integrating GIS, agent-based, and discrete event simulation to evaluate patient distribution policies for enhancing urban healthcare access network resilience



Ensuring healthcare network resilience during urban disasters is crucial for sustainability and public safety. This study evaluates patient distribution policies in healthcare networks through a case study following a simulated earthquake scenario to enhance resilience during such events. By integrating geographic information systems (GIS) to model road impacts, agent-based modeling (ABM) for patient movements, and discrete event simulation (DES) for hospital queues, six distribution policies were evaluated. The analysis prioritized two metrics: patient waiting times and unmet treatment demands within four days post-disaster. Results revealed that policies emphasizing minimal hospital wait times demonstrated superior performance, reducing average waiting times by 71% and unmet demands compared to proximity-based approaches. Sensitivity analyses highlighted human behavior's influence, with increased personal vehicle usage adversely impacting resilience. Conversely, expanding hospital capacities substantially improved resilience indicators. The findings underscore the importance of informed policymaking focused on wait time reduction to enhance healthcare access resilience. Incorporating real-time hospital wait times into ambulance dispatch decisions emerged as a promising strategy. This multi-method simulation approach provides valuable insights into optimizing emergency response for resilient urban healthcare systems.






SeyedeZahra Golazad, 美国犹他大学,土木与环境工程系,盐湖城,犹他州,美国

Gholamreza Heravi, 伊朗德黑兰大学工程学院,土木工程学院,16 Azar大街,PO Box 11155-4563,德黑兰,伊朗

Amir AminShokravi, 伊朗德黑兰大学工程学院,土木工程学院,16 Azar大街,PO Box 11155-4563,德黑兰,伊朗

Abbas Mohammadi,美国犹他大学,土木与环境工程系,盐湖城,犹他州,美国


Sustaining power distribution network submerged in plug-in hybrid CNG-electric vehicles for future green transportation: A risk-constrained analysis



The urgent need to address environmental issues, particularly the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, has become a global priority. In this pursuit, various technologies are being explored to facilitate the promotion of sustainability. This study focuses on a virtual energy hub (VEH) integrated with Plug-in hybrid gas-electric vehicles (PHGEVs), various energy sources, and storage devices. However, the presence of fossil-based energy sources like combined heat and power (CHP), diesel generation (DG), boilers, and gas-based operation modes of PHGEVs, resulted in the release of carbon emissions. In this concern, the power-to-gas (P2G) technology, with its immense potential, is being considered to absorb and recycle captured CO2 emissions into methane gas, thereby enhancing economic and sustainability perspectives. Furthermore, uncertain parameters including the charge and discharge of PHGEVs, the price of the day-ahead market for heat and power, energy demands, and wind speed are considered in the VEH, the management of which is achieved through the downside risk constraint (DRC) method. The proposed model is implemented and tested on an IEEE 33-bus test system. Results show that P2G reduces the CO2 level by a mean of 3.7 %. Also, for the minimum of 3.2 % profit reduction, the risk level has fallen by nearly 100 %.


紧急应对环境问题,特别是减少温室气体排放,已成为全球优先事项。在这一追求中,各种技术正在被探索以促进可持续发展。本研究集中于一个虚拟能源中心(VEH),该中心集成了插电式混合动力气电车辆(PHGEVs)、各种能源来源和储存设备。然而,像联合热电(CHP)、柴油发电(DG)、锅炉以及PHGEVs的燃气操作模式等基于化石燃料的能源源会导致碳排放。在这种情况下,具有巨大潜力的电力气体(P2G)技术被考虑用于吸收并回收捕获的二氧化碳排放,将其转化为甲烷气体,从而提高经济性和可持续性视角。此外,VEH中考虑了不确定参数,包括PHGEVs的充放电、前瞻市场的热力和电力价格、能源需求和风速,其管理通过下行风险约束(DRC)方法实现。该模型在IEEE 33节点测试系统上进行了实施和测试。结果显示,P2G技术使CO2水平平均降低了3.7%。同时,在最低3.2%的利润减少下,风险水平几乎降到了100%。




Anshou Yao, 攀枝花大学经济与管理学院,中国四川攀枝花 617000

Junhua Wu,攀枝花大学法学院,中国四川攀枝花 617000


Regional-scale energy-water nexus framework to assess the GHG emissions under climate change and development scenarios via system dynamics approach



Nowadays, the consumption of natural resources is increasing due to population growth, climate change, and development. Considering the crucial impacts of the regional characteristics, this study develops an energy-water-emissions (EWE) nexus model using a system dynamics (SD) framework to assess the pattern of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The model simulates regional GHG emissions (including indirect emissions of the electricity sector) under climate change and development scenarios from 2011 to 2031. The results indicate that total emissions are projected to increase in the future, while water-related emissions are expected to decrease. The study highlights the limitations of global assumptions at the regional scale, emphasizing the need for planning based on specific regional scale conditions. Through evaluating different development scenarios, the energy-saving scenario had the greatest impact on reducing emissions and resource consumption. Additionally, the results showed that development scenarios had varying effects in each region, highlighting the importance of defining region-specific development scenarios separately. This study offers policymakers valuable insights to enhance their understanding of the climate change effects to evaluate a range of development scenarios more effectively.





Hossein Abolghasemzadeh, 伊朗德黑兰大学工程学院土木工程系

Elnaz Zekri, 伊朗德黑兰大学工程学院土木工程系

Mohsen Nasseri,伊朗德黑兰大学工程学院土木工程系


Sustainable urban noise monitoring network with renewable bioenergy sources: An energy cost–benefit analysis



Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have emerged as solutions for developing financially viable, and environmentally friendly monitoring systems in line with the sustainable development goals. However, their long-term operating costs are commonly neglected in literature. In this study, a novel framework for analyzing the cost–benefit trade-offs of urban noise monitoring systems is presented. The framework employs a comparative analysis of WSNs powered by bioenergy plant microbial fuel cells (PMFCs), solar photovoltaic cells, and battery sources. The network sustainability and cost–benefit effects are evaluated through the deployment of ten wireless nodes in Merida City, Mexico. The analysis of the network operational cost, the cost of upgrading technology, the system maintenance, and the battery disposal, as well as, waste savings with the bioenergy source, are considered. The analysis shows that when assessing a Long Range (LoRa) network with a PMFC bioenergy source over a 3-year period, and with a service cost set at $0.01 USD per month for each single data packet transmitted every 5 min, the investment return is attained in 8 months and delivers a profit of approximately 30% within the first year. Compared to conventional battery-powered systems, the PMFC offers significant cost savings, reducing the system cost up to 29%.






Alejandro Castillo-Atoche, Engineering Faculty, 尤卡坦自治大学工程学院,尤卡坦州,墨西哥

Naemi Maile, 曼海姆应用科技大学化学与过程工程系,巴登-符腾堡州,德国

Johan J. Estrada-Lopez, 尤卡坦自治大学数学学院,尤卡坦州,墨西哥

Edith Osorio-de-la-Rosa, 坎塔纳罗奥州立大学信息学与网络系,坎塔纳罗奥州,墨西哥

Orlando Palma-Marrufo, 尤卡坦自治大学工程学院,尤卡坦州,墨西哥

Javier Vázquez-Castillo,坎塔纳罗奥州立大学信息学与网络系,坎塔纳罗奥州,墨西哥


Spatio-temporal patterns of heat index and heat-related Emergency Medical Services (EMS)



Despite growing concerns about heat waves due to climate change and their health impacts, there has been limited research on patterns of extreme heat during summertime and their association with heat-related Emergency Medical Services (EMS) incidents. This study examines spatiotemporal patterns of the heat index (HI) and its relationship to heat-related EMS incidents in Austin-Travis County, Texas, focusing on the summers of 2020 and 2021. Collecting 47,838 heat-related EMS incidence cases and aggregating them at the tract level (N = 290), the research employs spatiotemporal analysis, spatial autocorrelation, K-means clustering, and geographically weighted Poisson regression to identify disparities in heat-related health outcomes. Key findings indicate a significant correlation between high HI frequency and intensity and increased EMS incidents, particularly in East Austin, underscoring the area's heightened vulnerability to heat. The study also reveals that heat vulnerability and urban growth patterns are closely linked to the incidence of heat-related illnesses, and its impact varies by region. These results emphasize the critical need for targeted heat resilience strategies in urban planning and emergency response. This research merges socio-economic and environmental data to offer insights into heat-related health risks, informing targeted public health policies and urban planning for more equitable and effective interventions.


尽管对气候变化引发的热浪及其健康影响的关注不断增加,但关于极端高温在夏季的模式及其与与热相关的紧急医疗服务(EMS)事件的关系的研究仍然有限。本研究考察了德克萨斯州奥斯汀-特拉维斯县热指数(HI)的时空模式及其与热相关EMS事件的关系,重点关注2020年和2021年的夏季。收集了47,838例热相关EMS事件,并按区划级别(N = 290)进行汇总,研究采用了时空分析、空间自相关、K均值聚类和地理加权泊松回归等方法,识别热相关健康结果的不平等现象。主要发现表明,高热指数的频率和强度与EMS事件的增加有显著相关性,尤其是在东奥斯汀地区,突显了该地区对热浪的高度脆弱性。研究还揭示了热脆弱性和城市增长模式与热相关疾病发生率的密切关系,并且其影响因地区而异。这些结果强调了在城市规划和紧急响应中需要制定有针对性的热韧性策略。本研究将社会经济和环境数据结合起来,为热相关健康风险提供了见解,旨在为制定更加公平和有效的公共卫生政策和城市规划提供依据。




Kijin Seong, 城市信息实验室,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校建筑学院,美国德克萨斯州奥斯汀市310 Inner Campus Drive,邮政编码78712

Junfeng Jiao, 城市信息实验室,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校建筑学院,美国德克萨斯州奥斯汀市310 Inner Campus Drive,邮政编码78712

Akhil Mandalapu, Urban Information Lab, 城市信息实验室,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校建筑学院,美国德克萨斯州奥斯汀市310 Inner Campus Drive,邮政编码78712

Dev Niyogi,地球与行星科学系,杰克逊地球科学学院,Fariborz Maseeh土木、环境与建筑工程系,以及奥登计算工程与科学研究所,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校,美国奥斯汀


Exploring spatial pattern optimization path of urban building carbon emission based on low-carbon cities analytical framework: A case study of Xi'an, China



Reducing carbon dioxide emissions has become a prominent issue in city construction. Here, with the objective of spatial pattern optimization, we propose a comprehensive evaluation framework for low-carbon cities. To shed further light on the mechanism by which green finance facilitates the low-carbon transformation of the economy, we chose Xi'an as a study area, used the system dynamics model, simulated the relationship between different factors in the development of low-carbon cities, and provided guidance for spatial planning of low-carbon cities. Through systematic analysis of results, we found that with the progress of urbanization and the improvement of people's living standards, the carbon emissions from urban buildings in Xi'an will increase annually and reach 2.47 million tons by 2030. In scenario 1, the faster pace of urbanization raises carbon emissions from urban buildings by 3 %, to 2.5543 million tons from the base. In contrast, in Scenario 2, the reduction in urbanization rate results in a decrease in urban building carbon emissions to 2.4243 million tons, a reduction of 2.26 % compared to the baseline scenario. Thus it can be seen that diverse modifications of parameters exert distinct effects on the ultimate carbon emissions from urban buildings.






Liang Chen, 环境与土木工程学院,成都理工大学,中国四川省成都市610059;地质灾害防治与地球环境保护国家重点实验室,成都理工大学,中国四川省成都市610059;数字胡焕庸线研究院,成都理工大学,中国四川省成都市610059

Hao-Nan Yang, 商学院,成都理工大学,中国四川省成都市610059

Yi Xiao, 地质灾害防治与地球环境保护国家重点实验室,成都理工大学,中国四川省成都市610059;商学院,成都理工大学,中国四川省成都市610059

Pan-Yu Tang, 财经与会计学院,成都锦城学院,中国四川省成都市610097

Shi-Yu Liu, 财经与会计学院,成都锦城学院,中国四川省成都市610097

Ming Chang, 地质灾害防治与地球环境保护国家重点实验室,成都理工大学,中国四川省成都市610059

Huan Huang,商学院,成都理工大学,中国四川省成都市610059;长江经济带研究院,中国人民大学,中国四川省宜宾市644000


Optimizing routing and scheduling of shared autonomous electric taxis considering capacity constrained parking facilities



This paper focuses on routing and scheduling of autonomous electric vehicles to provide reservation-based shared ride services, while a set of parking facilities with limited capacity are used for vehicle intermittent charging. A mixed-integer linear program model is formulated in the form of a vehicle routing problem with satellite facilities (VRPSF), subject to a series of additional time and capacity-related constraints. The objective of the model is to minimize the total operating costs of the system, including those related to vehicle miles traveled and the deployed vehicle fleet size. The number of vehicles inside each parking facility is tracked so as to ensure that the capacity is never exceeded throughout the service horizon. A customized solution method based on an adaptive large neighborhood search algorithm with an explicit treatment of parking facility choices is developed. A series of numerical experiments, consisting of both hypothetical examples and a real-world case study in Hangzhou, China, have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed model and algorithm. The results demonstrate that ride-sharing services and parking facilities have the potential to significantly reduce the total vehicle energy consumption and operating costs for a shared autonomous electric taxi (SAET) operator in practical scenarios.






Qinru Hu, 浙江大学土木工程与建筑学院智能交通系统研究所,中国杭州;浙江大学UIUC研究院,中国海宁

Simon Hu, 浙江大学土木工程与建筑学院智能交通系统研究所,中国杭州;浙江大学UIUC研究院,中国海宁;浙江省智能交通工程研究中心,中国杭州

Shiyu Shen, 美国伊利诺伊大学厄本那-香槟分校土木与环境工程系

Yanfeng Ouyang, 美国伊利诺伊大学厄本那-香槟分校土木与环境工程系

Xiqun (Michael) Chen,浙江大学土木工程与建筑学院智能交通系统研究所,中国杭州;浙江大学UIUC研究院,中国海宁;浙江省智能交通工程研究中心,中国杭州


A cloud-oriented data-analysis framework to analyze peak demand dynamics in institutional building clusters



Peak loads in higher education institutional building clusters (IBCs) possess considerable economic repercussions on their overall operations. Thus, identifying electrically inefficient buildings presents a significant opportunity to curtail peak loads and promote energy efficiency in IBCs. Existing literature implements clustering algorithms to comprehend the electrical demand dynamics of buildings to analyze disparity in their load behavior. These techniques perform well in single building environment, however, fall short in comprehending the demand dynamics for building clusters, specifically during peak loads. This study introduces a cloud-oriented quantile-based data analysis framework, specifically designed for simultaneously evaluating demand profiles of multiple buildings within IBCs. Quantile-based metrics namely, Value-at-Risk, Conditional Value-at-Risk and Conditional Value-at-Risk standard deviation are implemented to comprehend the electrical fluctuations and quantify the electrical impact of each building during campus-wide peak demands. A cross-building comparison is established by linearly ranking buildings following two key criteria: (i) buildings with frequent demand fluctuations and (ii) buildings exerting a high electrical impact on overall IBC demand. Both criteria are equally weighted while ranking to identify the most inefficient buildings during peak loads. The framework is implemented in a Canadian university and resulted a substantial 50 MW demand reduction through recommissioning and retrofitting of inefficient buildings.


高等教育机构建筑群(IBC)的峰值负荷对其整体运营产生了显著的经济影响。因此,识别电力效率低下的建筑物是减少峰值负荷和促进IBC能源效率的重要机会。现有文献利用聚类算法来理解建筑物的电力需求动态,以分析其负荷行为的差异。这些技术在单一建筑环境中表现良好,但在理解建筑群的需求动态,特别是在峰值负荷期间,存在不足。本文提出了一种面向云计算的基于分位数的数据分析框架,专门设计用于同时评估IBC内多个建筑的需求特征。该框架采用了基于分位数的度量方法,包括风险价值(Value-at-Risk)、条件风险价值(Conditional Value-at-Risk)和条件风险价值标准差,以理解电力波动并量化每栋建筑在校园范围内峰值需求期间的电力影响。通过线性排名比较建筑物,建立了跨建筑比较,依据两个关键标准进行排序:(i)需求波动频繁的建筑物和(ii)对总体IBC需求施加较大电力影响的建筑物。两个标准在排名时权重相等,以识别在峰值负荷期间最低效的建筑物。该框架在加拿大的一所大学中实施,通过重新调试和改造低效建筑,实现了50 MW的显著需求减少。



Vipul Moudgil, 布里蒂什哥伦比亚大学工程学院,奥肯那根校区,EME 4287 - 1137 Alumni Avenue,Kelowna,BC V1V 1V7,加拿大

Rehan Sadiq, 布里蒂什哥伦比亚大学工程学院,奥肯那根校区,EME 4287 - 1137 Alumni Avenue,Kelowna,BC V1V 1V7,加拿大

Ezzeddin Bakhtavar, 环境学院,乌尔米亚科技大学,乌尔米亚,伊朗;布里蒂什哥伦比亚大学工程学院,奥肯那根校区,加拿大

Amrit Paudel, 加拿大BC Hydro,333 Dunsmuir St,Vancouver,BC V6B 5R3,加拿大

Kasun Hewage,布里蒂什哥伦比亚大学工程学院,奥肯那根校区,EME 4287 - 1137 Alumni Avenue,Kelowna,BC V1V 1V7,加拿大


The spatio-temporal trade-off between ecosystem and basic public services and the urbanization driving force in the rapidly urbanizing region



With continuous urbanization and population growth, the socio-ecological demands of urban and rural residents have been increasingly intensive and diverse. Such demands need to be met by the ecosystem service (ES) provided by natural capital and the basic public service (BPS) provided by social capital together. However, the ES-BPS trade-off and the driving forces have not been fully revealed, which hinders the synergetic management of the ES and BPS. Therefore, we took the Middle and Lower Reach of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, one of the regions undergoing rapid urbanization in China, as the case study area, and explored the spatio-temporal ES-BPS trade-off and the urbanization driving forces during 2005 to 2019. We first quantified and mapped multiple ESs and BPSs, and then quantified the ES-BPS trade-off over the study period. Finally, we used geographically weighted regression model to reveal how three urbanization features (land, population, and economic urbanization) influenced the ES-BPS trade-off. We found that each ES and BPS, and the comprehensive ES and BPS (the overall capacity to provide multiple ESs and BPSs separately) all exhibited uneven spatial distributions. Results indicated that most eastern prefectures showed decreases in the comprehensive ES but great increases in the comprehensive BPS. Moreover, the ES-BPS trade-off in 2005 exhibited a pattern where the values were high in the south but low in the north, while such an interregional difference was weakened by 2019. From 2005 to 2019, the hotspots of ES-BPS trade-off changes appeared in Shanghai municipality and its surrounding areas, while the coldspots were mainly located in the southern part of Zhejiang Province. Although the influence degree of the three urbanization features on the ES-BPS trade-off spatially varied, population and economic urbanization continuously mitigated the ES-BPS trade-off but land urbanization exacerbated the trade-offs for the whole region. Overall, our study can contribute to the understanding of the ES-BPS relationship and its driving forces, which can support synergetic ES-BPS management in regions undergoing rapid urbanization.






Kai Li, 四川农业大学景观建筑学院,中国四川成都 610000

Ying Hou, 中国科学院生态环境研究中心城市与区域生态国家重点实验室,中国北京 100085;中国科学院大学,北京 100049

Mark Taylor Randall, 哥本哈根大学地球科学与自然资源管理系,科学学院,丹麦哥本哈根 1958

Hans Skov-Petersen, 哥本哈根大学地球科学与自然资源管理系,科学学院,丹麦哥本哈根 1958

Xi Li,四川农业大学景观建筑学院,中国四川成都 610000


Navigating urban complexity: The transformative role of digital twins in smart city development



This research systematically explores the burgeoning field of Digital Twins (DTs) within smart cities’ framework and urban development. Anchored by three research questions, the study delineates the theoretical underpinnings and practical implications of DTs at a city scale. It delves into the structure, operational dynamics, and diverse applications in various urban domains supported by case studies. Through a structured methodology employing the PRISMA framework, it includes an analysis of 64 pertinent studies from an initial pool of 519. The research synthesis highlights the dynamic nature of DTs, their multifaceted technological layers, and their instrumental role in shaping sustainable urban futures. Despite the promising outlook, the study also highlights several technological and real-world hurdles that need to be addressed to fully unlock the capabilities of DTs within urban environments.






Dechen Peldon, 堪培拉大学(University of Canberra, UC)设计与建筑环境学院,澳大利

Saeed Banihashemi , 悉尼科技大学(University of Technology Sydney, UTS)建筑环境学院,澳大利亚
Khuong LeNguyen, 堪培拉大学(University of Canberra, UC)设计与建筑环境学院,澳大利亚

Sybil Derrible,伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校(University of Illinois Chicago, US)土木、材料与环境工程学院


Spatiotemporal variation and evolutionary analysis of the coupling coordination between urban social-economic development and ecological environments in the Yangtze River Delta cities



When the process of urbanization has brought economic benefits in Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB), the environmental issues become increasingly prominent. The evolutionary coupled coordination degree (CCD) between urban social economy and ecological environments was explored in 41 cities of YREB. Results indicated that the overall CCD between urban social economy and ecological environments showed a fluctuating upward trend from 2010 to 2020 in YREB. The CCD of Shanghai was the best among these of 41 cities, while those of three provinces were lower than the average CCD of YREB. There were significant differentiated spatial clusters of high and low among these YREB cities in both the global and local spatial autocorrelation analyses during 2010–2020. The CCD estimations indicated a fitted spatial distribution of "high in the east and low in the west" in YREB. Furthermore, CCD was positively influenced by the urban density of population, economic acceleration and technical advancement (P < 0.01), while it was negatively influenced by the urban industrial structures and energy consumption (P < 0.01). Subsequently, corresponding policy implications and recommendations, including enhancing policy innovation and promoting technological progress, were proposed to facilitate the formulation of evidence-based developmental strategies and policies of sustainable cities and society in YREB.


随着长江经济带(YREB)的城市化进程带来经济利益,环境问题也变得越来越突出。本文探讨了长江经济带41个城市中城市社会经济与生态环境之间的演变耦合协调度(CCD)。结果表明,2010年至2020年间,长江经济带城市社会经济与生态环境之间的整体CCD呈现波动上升趋势。上海的CCD在这41个城市中表现最好,而三个省份的CCD低于长江经济带的平均水平。在2010年至2020年期间,这些城市在全球和地方空间自相关分析中均存在显著的高低差异空间聚类。CCD的估算结果表明,长江经济带的空间分布呈现出“东部高、西部低”的趋势。此外,CCD受到人口城市密度、经济加速和技术进步的正面影响(P < 0.01),而受到城市工业结构和能源消费的负面影响(P < 0.01)。随后,提出了相应的政策建议,包括加强政策创新和促进技术进步,以助力长江经济带可持续城市和社会的发展策略与政策的制定。




Kerong Zhang, 环境管理组,商学院,阜阳师范大学,中国阜阳 236037;商学院,阜阳师范大学,阜阳青河西路100号,中国阜阳 236037(邮政编码),中华人民共和国

Yanzhi Jin, 环境管理组,商学院,阜阳师范大学,中国阜阳 236037

Dongyang Li, 环境管理组,商学院,阜阳师范大学,中国阜阳 236037

Siyuan Wang, 环境管理组,商学院,阜阳师范大学,中国阜阳 236037

Wuyi Liu,环境管理组,生物科学与食品工程学院,阜阳师范大学,中国阜阳 236037


A review of evolving climate and energy economy trends to enhance the dynamic life cycle assessment of buildings



The changing global climate is impacting life cycle effects of all sectors, including the building sector. To effectively decrease the construction sector's 40 % share of global annual energy use and carbon emissions, it's crucial to integrate these changes into life cycle assessments (LCA) to inform current and future energy policies, since buildings have lifespans exceeding 100 years. Current research lacks methods and data to embed future weather and energy shifts into LCA. This paper quantifies these future changes and discusses their integration into building LCA. Using industry reports and scholarly articles, we calculated global energy trends and weather patterns for 2030, 2050, and 2080. The projected energy use changes across United States economic sectors were also analyzed. Projections indicate a 41–59 % decline in fossil fuel use by 2050, with renewable energy increasing from 11 % to 41 %. Concurrently, global temperatures may rise by 2–5 °C, signaling major weather shifts. These shifts will translate into an economy-wide energy intensity decrease, showing an expected drop of 8 %. A Dynamic LCA (DLCA) framework is also discussed to include these shifts into LCA, to help not only researchers and practitioners involved in the LCA of buildings but also energy policy makers in effectively mitigating climate change.






Sejal Sanjay Shanbhag, 建筑科学系,德克萨斯农工大学,弗朗西斯大厅,3137 TAMU,大学城,TX 77843,美国

Manish Kumar Dixit,科学系,德克萨斯农工大学,弗朗西斯大厅,3137 TAMU,大学城,TX 77843,美国


Developing thermal prediction models for children in outdoor environments



How children experience warm and hot climates differs from adults, yet most models of thermal responses to the environment are based on adults. We modeled the thermal physiological characteristics of 162 healthy children, ages of 7–14 under light, moderate, and vigorous intensity activities and thermal transitions (alternate movement under sunlight and shade). Subsequently, we built an accurate and rapid prediction model for children's thermal sensation based on relationships between their outdoor thermal physiology and thermal sensation. The range and mean absolute change in rate of skin temperatures were greatest at wrist and lower leg in different stages. These two temperatures best reflected the transient change in thermal environment. At three activity levels and five thermal transitions, the wrist and lower leg skin temperatures were significantly correlated with thermal sensation (P < 0.05). Heart rate (HR) was significantly correlated with thermal sensation only during vigorous intensity activities (P < 0.05). A light and moderate intensity activity model (DTS-kid (LM)) (accuracy: 85.9 %) was built based on the wrist skin temperature (Twrist) and its change rate, and a vigorous intensity activity model (DTS-kid (V)) (accuracy: 83.9 %) was built based on HR, Twrist and the change rate of Twrist.


儿童对温暖和炎热气候的体验与成人有所不同,但大多数热响应模型都是基于成人的。我们对162名健康儿童(年龄在7至14岁)进行了建模,研究了他们在轻度、中等强度和剧烈活动下的热生理特征以及热过渡(在阳光下和阴影下交替活动)。随后,我们建立了一个准确且快速的儿童热感觉预测模型,基于他们的户外热生理学与热感觉之间的关系。不同阶段皮肤温度的范围和平均绝对变化率在手腕和小腿部位最大。这两个部位的温度最好地反映了热环境的瞬时变化。在三种活动水平和五种热过渡条件下,手腕和小腿部皮肤温度与热感觉显著相关(P < 0.05)。心率(HR)仅在剧烈活动期间与热感觉显著相关(P < 0.05)。我们基于手腕皮肤温度(Twrist)及其变化率建立了一个轻度和中等强度活动模型(DTS-kid (LM),准确率:85.9%),并基于HR、Twrist及其变化率建立了一个剧烈活动模型(DTS-kid (V),准确率:83.9%)。




Yichen Li, 西北农林科技大学景观建筑与艺术学院,中国杨凌,712100

Xiaoxi Wang, 西北农林科技大学景观建筑与艺术学院,中国杨凌,712100

Jiaqi Li, 西北农林科技大学景观建筑与艺术学院,中国杨凌,712100

Chen Shi, 西北农林科技大学景观建筑与艺术学院,中国杨凌,712100

Bo Hong,西北农林科技大学景观建筑与艺术学院,中国杨凌,712100


Towards sustainable smart cities: Integration of home energy management system for efficient energy utilization



Smart Homes (SHs) play a crucial role in the broader context of smart cities, contributing to the overall efficiency, sustainability, and quality of life for residents. This work presents a computationally efficient mathematical model for Home Energy Management Systems (HEMS) to activate the Demand Side Management (DSM) while minimizing the energy consumption costs of SHs. The proposed model is represented as a standard Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) optimization problem. The proposed HEMS provides the optimal scheduling of home appliances and plugging time for charging Electric Vehicles (EV) at home. The main objective of this optimization problem is to minimize the electricity bills while improving the load profile of the distribution system in the context of smart cities. In this study, load management for a typical household has been studied considering several electricity tariffs in Portugal. The simulation results confirm that in the presence of the proposed HEMS, the electricity bill will be effectively reduced while consumer behavior is changed. The cost savings that can be attained through only shifting loads is 5.7 %, while it can reach 67.65 % by installing a hybrid energy system at the studied smart home. The weekly cost reduction percentage due to charging the EV at home is around 16.24 % compared to charging the EV using public charging stations regardless of the traveling time and waiting at the public charging stations.






Farideh Ghanavati, 经济学、管理学、工业工程与旅游系(DEGEIT),阿威罗大学,葡萄牙阿威罗;GOVCOPP研发中心,阿威罗大学,3810-193阿威罗,葡萄牙

João C.O. Matias, 经济学、管理学、工业工程与旅游系(DEGEIT),阿威罗大学,葡萄牙阿威罗;GOVCOPP研发中心,阿威罗大学,3810-193阿威罗,葡萄牙

Gerardo J. Osório,REMIT, Portucalense大学,Infante D. Henrique,4000-078,波尔图,葡萄牙


Comparative simulation of transpiration and cooling impacts by porous canopies of shrubs and trees



Vegetation cooling effects can effectively improve the outdoor microclimate. To explore the potential of vegetation transpiration cooling, we validated the feasibility of a new coupled porous medium and solar radiation model to simulate the interactions between vegetation transpiration and other physical processes in CFD. To emphasize the spatial extent of vegetation's influence, we compared and quantified the flow-adjustment distances(LFA) for wind speed, the temperature difference between simulated temperature and background temperature(ΔT(°C)), and water vapor mass fraction(ΔMw(g/kg)) between shrub(100m) and tree(200m) canopies: 1)For both vegetations, the LFA required for ΔT and ΔMw exceeds that of wind speed achieve fully-developed, indicating the momentum adjustment occurs more rapidly than energy and mass transport processes. 2)Vegetation drag effect depends on both leaf area density and vegetation canopy's height and width.3)Vegetation exhibits a significantly higher transpiration cooling effect under ambient relative humidity(RH)=0% than RH=60%(the mean value of ΔT, ΔTfd), for the tree(z=1.5m): ΔT fd is -5.4°C (-1.4∼-1.5°C) at RH=0%/60%. 4)At RH=60%, both shrubs and trees exhibit a notable warming phenomenon near the vegetation canopies tops(ΔTMax=1.3°C/0.9°C for shrubs/trees). This study provides and confirms a reliable numerical method for simulating the interactions of vegetation transpiration and other physical processes in urban or rural areas.





Jian Hang, 广州中山大学大气科学学院,南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室,珠海 519082,中国;城市气象重点实验室,中国气象局,北京 100089,中国;中国气象局雄安大气边界层重点实验室,雄安,中国;热带大气-海洋系统重点实验室(中山大学),教育部,珠海 519000,中国

Le An, 广州中山大学大气科学学院,南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室,珠海 519082,中国

Yujie Zhao, 广州中山大学大气科学学院,南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室,珠海 519082,中国

Zhanmin Wu, 广州中山大学大气科学学院,南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室,珠海 519082,中国

Jiayuan Liao,广州中山大学大气科学学院,南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室,珠海 519082,中国


The time-advance effect of China's rooftop solar photovoltaics program on the dual carbon targets and its implication on the globe



Rooftop solar photovoltaics (RSPV) plays an important role in energy transition and climate goals. However, the contribution of RSPV to the dual carbon targets (DCTs) has not yet been quantitatively investigated at the national or global scale. Here, we investigate this contribution with an improved Stochastic Impacts by Regression on the Population, Affluence, and Technology (STIRPAT) model. We find out the time-advance effect of China's pilot RSPV program, i.e., doubling expansion of the current pilot area helps that the DCTs will be achieved 5 years ahead of schedule; a full expansion plan from merely six identified key provinces can be enough to guarantee that China will achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality 5 and 4 years ahead of their respective time schedules. This effect implies global RSPV development; about 25 % of the world's buildable rooftops for RSPV installation will help reduce 1.4 billion tons of carbon emissions per year and thus achieve global carbon neutrality by 2050. The results will attract a widespread new energy community interested in expanding RSPV and helping governments formulate carbon reduction policies.


屋顶太阳能光伏(RSPV)在能源转型和气候目标中扮演着重要角色。然而,RSPV 对双碳目标(DCTs)的贡献在国家或全球范围内尚未进行定量研究。在此,我们通过改进的回归随机影响模型(STIRPAT)来研究这一贡献。研究发现,中国试点 RSPV 计划的时间提前效应,即当前试点区域的扩展加倍可以使双碳目标提前 5 年实现;从仅六个关键省份的全面扩展计划可以确保中国在各自时间表前 5 年和 4 年实现碳达峰和碳中和。这一效应暗示了全球 RSPV 发展;全球约 25% 的可建造屋顶用于 RSPV 安装将有助于每年减少 14 亿吨碳排放,从而在 2050 年实现全球碳中和。这些结果将吸引广泛的新兴能源社区,关注扩大 RSPV并帮助政府制定减排政策。




Hong-Wei Lu, 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所水文循环与相关陆面过程重点实验室,北京,中国

Yi-Ming Yan, 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所水文循环与相关陆面过程重点实验室,北京,中国;中国科学院大学,北京,中国

Dong-Zhe Liang, 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所水文循环与相关陆面过程重点实验室,北京,中国

Xu Duan, 天津大学水利工程仿真与安全国家重点实验室,天津,中国

Heng-Chen Li, 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所水文循环与相关陆面过程重点实验室,北京,中国;中国科学院大学,北京,中国

Yun-Long Liu, 天津大学水利工程仿真与安全国家重点实验室,天津,中国

Zhen-Jie Tang,天津大学水利工程仿真与安全国家重点实验室,天津,中国


Bridging chance-constrained and stochastic optimization for risk estimation of virtual energy hubs dominated by hybrid vehicles under diverse uncertainties: To improve economic sustainability



Virtual energy hubs (VRHBs) combine dispersed energy resources to enhance the efficient use of various energy sources, grid flexibility, and renewable energy adoption. This paper investigates the adoption of VRHBs with power-to-gas (P2G) facilities and hybrid electric-compressed natural gas vehicles (HNGEVs) in the presence of renewable resources to effectively tackle carbon emissions and increase the flexibility of VRHBs. The proposed P2G facility is constructed from carbon capture to collect carbon pollution from fossil fuel resources and HNGEVs to recycle into synthesis gas in a methanation plant. Furthermore, due to severe uncertainties due to renewable resources and energy consumption intensity, the proposed framework utilizes stochastic-driven chance-constrained optimization, which enables decision-makers in VRHBs to account for the probabilistic nature of uncertainties. Chance-constrained optimization explicitly considers uncertainty through probabilistic constraints, providing a more robust and reliable solution compared to deterministic methods. By modeling uncertainties using chance-constrained programming, VRHBs can manage the economic risks under unexpected worst realizations in uncertainties. Based on the results, the P2G facility leads to a significant reduction in the daily emissions by 63.06 % and 42.77 % observed under no-risk and full-risk conditions, respectively. In addition, the suggested chance-constrained method resulted in a major decrease of 69 % in overall operational costs.






Lu Han, 河北农业大学经济与管理学院,保定 071000,河北,中国

Dongxuan Wang, 河北农业大学科技学院,黄骅 061100,河北,中国

Yu Liu,河北农业大学经济与管理学院,保定 071000,河北,中国


Understanding the role of urban features in land surface temperature at the block scale: A diurnal cycle perspective



The diverse urban features considerably influence land surface temperature (LST). Numerous studies have extensively investigated the impacts of 2D/3D urban features on LST. However, the diurnal impacts have not been comprehensively understood. Therefore, taking 1, 510 blocks within the 4th ring road of Beijing as samples, this study examined the influence of urban features (2D: low vegetation, water, and impervious surface; 3D: buildings and trees) on diurnal LST at the block scale based on ECOSTRESS LST using boosted regression tree (BRT) algorithm. The results showed that trees exhibit better cooling effects than low vegetation except at 3:09. The 3D features exhibited a greater impact on diurnal LST compared with 2D features, and it contributed strongly to daytime LST, which was 27.8 % on average higher than the 2D features. Building and tree densities had the greatest influence on daytime LST, while building height influenced nighttime LST the most. The impacts of key metrics on diurnal LST were nonlinear, and the relationship had diurnal variations. Taller buildings and trees were negatively correlated with LST during the daytime and transition time, but positively correlated with nighttime LST. The findings provide insights into landscape optimization strategies to improve block thermal comfort.


城市特征对地表温度(LST)的影响十分显著。大量研究已经广泛调查了二维/三维城市特征对LST的影响。然而,日变化影响尚未得到全面理解。因此,本研究以北京市第四环路内的1510个街区为样本,基于ECOSTRESS LST数据,使用提升回归树(BRT)算法考察了城市特征(二维:低植被、水体和不透水表面;三维:建筑物和树木)对街区尺度日变化LST的影响。结果显示,树木的降温效果优于低植被,除非在3:09时刻。三维特征对日变化LST的影响大于二维特征,且对白天气温的贡献显著,平均比二维特征高出27.8%。建筑物和树木密度对白天气温影响最大,而建筑物高度对夜间LST影响最显著。关键指标对日变化LST的影响是非线性的,并且具有日变化特征。高建筑物和树木在白天及过渡时期与LST呈负相关,但在夜间与LST呈正相关。这些发现为改进街区热舒适性的景观优化策略提供了见解。




Dongrui Han, 山东省农业科学院农业信息与经济研究所,济南 250100,中国

Hongyan Cai, 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室,北京 100101,中国

Fei Wang, 山东省农业科学院农业信息与经济研究所,济南 250100,中国

Meng Wang, 山东省农业科学院农业信息与经济研究所,济南 250100,中国

Xinliang Xu, 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室,北京 100101,中国

Zhi Qiao, 天津大学环境科学与工程学院,天津 300350,中国

Hongmin An, 山东师范大学地理与环境学院,济南 250014,中国

Yihui Liu, 山东建筑大学管理工程学院,济南 250101,中国

Kun Jia, 临沂市自然资源和规划局城乡规划研究中心,临沂 276000,中国

Zongyao Sun, 昆明理工大学建筑与城市规划学院,昆明 650500,中国

Shihao Wang,生态环境部土壤、农业和乡村生态环境技术中心,北京 100012,中国


Future urban ecological land transition and its implications for high-heat exposure in China



Urban ecological land (UEL) is an important nature-based solution for mitigating human exposure to extreme heat (i.e., high-heat exposure, HHE), but the impacts of future UEL transition remain unclear. This study developed a high spatial-temporal resolution dataset (30 m) of urban land cover in China during the 21st century under the shared socioeconomic pathway and the representative concentration pathway (SSP-RCP) to quantify the contribution of UEL transition to HHE. Results showed that UEL transitions will influence 0.12–0.26 °C of the HHE from 2021 to 2100 and is the dominant driver in 10.2–22.8 % of cities (including 95.1 million to 181.2 million people in 2100), with substantial regional disparities. Moreover, UEL landscape pattern is a more important factor than area. Specifically, the UEL evolution pattern will dominate the exposure of 8.02 to 10.77 million people to extreme heat within the urban cores (i.e., predominant urban areas) in the SSP1-2.6 and SSP2-4.5 scenarios, especially in the eastern cities. Under the SSP3-7.0 and SSP5-8.5 scenarios, the UEL evolution pattern will dominate the exposure of 2.44 to 5.34 million people to extreme heat on the expansion surfaces (i.e., areas transitioning from rural to urban), especially in the western cities. The optimization of UEL landscape patterns should be a top priority as an urban heat adaptation strategy to maximize urban resilience to climate change.






Rundong Feng, 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京,100101,中国;中国科学院大学资源与环境学院,北京,100049,中国

Shenghe Liu, 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京,100101,中国

Fuyuan Wang, 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京,100101,中国

Kaiyong Wang, 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京,100101,中国

Rouyu Zhengchen, 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京,100101,中国;中国科学院大学资源与环境学院,北京,100049,中国

Disheng Wang,香港城市大学,香港,999077,中国


Optimal sizing of PV–Wind generators with a smart EV charging framework to build grid friendly Net Zero Energy Campus



Electric Vehicles (EVs) are creating a significant challenge on the electric grid as they demand huge amounts of power for their charging. On-site power generation through renewable energy sources (RES) is one of the viable approaches to meet the demands of EVs and other loads of a campus. Hence, an optimal sizing of a hybrid PV–Wind system is considered in this work to build a Net Zero Energy Campus (NZEC). Generally, EVs are scheduled after obtaining the size of RES through a sizing procedure. As a unique approach of this work, a smart EV charging framework is developed to model the profile of EV charging demand and this modeled load profile of EV is considered along with the local load profile of the campus for optimal sizing procedure. The size of PV–Wind sources are optimized by minimizing three objective functions such as the annual operating cost of the system (AOC), loss of power supply probability (LPSP) and total energy transfer (TET). The optimization is carried out by Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA II). The maximum utilization of RES and the reduced grid congestion attained through the proposed sizing approach showcase the grid friendliness of the designed NZEC.


电动汽车(EVs)对电网提出了重大挑战,因为它们在充电时需要大量电力。通过可再生能源(RES)进行现场发电是满足电动汽车和校园其他负荷需求的可行方法之一。因此,本研究考虑了混合光伏-风能系统的最佳规模,以建立零能耗校园(NZEC)。通常,在确定了可再生能源系统的规模后,电动汽车的调度才会进行。本研究独特的方法是开发了一个智能电动汽车充电框架,用于模拟电动汽车充电需求的曲线,并将这个模拟的负荷曲线与校园的本地负荷曲线一起用于最佳规模设计过程。通过最小化三个目标函数,即系统的年运行成本(AOC)、电力供应丧失概率(LPSP)和总能量传输(TET),来优化光伏-风能资源的规模。优化采用了非支配排序遗传算法 II(NSGA II)。通过所提出的规模设计方法实现了可再生能源的最大利用和减少的电网拥堵,展示了所设计的零能耗校园的电网友好性。




N. Niveditha, 印度普杜切里的国家技术学院电气与电子工程系,Thiruvettakudy, Karaikal 609 609, Puducherry (UT)

M.M. Rajan Singaravel,印度普杜切里的国家技术学院电气与电子工程系,Thiruvettakudy, Karaikal 609 609, Puducherry (UT)


Sustainability assessment of cities using multicriteria decision-making combined with deep learning methods



City sustainability is integral to the Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 of the United Nations, and precise assessments are required to inform effective development strategies. However, the assessment of city sustainability is complicated by the conflict and interaction of multiple factors. In this study, we developed a comprehensive model within the triple bottom line (TBL) framework to evaluate the sustainable development performance of 16 cities in Shandong Province, China. Firstly, we integrated spatial-temporal graph convolutional networks combined with long short-term memory (ST-GCN-LSTM) networks to forecast indicator data across economic, social, and environmental dimensions. Secondly, we employed hybrid multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) analysis to evaluate city sustainability performance. Finally, we conducted case studies on the cities of Jinan and Binzhou, proposing targeted improvement strategies based on the influence network relationship map (INRM). The modified Vlse kriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR) demonstrates that Weihai ranks the highest in terms of sustainability; Jinan should focus on environmental indicators such as green coverage and wastewater management, while Binzhou should prioritize social and environmental factors such as healthcare and social insurance. This study demonstrated that integrating deep learning with MCDM offers a novel and effective approach to city sustainability evaluation.


城市可持续性是联合国2030年可持续发展目标的核心内容,精确评估对于制定有效的发展策略至关重要。然而,城市可持续性的评估受到多个因素冲突和相互作用的复杂影响。在这项研究中,我们在三重底线(TBL)框架下开发了一个综合模型,用于评估中国山东省16个城市的可持续发展绩效。首先,我们结合了空间-时间图卷积网络和长短期记忆网络(ST-GCN-LSTM),预测经济、社会和环境维度的指标数据。其次,我们采用混合多准则决策分析(MCDM)来评估城市可持续性绩效。最后,我们对济南和滨州两个城市进行了案例研究,基于影响网络关系图(INRM)提出了有针对性的改进策略。修改后的Vlse kriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje(VIKOR)方法表明,威海在可持续性方面排名最高;济南应关注绿色覆盖和污水管理等环境指标,而滨州应优先考虑医疗保健和社会保险等社会和环境因素。这项研究表明,深度学习与MCDM的结合提供了一种新颖且有效的城市可持续性评估方法。




Yupeng Liu, 哈尔滨工业大学经济与管理学院,中国威海市264209

Xin Wen,哈尔滨工业大学经济与管理学院,中国威海市264209


Experimental implementation of an emission-aware prosumer with online flexibility quantification and provision



Active building energy management can facilitate the development of low-carbon buildings and support flexible operations of future smart cities, thanks to advancements in digitalization To fully leverage these benefits, it is essential to integrate diverse objectives and engage multiple stakeholders. However, a gap remains in comprehensive field insights into emission reduction, flexibility provision, and user impacts. This study examined how a real occupied building, with all its energy assets, could function as an emission-aware prosumer with flexible energy consumption. An existing building energy management system was enhanced by integrating a model predictive control strategy. The setup reduced equivalent carbon emissions from electricity imports and provided flexibility to the energy system. The experimental results indicate an emission reduction of 12.5% compared to a rule-based controller that maximized PV self-consumption. In addition, a minimal flexibility provision experiment was demonstrated with a locally emulated distribution system operator. The results suggest that flexibility was provided without the risk of rebound effects, as flexibility was quantified and communicated to the system operator in advance. This study demonstrates the feasibility of low-carbon buildings and their support for flexible energy systems, while also identifying and discussing practical scalability challenges.






Hanmin Cai, 城市能源系统实验室,Empa,Überlandstrasse 129,8600 Dübendorf,瑞士

Philipp Heer,城市能源系统实验室,Empa,Überlandstrasse 129,8600 Dübendorf,瑞士


Investigating the effect of lower body local radiant warming on occupant thermal comfort in battery electric vehicles during cold conditions



The wintertime decrease in the driving range of battery electric vehicles (BEVs), partially attributed to cabin heating with improper setpoints, necessitates the improvement of occupant thermal comfort with reduced energy consumption. While local warming shows promise, understanding its impact on occupant comfort with thermal transients from cabin heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) is limited. To address this gap, we investigated thermal perception in twenty-five participants under three distinct warming modes within BEVs operating through typical winter conditions: HVAC alone, HVAC with continuous lower body local radiant warming (LRW), and HVAC with periodic lower body LRW. Results show that the rapid change in skin temperature from lower body local warming does not immediately improve comfort. While a significant improvement in comfort (p < 0.05) is observed with lower body warming, it becomes evident only when the cabin transients subside. Consequently, we propose a framework that advocates for reducing HVAC setpoint and control of LRW of the lower body based on occupant preferences. Our feasibility study demonstrates a 45.3 % reduction in energy consumption by reducing the HVAC setpoint from 25 to 18 °C. These findings enhance the prospects for efficient thermal comfort management in BEVs.


冬季,电池电动汽车(BEVs)的续航里程减少部分归因于车厢加热设置不当,因此需要在减少能量消耗的同时改善乘员的热舒适度。虽然局部加热显示出一定的潜力,但对其在车厢加热、通风和空调(HVAC)过程中热瞬态下对乘员舒适度的影响了解有限。为了解决这一问题,我们研究了在典型冬季条件下,二十五名参与者在三种不同加热模式下的热感知:仅HVAC、HVAC加持续下半身局部辐射加热(LRW)、HVAC加间歇性下半身LRW。结果显示,下半身局部加热带来的皮肤温度快速变化并不会立即改善舒适度。虽然下半身加热在舒适度上有显著改善(p < 0.05),但这种改善仅在车厢热瞬态消退后才显现。因此,我们提出了一种框架,建议根据乘员的偏好降低HVAC设定点并控制下半身LRW。我们的可行性研究表明,通过将HVAC设定点从25°C降低到18°C,可实现45.3%的能量消耗减少。这些发现提高了在BEVs中高效管理热舒适度的前景。




Gineesh Gopi, 韩国国民大学研究生院机械工程系,首尔 02707,韩国

Seong Eun Yoon, 韩国国民大学机械工程学院,77 Jeongneung-ro,Seongbuk-gu,首尔 02707,韩国

Mohammad F. B. Suhaimi, 韩国国民大学研究生院机械工程系,首尔 02707,韩国

Hyunjin Lee, 韩国国民大学机械工程学院,77 Jeongneung-ro,Seongbuk-gu,首尔 02707,韩国

Jung Kyung Kim,韩国国民大学机械工程学院,77 Jeongneung-ro,Seongbuk-gu,首尔 02707,韩国


The influence of regional industrial structure on the suitability of biomass energy development: A case study of 30 counties and cities in a cold region of China



The development of the biomass economy contributes to economic growth and social development. The study of biomass energy economy from the perspective of industrial structure type has the significance of promoting the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure, promoting the development of green industry and other aspects. It helps to promote the sustainable development of the economy and society. And industrial structure is a major component of the socio-economic system. Therefore, it is necessary to study the impact of material energy supply and demand from the perspective of regional industrial structure type. The objective of this study is to explore the relationship between the type of industrial structure and the development of biomass energy from the perspective of the economic direction, so as to fill the gap in this research perspective. Based on the three major industries generally regarded to constitute GDP - agriculture, industry, and service - the regression results of STATA software were used to calculate biomass potential according to crop distribution status. Using the ArcGIS analysis tool, the biomass break-even model related to resource supply-demand has been used to obtain the break-even status of the research area under six industrial structures in the past 20 years. According to research results, the break-even degree of biomass energy supply is between 0.109 and 1.236 when the industrial structure types of counties and cities are service-agriculture-industry and industry-agriculture-service. This is suitable for biomass energy development. When the industrial structure type of counties and cities is service-industry-agriculture, the break-even degree of biomass energy supply is between -0.428 and 0.277, which is not suitable for biomass energy development.






Xiaoheng Wang, 哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院,黑龙江省哈尔滨市 150001,中国;工业和信息化部寒区城乡人居环境科学与技术重点实验室,黑龙江省哈尔滨市 150001,中国

Yifei Zhang, 哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院,黑龙江省哈尔滨市 150001,中国;工业和信息化部寒区城乡人居环境科学与技术重点实验室,黑龙江省哈尔滨市 150001,中国;安徽省城市化建设协同创新中心,安徽省合肥市 230000,中国

Keni Ma,中国城市规划设计研究院,北京市 100037,中国


RETRACTED: Optimizing energy and quantifying dispatchable potential of holistic HVAC systems



The authors reported serious errors in the publication that ultimately rendered the methodology proposed in the paper unreliable. The study configured the HVAC system with different numbers of air handling units, and the results are shown in Fig. 12. However, by comparing the results obtained from the qualitative analysis with those obtained in Fig. 12, it is found that there is a great contradiction between the two. Therefore, the energy consumption optimization framework and HVAC configuration method adopted by the research institute are unreliable. Also since the object of this paper is office buildings, the various parameters of the air-side economizers in the AHUs configured in office buildings are derived from the data in the air-side economizers configured in the data center.Therefore, the Authors requested retraction and the Editor agreed with this request. The Authors regret the errors.






Qiang Li, 能源科学与工程学院,哈尔滨工业大学,中国黑龙江省哈尔滨市150001

Yongcheng Zhou, 能源科学与工程学院,哈尔滨工业大学,中国黑龙江省哈尔滨市150001

Guowen Zhou, 能源科学与工程学院,哈尔滨工业大学,中国黑龙江省哈尔滨市150001

Jiajia Li, 能源科学与工程学院,哈尔滨工业大学,中国黑龙江省哈尔滨市150001

Yujia Ma, 能源科学与工程学院,哈尔滨工业大学,中国黑龙江省哈尔滨市150001

Fanchao Wei, 航天学院,哈尔滨工业大学,中国黑龙江省哈尔滨市150001

Jinfu Liu, 能源科学与工程学院,哈尔滨工业大学,中国黑龙江省哈尔滨市150001

Peigang Yan, 能源科学与工程学院,哈尔滨工业大学,中国黑龙江省哈尔滨市150001

Daren Yu,能源科学与工程学院,哈尔滨工业大学,中国黑龙江省哈尔滨市150001;航天学院,哈尔滨工业大学,中国黑龙江省哈尔滨市150001


The impact of innovative human capital agglomeration on urban green development efficiency: Based on panel data of 278 Cities in China



As a scarce and high-quality production factor, innovative human capital (IHC) significantly contributes to the innovation-driven development and low-carbon transformation of economies. Based on panel data of 278 cities in China spanning from 2011 to 2021, this paper employs Super-SBM DEA method, two-stage systematic GMM, and dynamic panel threshold model to comprehensively study the effect of innovative human capital agglomeration (IHCA) on urban green development efficiency (UGDE). The results indicate that: (1) In general, there exists an inverted U-shaped relationship between IHCA and UGDE. The Williamson hypothesis significantly influences the green development process of Chinese cities. (2) The inflection values of the inverted U-shaped curve are sensitive to different factors. Environmental regulations push back the threshold of optimal agglomeration size for IHCA, reducing the risk of the "crowding effect". (3) The digital economy has a positive moderating effect on the impact of IHCA on UGDE. The moderating effect of industrial digitization is more significant than that of digital industrialization. This paper puts forward suggestions on rational utilization of positive externalities of IHCA, appropriate enhancement of environmental regulation, and promotion if the integration of innovative talents with the digital economy.


作为一种稀缺且高质量的生产要素,创新人力资本(IHC)对经济的创新驱动发展和低碳转型具有重要贡献。基于2011年至2021年中国278个城市的面板数据,本文采用了超级SBM DEA方法、两阶段系统GMM和动态面板门槛模型,综合研究了创新人力资本集聚(IHCA)对城市绿色发展效率(UGDE)的影响。研究结果表明:(1)总体而言,IHCA与UGDE之间存在倒U型关系。威廉姆森假说对中国城市的绿色发展过程具有显著影响。(2)倒U型曲线的拐点值对不同因素具有敏感性。环境监管推迟了IHCA的最优集聚规模的门槛,减少了“拥挤效应”的风险。(3)数字经济对IHCA对UGDE影响的调节效应为正。工业数字化的调节效应显著高于数字产业化。本文提出了对创新人力资本积极外部性的合理利用、适当增强环境监管以及推动创新人才与数字经济融合的建议。




Ran Zhang, 青岛大学经济学院,青岛 266100,中国

Wenhao Ying, 青岛大学经济学院,青岛 266100,中国

Kerong Wu, 青岛大学经济学院,青岛 266100,中国

Huaping Sun,北京科技大学经济与管理学院,北京 100083,中国


Novel energy management options for charging stations of electric vehicles in buildings without increasing peak demand for sustainable cities



Electric vehicles are recognised as a critical step in making the transportation sector more environmentally friendly, especially when powered by renewable energy sources. A major hindrance to their widespread adoption is the scarcity of charging stations and the absence of grid access. This study explores and examines four distinct ways to enhance the energy grid of buildings. The primary goal of these solutions is to generate more capacity without raising the peak electricity load of the building through the incorporation of energy storage technologies. The target location is Southern Ontario, Canada, which is one of most populated regions in Canada. Strategy 3 stands out as the most promising alternative, with an impressive 35 % increase in charging station capacity compared to other strategies. Using this method, it is feasible to store 353.4 GWh of energy during the summer and 480.1 GWh during the winter. In summer, the station can release 243.1 GWh, and in the winter, 345.6 GWh of energy can be efficiently used to charge electric vehicles. Strategy 4, which includes hydrogen generation and fuel cell systems, offers a competitive alternative with a 28 % increase in capacity. This method allows for charging station capabilities of 52 GW during the summer and 13 GW during the winter. The strategies emphasize the importance of adaptable capacity solutions to address variations in demand on a seasonal and daily basis while considering both economic and environmental sustainability. As the adoption of electric vehicles continues to rise, the nuanced operational aspects of these strategies are pivotal for the development of sustainable and efficient transportation ecosystems, ensuring that electric vehicle charging infrastructure keeps pace with the growing demand.


电动汽车被认为是使交通运输行业更加环保的重要一步,尤其是当它们由可再生能源提供动力时。然而,其广泛应用面临的主要障碍是充电站的稀缺以及缺乏电网接入。本研究探讨并审查了四种不同的方法来增强建筑的能源网。所有这些解决方案的主要目标是通过纳入能源储存技术,增加更多的容量,而不增加建筑的峰值电力负荷。研究的目标地点是加拿大南安大略省,这是加拿大人口最稠密的地区之一。策略3脱颖而出,作为最有前景的替代方案,相比其他策略增加了35%的充电站容量。使用这种方法,可以在夏季储存353.4 GWh的能量,在冬季储存480.1 GWh的能量。在夏季,充电站可以释放243.1 GWh的能量,而在冬季,可以有效地释放345.6 GWh的能量来为电动汽车充电。策略4,包括氢气生成和燃料电池系统,作为一种具有竞争力的替代方案,容量增加了28%。这种方法允许充电站在夏季达到52 GW的充电能力,在冬季达到13 GW。这些策略强调了适应性容量解决方案的重要性,以应对季节性和日常需求的变化,同时考虑经济和环境的可持续性。随着电动汽车采用率的持续上升,这些策略的细致操作方面对于发展可持续和高效的交通生态系统至关重要,以确保电动汽车充电基础设施跟上日益增长的需求。




Dogan Erdemir, 清洁能源研究实验室,安大略科技大学,加拿大安大略省 Oshawa;机械工程系,Yildiz 技术大学,土耳其伊斯坦布尔

Ibrahim Dincer,清洁能源研究实验室,安大略科技大学,加拿大安大略省 Oshawa;机械工程系,Yildiz 技术大学,土耳其伊斯坦布尔


Optimizing smart grid performance: A stochastic approach to renewable energy integration



Smart grids offer numerous possibilities for developing and executing sustainable and efficient electricity supply chains that exhibit increased resilience to disturbances. The exploration of the Electric Supply Chain Network (ESCND) design problem using smart grids has been limited. This article aims to tackle this challenge through the application of a robust multi-objective optimization approach, encompassing three economic goals (maximizing profit), environmental goals (minimizing greenhouse gas emissions), and resilience goals (maximizing network resilience). Additionally, the optimization process takes into account the dual objectives of maximizing efficiency and minimizing energy loss by incorporating relevant cost considerations. The proposed methodology incorporates distinctive features of smart grids, such as demandside management programs, microgrid structures, bidirectional distribution lines, and consumer–supplier nodes. It addresses various interconnected decisions, including location placement, capacity expansion, load allocation, and pricing. To solve the formulated model, a potent combination of multi-objective optimization methods based on cutting-plane algorithms and AUGMECON2 is introduced. Subsequently, the proposed model and solution approach are applied to a practical case study, and the obtained results are comprehensively examined. The findings suggest that, despite potential contradictions between economic and environmental objectives, the implementation of smart grids can concurrently improve environmental performance and network flexibility.






Zhilong Zhao, 河北师范大学家庭经济学学院,石家庄 050024,中国;河北师范大学地理科学学院,石家庄 050024,中国

Nick Holland, 维也纳工业大学电气工程系,奥地利

Jack Nelson,维也纳工业大学电气工程系,奥地利


Urban energy transition in renewable energy management considering policy and law challenges and opportunities in the pursuit of clean and sustainable urban environments



This research presents a novel approach to enhance sustainable energy development based on wind turbine (WT) output power prediction through the development of a hybrid deep learning model, considering policy and law challenges associated with the problem. The proposed model integrates a Self-Supervised Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) with Attention-based Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs). The Self-Supervised GAN contributes to improved feature representation learning, while Attention-based RNNs capture temporal dependencies for accurate WT output power forecasting considering political challenges. Additionally, a Modified Adaptive Flower Pollination Algorithm (AFPA) is introduced to optimize the selection of the GAN model structure in view of the legal and political objectives. This adaptive approach refines the architecture of the GAN, enhancing its ability to generate realistic and informative features for the subsequent Attention-based RNNs. The efficacy of the hybrid model is demonstrated through real-world applications in an urban area, emphasizing sensitivity and stability analyses. A thorough investigation into the sensitivity of key model parameters, including the number of hidden units in the Attention-based RNNs and GAN structures, is conducted to fine-tune the model's performance. Stability analysis is employed to assess the robustness of the proposed method under dynamic conditions, ensuring its reliability in practical scenarios. Results indicate that the hybrid model, guided by the Modified AFPA, outperforms existing approaches in WT output power prediction. The proposed methodology showcases the significance of combining state-of-the-art deep learning techniques with adaptive optimization algorithms for accurate and stable predictions in urban energy management applications.






Can Yuan, 武汉大学董辅仁经济社会发展研究院,中国武汉 430072

Jing Xu, 郑州升达经贸管理学院金融学院,中国郑州 451191

Lu Wang,广东金融学院,广东广州 510521

